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H=ZO1k.H=O1].#4$D$H@9gfLT$1HL$dH3 %(H[]A\A]A^f[ 8_t5zt06HsLLH1-Wf.=m HsL21H=Lz-H?  H=L1O-f.HsLH=J1+-H=$K1-=H=(K1-ϞfLuH=I1,H=J1,1$H=:N1,1$bHsH=LLH1u,1^$4H=J& H=gK1H,11$AWL=#AVIAUIATAUH-SL)HHt1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH (FULL) (EMPTY)Max size %d, size %d%s Free buffersNo free buffers%d%s %s/%s %*lld %*s%3d,%3d %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %s -> %sLseek failed because %s characterblock%s/%sbig endian little endian failed to get time not unCompression %s Block size %d Inodes are %scompressed Data is %scompressed Fragments are not storedFragments are %scompressed Xattrs are not storedXattrs are %scompressed Duplicates are %sremoved Duplicates are removedNumber of fragments %d Number of inodes %d Number of ids %d Number of uids %d Number of gids %d Filesystem on %s is (%d:%d), gzip [] %*lld/%*lld %3lld%%bytessquashfs-root-UTC-strict-errors-st-ignore-errors-ig-quiet-q-version-v-info-i-ls-l-lc-no-progress-n-no-xattrs-no-x-user-xattrs-u-dest-d%s: -dest missing filename -processors-p-data-queue-da-frag-queue-fr-force-f-stat-s-mkfs-time-fstime-lls-ll-llnumeric-lln-llc-linfo-li-ef-e%s: -ef missing filename -regex-r-offset-o -q[uiet] no verbose output Default 0 bytes. Decompressors available: %u created %d files created %d directories created %d symlinks created %d devices created %d fifos Max buffers %d, Current size %d, Used %d, %s TIOCGWINSZ ioctl failed, defaulting to 80 columns FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in queue_init FATAL ERROR:Size too large in queue_init FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in cache_init FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in cache_get FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in add_entry Read on filesystem failed because EOF Read on filesystem failed because %s FATAL ERROR:read_block: Failed to allocate buffer %s uncompress failed with error code %d read_block: failed to read block @0x%llx Out of memory in read_inode_tableread_inode_table: failed to read block read_inode_table: metadata block should be %d bytes in length, it is %d bytes set_attributes: failed to set time on %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:set_attributes: failed to set time on %s, because %s set_attributes: failed to change uid and gids on %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:set_attributes: failed to change uid and gids on %s, because %s set_attributes: failed to change mode %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:set_attributes: failed to change mode %s, because %s Write on output file failed because %s FATAL ERROR:write_block: failed to alloc zero data block FATAL ERROR:queue_file: unable to malloc file FATAL ERROR:queue_dir: unable to malloc file write_file: failed to create file %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:write_file: failed to create file %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:write_file: unable to malloc block list FATAL ERROR:write_file: unable to malloc file create_inode: failed to create hardlink, because %s FATAL ERROR:create_inode: failed to create hardlink, because %s create_inode: failed to create symlink %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:create_inode: failed to create symlink %s, because %s create_inode: failed to set time on %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:create_inode: failed to set time on %s, because %s create_inode: failed to change uid and gids on %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:create_inode: failed to change uid and gids on %s, because %s create_inode: failed to create %s device %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:create_inode: failed to create %s device %s, because %s create_inode: could not create %s device %s, because you're not