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H$HD$0Dt$@=PD$<1H=#E~+AEL-#LtqD3L1HL9uH=$11҃=OLH=E#E1AA<$D$`E1A$fLH=61AY@t$\H="1>jf1҃=OLH="pH=AY@AWEE1AVIAUEATDAUSHdH%(H$1H\$`H$HPD$ZYEfH\$HSH$HD$p=LNHD$ H`D$D$(Dl$Dd$ D$ @Dt$0HD$(D$8D$HI$Dt 1L⾅"8x̃=MLAŃO*D$HME1DH$dH3%(8HD[]A\A]A^A_@1҃=NMLH= !E1D$HWMD1H= 2E~+AEL% LlaD3L1HI9uH=!1t$LH=c 1L~AŃEDDLH=1Af1҃=oLLH=U H=L A~D@AWL=KHAVIAUIATAUH-indirect IO on write, 1->direct IO on write (only when read side is sg device (using mmap)) fua force unit access: 0->don't(def), 1->OFILE, 2->IFILE, 3->OFILE+IFILE if file or device to read from (def: stdin) iflag comma separated list from: [direct,dpo,dsync,excl,fua, null] of file or device to write to (def: stdout), OFILE of '.' treated as /dev/null oflag comma separated list from: [append,dio,direct,dpo,dsync, excl,fua,null] seek block position to start writing to OFILE skip block position to start reading from IFILE sync 0->no sync(def), 1->SYNCHRONIZE CACHE on OFILE after copy time 0->no timing(def), 1->time plus calculate throughput verbose 0->quiet(def), 1->some noise, 2->more noise, etc --dry-run|-d prepare but bypass copy/read --help|-h print usage message then exit --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version information then exit Copy from IFILE to OFILE, similar to dd command specialized for SCSI devices for which mmap-ed IO attempted [bgs64] number of blocks=%ld [0x%lx], block size=%d other (perhaps ordinary file) number of blocks=%ld [0x%lx], block size=%d sgm_dd: for 6 byte commands, maximum number of blocks is 256 sgm_dd: for 6 byte commands, can't address blocks beyond %d sgm_dd: for 6 byte commands, neither dpo nor fua bits supported sgm_dd: for 10 byte commands, maximum number of blocks is %d sgm_dd: expected cdb size of 6, 10, 12, or 16 but got %d time to transfer data%s: %d.%06d secsProgress report, continuing ... sgm_dd: bad wr cdb build, to_block=%ld, blocks=%d sgm_dd: SG_IO error (sg_write)sgm_dd: bad rd cdb build, from_block=%ld, blocks=%d sgm_dd: bad argument to 'bpt' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'count' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'ibs' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'iflag' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'oflag' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'obs' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'seek' sgm_dd: bad argument to 'skip' Unrecognised short option in '%s', try '--help' For more information use '--help' Assume default 'bs' (block size) of %d bytes If 'ibs' or 'obs' given must be same as 'bs' skip and seek cannot be negative Can't use both append and seek switches sgm_dd: unable to use scsi tape device %s sgm_dd: could not open %s for sg readingsgm_dd: sg driver prior to 3.1.22 sgm_dd: SG_GET_RESERVED_SIZE errorsgm_dd: SG_SET_RESERVED_SIZE errorsgm_dd: error using mmap() on file: %ssgm_dd: could not open %s for readingsgm_dd: couldn't skip to required position on %s >> skip: lseek64 SEEK_SET, byte offset=0x%lx sgm_dd: could not open %s for sg writingsgm_dd: could not open %s for writingsgm_dd: could not open %s for raw writingsgm_dd: couldn't seek to required position on %s >> seek: lseek64 SEEK_SET, byte offset=0x%lx Won't default both IFILE to stdin _and_ OFILE to as stdout Unit attention(in), continuing Aborted command(in), continuing Unable to read block capacity on %s block size on %s confusion; bs=%d, from device=%d Unit attention(out), continuing Aborted command(out), continuing block size on %s confusion: bs=%d, from device=%d Couldn't calculate count, please give one Note: SCSI command size increased to 16 bytes (for 'if') Note: SCSI command size increased to 16 bytes (for 'of') >>> dio only performed on 'of' side when 'if' is an sg device >>> %s set to '0' but should be set to '1' for direct IO Since both 'if' and 'of' are sg devices, only do mmap-ed transfers on 'if' Unit attention or aborted command, continuing (r) Unit attention or aborted command, continuing (w) output file probably full, seek=%ld >> Non-zero sum of residual counts=%d >> dio requested but _not_ done %d times write(unix): count=%d, res=%d remaining block count=%ld %ld+%d records in %ld+%d records out BLKSSZGET ioctl errorBLKGETSIZE64 ioctl errornull device SCSI generic (sg) device block device SCSI tape device raw device unable to 'stat' file so far at %.2f MB/sec Interrupted by signal,no flag found appenddirectdpodsyncexclfuanullunrecognised flag: %s write cdb: %02x duration=%u ms Writing, continuingwriting read cdb: Reading, continuingreadingsgm_dd: SG_IO error (sg_read)%sbptsgm_dd: bad argument to 'bs' cdbszcoecountibsifSecond 'if=' argument?? iflagofSecond 'of=' argument?? oflagobsseekskiptime--dry-run--dry_run--help-?--verb--versUnrecognized option '%s' 1.60 20180811sgm_dd: : %s bpt must be greater than 0 >> Input file type: %s sgm_dd: unable to access %s >> Output file type: %s Read capacity (if=%s): %s Read capacity (of=%s): %s /proc/scsi/sg/allow_dioNot enough user memory sg_read failed, skip=%ld read(unix): count=%d, res=%d sg_write failed, seek=%ld sgm_dd: writing, seek=%ld >> Synchronizing cache on %s Synchronize cache(out): %s Some error occurred,ư>h㈵>@.A;(hX@XtH$HDd8Hh<`xzRx /D$4FJ w?:*3$"\pthp2Di8pD@ \ 0BIC G0c  AABA 0BAC Ld  AABA (dFG A (DBDC u ABA dpBHE B(A0D8GpixGHxApR 8D0A(B BBBA ZxJQxApxDBBE E(D0C8K@i 8A0A(B BBBE | 8F0A(B BBBE  8C0A(B BBBF 8TgBBA A(D`A (A ABBG >Hb F I(FAI ABH HBGI I(H0H8M 8A0A(B BBBK \(dBBE E(A0C8GN}SA 8D0A(B BBBE \$BHE E(G0C8G\LOA  8D0A(B BBBE dXFBB B(D0H8J 8D0A(B BBBA fFQBXEFFSFPBpEFFS!FQAsGRADeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB`2 2  Dxo O    oo ooP o0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p43aa1c15e3b8a0627d9148ac85f9518cbab2a2.debug1.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go$Q 8YOaoP P Zno P} B   p  u/DD PPggggxx|||~x h4L