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ARCHIVE DEVICE NORMAL TEMPORARY SPARSE_FILE REPARSE_POINT COMPRESSED OFFLINE NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED ENCRYPTED I30_INDEX VIEW_INDEX UNKNOWN: 0x%08x (0x%08x) %sIndex Size: %u (0x%x) %04X %02hhX (unknown)Win32POSIXWin32 & DOS%sFile Creation Time: %s%sFile Altered Time: %s%sMFT Changed Time: %s%sLast Accessed Time: %s%sData Size: %lld (0x%llx) %sEA Length: %d (0x%x) %sReserved: %d (0x%x) %sNamespace: %s %sFilename: '%s' ntfsinfo.c%sFile Name: unnamed?!? unknownauditdenyallow%sRevision %u %s SID: %s %s Revision: %u %s Control: 0x%04x %s Owner SID pointer: %p %s Group SID pointer: %p %s SACL pointer: %p %s DACL pointer: %p %s Owner SID: %s %s Owner SID: missing %s Group SID: %s %s Group SID: missing %s System ACL: defaulted%s Discretionary ACL: Entry length: %u (0x%x) Key length: %u (0x%x) Index entry flags: 0x%02x Data offset: %u (0x%x) Data length: %u (0x%x) Key Data: Hash: 0x%08x Security id: %u (0x%x) Key hash: 0x%08x Unknown (padding): 0x%08x Key GUID: %s MFT Number: 0x%llx MFT Sequence Number: 0x%x Birth volume id GUID: %s Birth object id GUID: %s Domain id GUID: %s Key SID: %s Owner id: %u (0x%x) Unknown: %u (0x%x) Key owner id: %u (0x%x) Version: %u Quota flags: 0x%08x Last changed: %s Threshold: %lld (0x%llx) Limit: %lld (0x%llx) Owner SID: %s End of index block reached /$Extend/$Quota/$Extend/$ObjIdNoYes??? Unknown option '%s'. Unhandled option case: %d. -:dfhi:F:mqtTvVntfsinfo2017.3.23AR.3Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Richard Russon 2004-2005 Yuval Fledel 2004-2007 Yura Pakhuchiy %s %s%s Failed to open '%s'. Volume Information Name of device: %s Device state: %lu Volume Name: %s Volume State: %lu Volume Flags: 0x%04x DIRTY MODIFIED_BY_CHKDSK Volume Version: %u.%u Sector Size: %hu Cluster Size: %u Index Block Size: %u MFT Information MFT Record Size: %u MFT Zone Multiplier: %u MFT Data Position: %lld MFT Zone Start: %lld MFT Zone End: %lld MFT Zone Position: %lld FILE_MFTMirr Size: %d FILE_Bitmap Information Base Inode: %llu Attribute Name Length: %u Attribute State: %lu Attribute Data Size: %lld Compression Block Size: %u Dumping Inode %llu (0x%llx) Attribute Offset: %u (0x%x) MFT Record Flags: IN_USE DIRECTORY IS_4 VIEW_INDEX UNKNOWN: 0x%04xnoneMFT Padding: %02x Resident: %s Name length: %u (0x%x) Name offset: %u (0x%x) Attribute name: '%s' Attribute flags: 0x%04x Data size: %u (0x%x) Resident flags: 0x%02x ReservedR: %d (0x%x) Lowest VCN %lld (0x%llx) Data size: %llu (0x%llx) Runlist: VCN LCN Length 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx %s 0x%llx File Creation Time: %s File Altered Time: %s MFT Changed Time: %s Last Accessed Time: %s Maximum versions: %u Version number: %u Class ID: %u User ID: %u (0x%x) Security ID: %u (0x%x) Dumping attribute list: Attribute type: 0x%x Record length: %u (0x%x) Name length: %u (0x%x) Name offset: %u (0x%x) Instance: %u (0x%x) Name: ntfs_ucstombs failed Padding: Object ID: %s Birth Volume ID: %s Birth Object ID: %s Domain ID: %s Domain ID: missing Volume Name: '%s' Volume Name: unnamed Volume Version: %d.%d Volume Flags: DIRTY RESIZE_LOG UPG_ON_MOUNT MOUNTED_NT4 DEL_USN REPAIR_OBJID CHKDSK_UNDERWAY MOD_BY_CHKDSK (0x%04x) none set (0x0000) Unknown Flags: 0x%04x Failed to read $SDS attribute Offset: %llu (0x%llx) Length: %u (0x%x) Indexed Attr Type: DIRECTORY_I30SECURE_SDHSECURE_SIIOBJID_OQUOTA_OQUOTA_QREPARSE_R Collation Rule: %u (0x%x) Dumping index root: Index entries total: %d Damaged INDX record Dumping index block: Node VCN: %lld (0x%llx) Index entries: %d INDX blocks total: %d Reparse tag: 0x%08lx%s Data: %02x... NEED_EA count: %u (0x%x) ntfs_rl_pread failed EA flags: NEED_EAUnknown (0x%02x) NONE Name length: %d (0x%x) Value length: %d (0x%x) Name: '%s' Value: SETFILEBITS0%lo ntfs-3g-devel@lists.sf.netEnd of inode reachedError loading node Birth Object ID: missing Birth Volume ID: missing 0x(NONE)SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecforcehelpinodefilequietverboseversionnotimemft%sEntries Offset: %u (0x%x) %sAllocated Size: %u (0x%x) %sIndex header flags: 0x%02x %sUpd. Seq. Array Off.: %u (0x%x) %sUpd. Seq. Array Count: %u (0x%x) %sUpd. Seq. Number: %u (0x%x) %sLogFile Seq. Number: 0x%llx %3s %3s %2u %02u:%02u:%02u %4u UTC %sParent directory: %lld (0x%llx) %sAllocated Size: %lld (0x%llx) %sFilename Length: %d (0x%x) %sReparse point tag: 0x%08lx%s ntfsinfo error: could not parse file name%sACE: type:%s flags:0x%x access:0x%x Subnode VCN: %lld (0x%llx) FILE record number: %llu (0x%llx) Key security id: %u (0x%x) Offset in $SDS: %llu (0x%llx) Length in $SDS: %u (0x%x) Key reparse tag: 0x%08lx%s Key file id: %llu (0x%llx) Bytes used: %llu (0x%llx) Exceeded time: %lld (0x%llx) Index attr type is UNKNOWN: 0x%08x WARNING: Corrupt index entry, skipping the remainder of this index block. Unknown index attribute type: 0x%0X Option 'T' is deprecated, it was replaced by 't'. Option '%s' requires an argument. You must specify exactly one device. You must specify an inode to learn about. You may not use --quiet and --verbose at the same time. You may not specify --inode and --file together. Usage: %s [options] device -i, --inode NUM Display information about this inode -F, --file FILE Display information about this file (absolute path) -m, --mft Dump information about the volume -t, --notime Don't report timestamps -f, --force Use less caution -q, --quiet Less output -v, --verbose More output -V, --version Display version information -h, --help Display this help %s v%s (libntfs-3g) - Display information about an NTFS Volume. 2002-2004 Matthew J. Fanto 2002-2006 Anton Altaparmakov 2003-2006 Szabolcs Szakacsits 2003 Leonard Norrgård 2011-2018 Jean-Pierre AndreFailed to parse command line options Volume Size in Clusters: %lld Current Position in First Data Zone: %lld Current Position in Second Data Zone: %lld Allocated clusters %lld (%2.1lf%%) LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: %lld LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: %lld Size of Attribute Definition Table: %d Number of Attached Extent Inodes: %d FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: %llu State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: %lu Length of Attribute List: %u FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information Decompressed Runlist: not done yet Attribute Types: not done yet Attribute Allocated Size: %lld Attribute Initialized Size: %lld Attribute Compressed Size: %lld Compression Block Size Bits: %u Compression Block Clusters: %u Free Clusters: %lld (%2.1lf%%) MFT Record Seq. Numb.: %u (0x%x) Number of Hard Links: %u (0x%x) Bytes Used: %u (0x%x) bytes Bytes Allocated: %u (0x%x) bytes Base MFT Record: %llu (0x%llx) Next Attribute Instance: %u (0x%x) Weird: %s attribute type was found, please report this. Dumping attribute %s (0x%x) from mft record %lld (0x%llx) Attribute length: %u (0x%x) Error: couldn't parse attribute name Attribute instance: %u (0x%x) Highest VCN: %lld (0x%llx) Mapping pairs offset: %u (0x%x) Compression unit: %u (0x%x) Allocated size: %llu (0x%llx) Initialized size: %llu (0x%llx) Compressed size: %llu (0x%llx) Invalid LCN value %llx passed to ntfs_dump_lcn(). Error: couldn't decompress runlist Quota charged: %llu (0x%llx) Update Sequence Number: %llu (0x%llx) Size of STANDARD_INFORMATION is %u (0x%x). It should be either 72 or 48, something is wrong... ntfs_get_attribute_value_length failedntfs_get_attribute_value failed Starting VCN: %lld (0x%llx) MFT reference: %lld (0x%llx) End of attribute list reached. $OBJECT_ID not present. Only NTFS versions > 3.0 have $OBJECT_ID. Your version of NTFS is %d. ntfsinfo error: could not read security descriptor ntfsinfo error: could not decompress runlist ntfsinfo error: could not parse volume name Index Block Size: %u (0x%x) 512-byte Units Per Block: %u (0x%x) Clusters Per Block: %u (0x%x) Failed to read $INDEX_ROOT attributeFailed to read $BITMAP attributeFailed to read $INDEX_ALLOCATION attributeFailed to get the reparse data Packed EA length: %u (0x%x) Unpacked EA length: %u (0x%x) ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress failed===== Please report this unknown attribute type to %s ===== Dumping some of the attribute data:ntfsinfo error: stopped before finished enumerating attributesTotal runs: %lu (fragments: %lu) ȷHд0P0rPrPrPrPrqPrPrPrPrPrPrqPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrqPrqPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrPrqPrqrPrPrPrrPrPrPrrPrPr~rPrhr6H? -ntfs_dump_attr_eantfs_dump_attr_reparse_pointntfs_dump_index_blockntfs_dump_attr_index_allocationntfs_dump_index_datantfs_dump_index_keyntfs_dump_index_entriesget_index_attr_typentfs_dump_attr_index_rootntfs_dump_sds_entryntfs_dump_sdsntfs_dump_attr_volume_namentfs_dump_attr_security_descriptorntfs_dump_filenamentfs_dump_attr_listntfs_dump_lcnntfs_dump_attribute_headerntfs_dump_file_attributesparse_optionsmainY@utils.cThe device %s doesn't exist Forced to continue. Failed to mount '%s'Invalid size '%s'. Invalid number '%.