superuser! FATAL ERROR:create_inode: could not create %s device %s, because you're not superuser! create_inode: failed to create fifo %s, because %s create_inode: socket %s ignored Unknown inode type %d in create_inode_table! FATAL ERROR:Unknown inode type %d in create_inode_table! Out of memory in read_directory_table read_directory_table: failed to read block read_directory_table: metadata block should be %d bytes in length, it is %d bytes FATAL ERROR:failed to allocate paths FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in add_path FATAL ERROR:invalid regex %s in export %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in init_subdir FATAL ERROR:Out of memory in add_subdir FATAL ERROR:asprintf failed in dir_scan dir_scan: failed to read directory %s FATAL ERROR:dir_scan: failed to read directory %s dir_scan: failed to make directory %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:dir_scan: failed to make directory %s, because %s dir_scan: failed to change permissions for directory %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:dir_scan: failed to change permissions for directory %s, because %s Found a valid %sSQUASHFS %d:%d superblock on %s. Creation or last append time %sFilesystem size %llu bytes (%.2f Kbytes / %.2f Mbytes) Could not display compressor options, because %s compression is not supported Failed to read compressor options Filesystem is %sexportable via NFS Uids/Gids (Id table) are %scompressed Always-use-fragments option is %sspecified Check data is %spresent in the filesystem Filesystem uses %s compression, this is unsupported by this version Reading a different endian SQUASHFS filesystem on %s Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s which is a later filesystem version than I support! FATAL ERROR:Failed to open extract file "%s" because %s FATAL ERROR:Line too long when reading extract file "%s", larger than %d bytes FATAL ERROR:Reading extract file "%s" failed because %s writer: failed to read/uncompress file %s FATAL ERROR:writer: failed to read/uncompress file %s writer: failed to write file %s FATAL ERROR:writer: failed to write file %s writer: failed to write sparse data block for file %s FATAL ERROR:writer: failed to write sparse data block for file %s FATAL ERROR:inflator: Failed to allocate block buffer FATAL ERROR:Failed to set signal mask in initialise_threads FATAL ERROR:Processors too large FATAL ERROR:Out of memory allocating thread descriptors failed to get open file limit! Defaulting to 1 FATAL ERROR:Data queue size is too large FATAL ERROR:Data and fragment queues combined are too large FATAL ERROR:Failed to create thread FATAL ERROR:nanosleep failed in progress thread unsquashfs version 4.4 (2019/08/29)copyright (C) 2019 Phillip Lougher This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.%s: -processors missing or invalid processor number %s: -processors should be 1 or larger %s: -data-queue missing or invalid queue size %s: -data-queue should be 1 Mbyte or larger %s: -frag-queue missing or invalid queue size %s: -frag-queue should be 1 Mbyte or larger SYNTAX: %s [options] filesystem [directories or files to extract] -v[ersion] print version, licence and copyright information -d[est] unsquash to , default "squashfs-root" -n[o-progress] don't display the progress bar -no[-xattrs] don't extract xattrs in file system -x[attrs] extract xattrs in file system (default) -u[ser-xattrs] only extract user xattrs in file system. Enables extracting xattrs -p[rocessors] use processors. By default will use number of processors available -i[nfo] print files as they are unsquashed -li[nfo] print files as they are unsquashed with file attributes (like ls -l output) -l[s] list filesystem, but don't unsquash -ll[s] list filesystem with file attributes (like ls -l output), but don't unsquash -lln[umeric] -lls but with numeric uids and gids -lc list