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b%4H=v$*H _%-H=Y$ H (%-H=<$kff.AVAUATL%FUHSM,$HHLA1Et[]A\A]A^DL5FIcHHHtI$A[]A\A]A^fHiFH$MDHFHHVFH81茽IcHHf.@AWL=@AVIAUIATAUH-t@SL)H/Ht1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HHUsage: %s [options] name Version: %s name: owner of the key Options: -a : ED25519 | ED448 | DH -b : RSASHA1: [1024..%d] DH: [128..4096] ED25519: ignored ED448: ignored -E : -h: print usage and exit Timing options: Output: b->used + n <= b->lengthinvalid key name %s: %sunsupported algorithm: %sNOAUTHNOCONFNOAUTHCONFinvalid type %sInvalid keyfile %s: %s%s is not a private keyRSA key size %d out of rangeDH key size %d out of rangeno nametype specifiedzonehostentityuserinvalid KEY nametype %sotherinvalid DNSKEY nametype %sinvalid DNSKEY protocol: %dGenerating key pair.ISC_BUFFER_VALID(b)failed to write key %s: %s recordtraceusageunknown flag '%s'-g requires a positive numbercannot open directory %s: %sDNSKEYunknown type '%s'syncdnskey-P specified more than once-A specified more than once-R specified more than once-I specified more than once-D specified more than once%s: invalid argument -%c %s: unhandled option -%c could not initialize dst: %s/etc/bind/named.confextraneous argumentsno algorithm specifiedunknown algorithm %sdefaultRUNTIME_CHECK(%s) faileddnssec-keygen.cdnssec-policynamekasp != ((void *)0)(kasplist).tail == (kasp)(kasplist).head == (kasp)(kasplist).head != (kasp)(kasplist).tail != (kasp)dnssec-keygen9.18.30-0ubuntu0.20.04.2-Ubuntu -K : write keys into directory -k : generate keys for dnssec-policy -l : configuration file with dnssec-policy statement RSASHA1 | NSEC3RSASHA1 | RSASHA256 | RSASHA512 | ECDSAP256SHA256 | ECDSAP384SHA384 | -3: use NSEC3-capable algorithm NSEC3RSASHA1: [1024..%d] RSASHA256: [1024..%d] RSASHA512: [1024..%d] ECDSAP256SHA256: ignored ECDSAP384SHA384: ignored (key size defaults are set according to algorithm and usage (ZSK or KSK) -n : ZONE | HOST | ENTITY | USER | OTHER (DNSKEY generation defaults to ZONE) -c : (default: IN) -d (0 => max, default) name of an OpenSSL engine to use -f : KSK | REVOKE -g : use specified generator (DH only) -L : default key TTL -p : (default: 3 [dnssec]) -s : strength value this key signs DNS records with (default: 0) -T : DNSKEY | KEY (default: DNSKEY; use KEY for SIG(0)) -t : AUTHCONF | NOAUTHCONF | NOAUTH | NOCONF (default: AUTHCONF) -m : usage | trace | record | size | mctx -v : set verbosity level (0 - 10) -V: print version information -P date/[+-]offset/none: set key publication date (default: now) -P sync date/[+-]offset/none: set CDS and CDNSKEY publication date -A date/[+-]offset/none: set key activation date (default: now) -R date/[+-]offset/none: set key revocation date -I date/[+-]offset/none: set key inactivation date -D date/[+-]offset/none: set key deletion date -D sync date/[+-]offset/none: set CDS and CDNSKEY deletion date -G: generate key only; do not set -P or -A -C: generate a backward-compatible key, omitting all dates -S : generate a successor to an existing key -i : prepublication interval for successor key (default: 30 days) K++.key, K++.private ../../lib/isc/include/isc/buffer.halgorithm %s is incompatible with NSEC3, do not use the -3 optionkey size not specified; defaulting to %d key size not specified (-b option)Activation and publication dates are closer together than the prepublication interval.Time until activation is shorter than the prepublication interval.-S and -a cannot be used together-S and -b cannot be used together-S and -n cannot be used together-S and -t cannot be used together-S and -P cannot be used together-S and -A cannot be used together-S and -3 cannot be used together-S and -C cannot be used together-S and -G cannot be used togetherKey %s has incompatible format version %d.%d It is not possible to generate a successor key.Key %s has no activation date. You must use dnssec-settime -A to set one before generating a successor.Key %s has no inactivation date. You must use dnssec-settime -I to set one before generating a successor.Key %s becomes inactive sooner than the prepublication period for the new key ends. Either change the inactivation date with dnssec-settime -I, or use the -i option to set a shorter prepublication interval.