*s'. Couldn't open inode %llu. %c%sPathname was truncated. (%s)Couldn't open $BitmapCouldn't read $BitmapCouldn't read $MFT/$BITMAPError reading inode %lld. Out of memory. Aborting. Couldn't open $MFT/$DATACouldn't read MFT Record %lluError closing inode %llu. Failed to set locale, using default '%s'. Error getting information about %sFailed to determine whether %s is mountedUse the force option to ignore this error. Access is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. You can use force option to avoid this check, but this is not recommended and may lead to data corruption. The device '%s' doesn't have a valid NTFS. Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around? NTFS is inconsistent. Run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it TWICE! The usage of the /f parameter is very IMPORTANT! No modification was made to NTFS by this software. The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume Windows and turned it off properly, so mounting could be done safely. Access is denied because the NTFS journal file is unclean. Choices are: A) Shutdown Windows properly. B) Click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows taskbar notification area before disconnecting the device. C) Use 'Eject' from Windows Explorer to safely remove the device. D) If you ran chkdsk previously then boot Windows again which will automatically initialize the journal. E) Submit 'force' option (WARNING: This solution it not recommended). F) ntfsmount: Mount the volume read-only by using the 'ro' mount option. You seem to have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware and must use an activated, different device under /dev/mapper, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1) to mount NTFS. Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for help. Volume is scheduled for check. Please boot into Windows TWICE, or use the 'force' option. NOTE: If you had not scheduled check and last time accessed this volume using ntfsmount and shutdown system properly, then init scripts in your distribution are broken. Please report to your distribution developers (NOT to us!) that init scripts kill ntfsmount or mount.ntfs-fuse during shutdown instead of proper umount. WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option. Internal error, strtoll didn't return a suffix. Invalid size suffix '%s'. Use T, G, M, or K. Couldn't create a search context. Couldn't translate filename to current locale. The directory structure is too deep (over %d) nested directories. Couldn't translate attribute type to current locale. Unknown attribute type 0x%02x Attribute type was truncated. Couldn't translate attribute name to current locale. Attribute name was truncated. Error reading inode %llu. Aborting. Inode %lld is an extent of inode %lld. This program is free software, released under the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read the GNU General Public License to be found in the file "COPYING" distributed with this program, or online at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html Developers' email address: ntfs-3g-devel@lists.sf.net 4FTM?FTM?mft_next_recordutils_mftrec_in_useutils_cluster_in_useutils_attr_get_nameutils_inode_get_namefind_first_attributeutils_parse_sizeutils_mount_volumeutils_valid_deviceutils_set_locale;($U\LY\Y\܈D̉| 4<\\̓ܖܗdL4 $P\̫ܯ0 FAA  ABA (l pEAD ^ AAF ( 4E F F B F J Q  ?Ed G N )JU (FBB A(A0D@ HMPTHB@p 0D(A BBBG XHPP\HB@m HFPG THCPkHA@QHCPrHA@PHCPxHA@D eFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB 0TSբ٢ݢ !f'h,i2F7q=vEVMTTm Ho@   X oooo$o!0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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