The new username. Sets the users username. Note that it is usually not allowed to have multiple users with the same username. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the username of any user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new name, typically in the form "Firstname Lastname". Sets the users real name. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own name org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the name of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new email address. Sets the users email address. Note that setting an email address in the AccountsService is not the same as configuring a mail client. Mail clients might default to email address that is configured here, though. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own email address org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the email address of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new language, as a locale specification like "de_DE.UTF-8". Sets the users language. The expectation is that display managers will start the users session with this locale. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own language org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the language of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new regional formats, as a locale specification like "de_DE.UTF-8". Sets the users regional formats. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own language org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the language of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed A list of input sources. Sets the user's input sources. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own input sources org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the input sources of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new xsession to start (e.g. "gnome") Sets the users x session. The expectation is that display managers will log the user in to this specified session, if available. Note this call is deprecated and has been superceded by SetSession since not all graphical sessions use X as the display server. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own language org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the language of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new session to start (e.g. "gnome-xorg") Sets the users wayland or x session. The expectation is that display managers will log the user in to this specified session, if available. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own language org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the language of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The type of the new session to start (e.g. "wayland" or "x11") Sets the session type of the users session. Display managers may use this property to decide what type of display server to use when loading the session The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own language org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the language of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new location as a freeform string. Sets the users location. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own location org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the location of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new homedir as an absolute path. Sets the users home directory. Note that changing the users home directory moves all the content from the old location to the new one, and is potentially an expensive operation. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the home directory of a user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new user shell. Sets the users shell. Note that setting the shell to a non-allowed program may prevent the user from logging in. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the shell of a user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed Whether the user has messages waiting for them. Sets whether the user has messages waiting for them. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his or her own status org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the status of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The name of the keyboard layouts to use as the user's keyboard layout. The first is the default. Sets the user's keyboard layouts. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his or her own keyboard layouts org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the keyboard layouts of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The absolute filename of a png file to use as the users background. Sets the users background. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own background org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the background of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The absolute filename of a png file to use as the users icon. Sets the users icon. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own icon org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the icon of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed Whether to lock or unlock the users account. Locks or unlocks a users account. Locking an account prevents the user from logging in. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To lock or unlock user accounts if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new account type, encoded as an integer: 0 Standard user 1 Administrator Changes the users account type. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change an account type if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The new password mode, encoded as an integer: 0 Regular password 1 Password must be set at next login 2 No password Changes the users password mode. Note that changing the password mode has the side-effect of unlocking the account. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change a users password mode if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The crypted password. The password hint. Sets a new password for this user. Note that setting a password has the side-effect of unlocking the account. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the password of a user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The password hint. Sets the users password hint. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.change-own-user-data To change his own language org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration To change the language of another user if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed Whether to enable automatic login for this user. Enables or disables automatic login for a user. Note that usually only one user can have automatic login enabled, so turning it on for a user will disable it for the previously configured autologin user. The caller needs one of the following PolicyKit authorizations: org.freedesktop.accounts.set-login-option To change the login screen configuration if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization if the operation failed The uid of the user. The username of the user. The users real name. The users account type, encoded as an integer: 0 Standard user 1 Administrator The users home directory. The users shell. The email address. The users language, as a locale specification like "de_DE.UTF-8". The users Wayland or X session. The type of session the user should use (e.g. "wayland" or "x11") The users regional formats, as a locale specification like "de_DE.UTF-8". The user's input sources. The users x session. The users location. How often the user has logged in. The last login time. The login history for this user. Each entry in the array represents a login session. The first two members are the login time and logout time, as timestamps (seconds since the epoch). If the session is still running, the logout time is 0. The a{sv} member is a dictionary containing additional information about the session. Possible members include 'type' (with values like ':0', 'tty0', 'pts/0' etc). Whether the user has messages waiting for them. The names of the user's keyboard layouts. The filename of a png file containing the users background. The filename of a png file containing the users icon. Whether the users account has retained state Whether the users account is locked. The password mode for the user account, encoded as an integer: 0 Regular password 1 Password must be set at next login 2 No password The password hint for the user. Whether automatic login is enabled for the user. Whether this is a 'system' account, like 'root' or 'nobody'. System accounts should normally not appear in lists of users, and ListCachedUsers will not include such accounts. Whether the user is a local account or not. Emitted when the user is changed.