filesystem concisely, displaying only files and empty directories. Don't unsquash -llc list filesystem concisely with file attributes, displaying only files and empty directories. Don't unsquash -o[ffset] skip at start of Optionally a suffix of K, M or G can be given to specify Kbytes, Mbytes or Gbytes respectively. -f[orce] if file already exists then overwrite -ig[nore-errors] Treat errors writing files to output as non-fatal -st[rict-errors] Treat all errors as fatal -s[tat] display filesystem superblock information -UTC Use UTC rather than local time zone when displaying time -mkfs-time display filesystem superblock time -fstime synonym for -mkfs-time -e[f] list of directories or files to extract. One per line -da[ta-queue] Set data queue to Mbytes. Default %d Mbytes -fr[ag-queue] Set fragment queue to Mbytes. Default %d Mbytes -r[egex] treat extract names as POSIX regular expressions rather than use the default shell wildcard expansion (globbing) %s: %s missing or invalid offset size FATAL ERROR:Both -strict-errors and -ignore-errors should not be set Could not open %s, because %s FATAL ERROR:Block size or block_log too large. File system is corrupt. FATAL ERROR:Block size and block_log do not match. File system is corrupt. FATAL ERROR:Fragment queue size is too large FATAL ERROR:failed to allocate created_inode FATAL ERROR:failed to read file system tables Parallel unsquashfs: Using %d processor%s %d inodes (%d blocks) to write TTTL+L+L+LL+LK+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+L+LL+L+L+LL+LK>P?0C?FATAL ERROR:read_inode: inode table block %lld not found FATAL ERROR:read_inode: failed to malloc symlink data FATAL ERROR:Unknown inode type %d in read_inode_header_1! FATAL ERROR:squashfs_opendir: malloc failed! FATAL ERROR:squashfs_opendir: directory block %d not found! File system corrupted: invalid characters in name FATAL ERROR: Out of memory (%s) File system corrupted: directory has duplicate names read_filesystem_tables: gid start too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: gids too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: uid start too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: uid count bad in super block read_filesystem_tables: uids too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: directory table start too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: inode table start too large in super block File system corruption detected RHNM@MMMLLsquashfs_opendirFATAL ERROR:Unknown inode type %d in read_inode_header_2! File system corrupted: directory has duplicate names or is unsorted read_filesystem_tables: fragment table start too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: Bad fragment count in super block read_ids: Bad inode count in super block FATAL ERROR:read_fragment_table: failed to allocate fragment table index FATAL ERROR:read_fragment_table: failed to allocate fragment table read_fragment_table: failed to read fragment table index read_fragment_table: failed to read fragment table block read_filesystem_tables: fragment table start invalid in super block r`Y@Z`YXXXXXsquashfs_opendirFATAL ERROR:Unknown inode type %d in read_inode! FATAL ERROR:alloc_index_table: failed to allocate index table read_filesystem_tables: lookup table start too large in super block parse_exports_table: Bad inode count in super block parse_exorts_table: failed to read export index table read_fragment_table: Bad fragment count in super block x0llkkkpkpk@mmsquashfs_opendirFATAL ERROR:squashfs_opendir: directory block %lld not found! File system corrupted: too many entries in directory File system corrupted: filename too long read_filesystem_tables: xattr id table start too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: id table start too large in super block read_filesystem_tables: Bad id count in super block read_id_table: Bad