%s: WARNING: Key %s has no removal date; it will remain in the zone indefinitely after rollover. You can use dnssec-settime -D to change this. specified DH generator for a non-DH keyspecified null key with non-zero sizespecified null key with signing authoritya key with algorithm %s cannot be a zone keyfailed to generate key %s/%s: %s cannot use -G together with -P or -A options%s: warning: Key is not flagged as a KSK, but -R was used. Revoking a ZSK is legal, but undefined. %s: warning: Key is scheduled to be deleted before it is scheduled to be made inactive. cannot use -C together with -P, -A, -R, -I, -D, or -G optionscannot generate a null key due to possible key ID collision%s: %s already exists, or might collide with another key upon revokation. Generating a new key failed to update predecessor %s: %s dst_key_buildfilename returned: %s 3A:a:b:Cc:D:d:E:eFf:Gg:hI:i:K:k:L:l:m:n:P:p:qR:r:S:s:T:t:v:V-b requires a non-negative number-d requires a non-negative numberphased-out option -e (was 'use (RSA) large exponent') -p must be followed by a number [0..255]The -r option has been deprecated. System random data is always used. -s must be followed by a number [0..15]-v must be followed by a number-P sync specified more than once-D sync specified more than oncethe key name was not specified-k and -n cannot be used together-k and -S cannot be used together-k and -C cannot be used together-k and -L cannot be used together-k and -i cannot be used together-k and -b cannot be used together-k and -f cannot be used together-k and -T KEY cannot be used together-k and -3 cannot be used togethercfg_parser_create(mctx, lctx, &parser) == ISC_R_SUCCESSunable to load dnssec-policy '%s' from '%s'failed to configure dnssec-policy '%s': %sfailed to load dnssec-policy '%s'dnssec-policy '%s' has no keys configuredll{llJlJJlll/a/nۿۿۿۿۿۿۿۿǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮzǮǮ5$zǮǮcǮǮǮ ǮsǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮǮbף%{>&ǮǮ_NǮ.+* mainnoneneverunset%s: fatal: time value %s is invalid%s: %s %s %s/%s/%dstderrdnssectool.clogp != ((void *)0)TTL must be numerichiddenunknown key state %s0123456789000000time value %s is invalid: %s%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Yunknown class %sunknown DS algorithm %smajor <= 1Key ID %d exists (matchkeys).tail == (key)(matchkeys).head == (key)(matchkeys).head != (key)(matchkeys).tail != (key)%s: missing argument -%c %s rumouredomnipresentunretentive'%s' ambiguous: use 'mi' for minutes or 'mo' for monthsisc_log_usechannel(logconfig, "stderr", NULL, NULL) == ISC_R_SUCCESStoo many -a digest type argumentsKey %s has incompatible format version %d.%d, use -f to force upgrade to new version.Key %s has incompatible format version %d.%d, use -f to force downgrade to current version.Key ID %d could collide with %d `k=PvU`k=PvUsetup_logging;  (@XhhH(((8L(`(h(Dh(x4XL|HhzRx /D$40FJ w?:*3$"\t hEAU@HsxBBE B(A0D8OPDEI!GAAY 8A0A(B BBBA L<8FGB B(A0C8G 8C0A(B BBBA  0`BNG ` DBC YDB@FDG4 Tp A J A J A J A J H pA, @-M (TFDG ABA 8EAWPFBB D(H0NWDFAZ 0A(A BBBA (iFAG` ABI XzH R A 8FG s BF 4\(FAD O ABC YFBHFBB E(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBH }ED@R AD `nEG@J AA (h|T,@FAG L"L ABG pdEG I AA EG0b AA L|FEE B(A0D8J 8D0A(B BBBE PFBB H(D0] (A BBBF f (A BBBC D\8eFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB`MM<gp|E 0 z08o  0 X ooooo`00@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p11111111122 202@2P2`2p22222222233 303@3P3`3p33333333344 404@4P4`4p44444444455 505@5P5`5p55555555566 606@6s/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bind9-utils.debug8l`!SK-YVffea4250691e15c2eccdbce4f7e86905982e05.debug&ډ.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debugaltlink.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| GoxQ  Yao(noP}XXB0 00 0 00P6P6`6`6 <<=zz   0088@@ `` p   K d4/