id count in super block read_id_table: failed to allocate id table read_id_table: failed to read id index table read_id_table: failed to read id table block parse_exports_table: failed to read export index table X@X@squashfs_opendirread_ids: failed to allocate uid/gid table read_ids: failed to read uid/gid table (default)%s %s%s %s (no options)%s unknownQueue and cache status dump===========================file buffer read queue (main thread -> reader thread)file buffer decompress queue (reader thread -> inflate thread(s))file buffer write queue (main thread -> writer thread) buffer cache (uncompressed blocks and compressed blocks 'in flight')fragment buffer cache (uncompressed frags and compressed frags 'in flight')FATAL ERROR:sigtimedwait/sigwaitinfo failed because %s -Xcompression-level should be 1 .. 9 (default %d) -Xwindow-size should be 8 .. 15 (default %d) -Xstrategy strategy1,strategy2,...,strategyN Compress using strategy1,strategy2,...,strategyN in turn and choose the best compression. Available strategies: default, filtered, huffman_only, run_length_encoded and fixed gzip: -Xcompression-level missing compression level gzip: -Xcompression-level it should be 1 >= n <= 9 gzip: -Xcompression-level invalid, it should be 1 >= n <= 9 gzip: -Xwindow-size missing window size gzip: -Xwindow-size gzip: -Xwindow-size invalid, it should be 8 >= n <= 15 gzip: -Xstrategy missing strategies gzip: -Xstrategy unrecognised strategy gzip: bad compression level in compression options structure gzip: bad window size in compression options structure gzip: error reading stored compressor options from filesystem! -Xcompression-level-Xwindow-size-Xstrategy1.2.11 compression-level %d window-size %d Strategies selected: Strategies selected: defaultfilteredhuffman_onlyrun_length_encodedfixedlzma -Xbcj filter1,filter2,...,filterN Compress using filter1,filter2,...,filterN in turn (in addition to no filter), and choose Available filters: x86, arm, armthumb, Use as the XZ dictionary size. The dictionary size can be specified as a percentage of the block size, or as an absolute value. The dictionary size must be less than or equal to the block size and 8192 bytes or larger. It must also be storable in the xz header as either 2^n or as 2^n+2^(n+1). Example dict-sizes are 75%%, 50%%, 37.5%%, 25%%, orxz: -Xdict-size is larger than block_size xz: -Xdict-size should be 8192 bytes or larger xz: -Xdict-size is an unsupported value, dict-size must be storable in xz header as either 2^n or as 2^n+2^(n+1). Example dict-sizes are 75%%, 50%%, 37.5%%, 25%%, xz: error reading stored compressor options from filesystem! xz: -Xdict-size missing dict-size xz: -Xdict-size percentage should be 0 < dict-size <= 100 xz: -Xdict-size can't be fractional unless a percentage of the block size xz: -Xdict-size invalid dict-size xz: -Xbcj unrecognised filter the best compression. powerpc, sparc, ia64 -Xdict-size 32K, 16K, 8K etc. or 32K, 16K, 8K etc. Dictionary size %d Filters selected: No filters specified-Xbcjxz: -Xbcj missing filter -Xdict-sizexzx86powerpcia64armarmthumbsparcBlzo: -Xcompression-level not supported by selected %s algorithm lzo: -Xcompression-level is only applicable for the lzo1x_999 algorithm Where is one of: Only applies to lzo1x_999 algorithm lzo: bad compression level in compression options structure lzo: bad algorithm in compression options structure lzo: error reading stored compressor options from filesystem! lzo: -Xalgorithm missing algorithm lzo: -Xalgorithm unrecognised algorithm lzo: -Xcompression-level missing compression level lzo: -Xcompression-level it should be 1 >= n <= 9 lzo: -Xcompression-level invalid, it should be 1 >= n <= 9 lzo: compression algorithm should be one of: lzo1x_1 -Xalgorithm %s%s algorithm %s lzo1x_999 compression level %d -Xalgorithmlzo: -Xalgorithm %s lzolzo1x_1_11lzo1x_1_12lzo1x_1_15 -Xhc -Xhclz4: unknown LZ4 version lz4: unknown LZ4 flags lz4 Compress using LZ4 High Compression lz4: error reading stored compressor options from filesystem! High Compression option specified (-Xhc) should be 1 .. %d (default %d) zstd: bad compression level in compression options structure zstd: error reading stored compressor options from filesystem! zstd: -Xcompression-level missing compression level zstd: -Xcompression-level it should be 1 <= n <= %d zstd: -Xcompression-level invalid, it should be 1 <= n <= %d zstd: failed to allocate compression context! %d %d zstdread_xattrs_from_disk: Bad xattr_ids count in super block Failed to read xattr id table block %d, from 0x%llx, length %d Failed to read xattr block %d Xattr block %d should be %d bytes in length, it is %d bytes get_xattr: xattr count unexpectedly 0 - corrupt fs? read_xattr_entry: Unrecognised xattr type %d read_xattr_entryget_xattrsave_xattr_blockread_xattrs_from_diskuser.trusted.security.write_xattr: Failed to read one or more xattrs for %s FATAL ERROR:write_xattr: Failed to read one or more xattrs for %s write_xattr: failed to write xattr %s for file %s because extended attributes are not supported by the destination filesystem Ignoring xattrs in filesystem To avoid this error message, specify -no-xattrs FATAL ERROR:To avoid this error message, specify -no-xattrs write_xattr: failed to write xattr %s for file %s because no extended attribute space remaining (per file or filesystem limit) FATAL ERROR:write_xattr: failed to write xattr %s for file %s because no extended attribute space remaining (per file or filesystem limit) %d of these errors printed, further error messages of this type are suppressed! write_xattr: failed to write xattr %s for file %s because %s FATAL ERROR:write_xattr: failed to write xattr %s for file %s because %s write_xattr: could not write xattr %s for file %s because you're not superuser! write_xattr: to avoid this error message, either specify -user-xattrs, -no-xattrs, or run as superuser! Further error messages of this type are suppressed! FATAL ERROR:write_xattr: to avoid this error message, either specify -user-xattrs, -no-xattrs, or run as superuser! ;ȳ8`ȺxH$ 8X DHpX <x`8x(X 48`H( X ( h H 8 < x  D 8x P h X#h$x%%(''p((25 h707Dh8|xB8FKHK\LH\8``@g(gHl$Xl8HotXv vHXw\wxz`XzzH{|8X|P|l8}8~X~~Hhl8(x<ȇXHx `th (lȔ(ؗdȘ(Hșؚț0xX8ȟ @ ؠT (l h ء (!(!FBB A(A0D@ 0A(A BBBI L]FEJ E(A0A8DP| 8D0A(B BBBG $0_hE[ H [ H Dx_(X_AFDA kDBL`pFGA A(D0B (A ABBE D(F ABBH8`FBB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBH zRx P(X(\aPFHA }ABa7LaYBI I(D0D8K@P8A0A(B BBBFDPbFBB B(A0A8D@8A0A(B BBB4b<TTLc"E\hcHcEAGddeH`eFMB B(A0A8DPN 8A0A(B BBBK  8F0A(B BBBA DhfEM } AH `hh?FBB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBC ` 8A0A(B BBBA TiFBB E(A0A8D@tHAPFHA@P 8A0A(B BBBE $k184kAPkdThlwFBB A(A0 (K IBBK E (F BBBG A (H BBBI Hm(FBE J(A0I8J 8D0A(B BBBI PdnFBB B(D0I8O 8D0A(B BBBB \otp pH qOHK E ] K hrDANB A(A0`0E (F BBBO A(H BBBHsFGB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBA 8hvEJF@aHSPKXB`S@a AAD lw`FBB B(A0A8DpxEVxApd 8A0A(B BBBJ  8C0A(B BBBA HxFBE B(D0A8FP 8A0A(B BBBH `lyf|@zSz HJ B(B0IzwE4zFSH H(F0(A MBB({EI R s M Q W D,|FLA e ABE Q ABD { FBE th~nEY w AJ H~FEE E(D0G8G`] 8A0A(B BBBB ,HFIA ^ ABA $Pn B G I p<`/P|FHmh6|%EV A H@Ka D OHZ F P A $H\ D y O K E ZHP A $X+8tPHC8PvFKG A(I0Z (A ABBA 7Eq0EAD ] JFI hKH0`IAD eAAKP ̃iv A pF 0|=ES A cLTuFBB B(D0A8D  8A0A(B BBBF (ȇ=FDA gDBP܇FEF B(A0A8DH 8A0A(B BBBE D$8YFBB A(A0D@ 0A(A BBBC DlPeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBBxQQFrr@rrr-sH 0 .PXo@  PP x!@8 ooPoo\ob00@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p11111111122 202@2P2`2p22222222233 303@3P3`3p33333333344 404@4P4`4p44444444455 505@5P5`5p55555555566 606@6P6`6p6666666667sl`b@d cprw rwrw@@s@S@@xsSx t T x@` @` `о`@ `(c W2P@ @yiiiiiiIo `  `0 LoPoXo]oaojo r@   0 7s00wu# ` @"! ! 6w>.. 00ULX|X|``PPXX`` `PP   4Է