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AA{ArAiA]ATAKHHHD$7À.A%A @AH|$xHHtCHHc9tJ}&BEDH<$I DeHcH<$9|H|$tOH1[]A\A]A^A_@E1A uH@8tHH0DDH<$ H<$AWL=SAVAUE1ATE1UHSHHD$HHORtZN$w8IcLAAAH؍HHD$AAHH=?![]A\A]A^A_PH|$EDD*IHtBL=sIc9tE}"fJDLAHTDIc9|H|$tLNH1[]A\A]A^A_D1DH_f.AWL=sAVIAUIATAUH-dSL)HMHt1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH%3u%4u%3.1fE%3uE%3.1fP%3uP%3.1fT%3uT%3.1fG%3uG%3.1fM%3uM%3.1fK%3uK%3.1fs%3us%3.1fr%3ur%3.1fg%3ug%3.1ft%3ut%3.1fb%3ub%3.1fm%3um%3.1fk%3uk/etc/projid/etc/projectsUserGroupProject%s quota state on %s (%s) Accounting: %s Enforcement: %s Inode: N/A InodesRealtime Blocks/etc/mtab/proc/self/mountslogdevrtdev ,%s (or %s) command %s not found %s %s -- %s [-g|-p|-u] [-f file]command "%s" not found %s (%s) %s: %8llu %-8.8s#%-7d %8llu %8llu %8lluXFS_QUOTARMXFS_GETQUOTAfs = %s (F) , %c%03d%c %-19s %s (project %u, %s (uquotauqnoenforce%sgquota%sgqnoenforce%spquota%spqnoenforceNo paths are available #%u%02u:%02u:%02u[%02u:%02u:%02u][-none-][--none--][------][--------]daydays[%u %s][%u %s %02u:%02u:%02u]%s grace time: %s %s: unknown mount point %s XFS_QUOTAONXFS_QUOTAOFF%13c %s %13c%20c %s %20c%9c %s %9c%15c %s %15c%s quota on %s (%s) %s ID%-10s #%-10u%-10s#%-9u %6s %6s %6s %02d %8sXFS_QSYNC user quotaXFS_QSYNC group quotaXFS_QSYNC proj quotaMounted on %-12s %12s%-19s %19s %6s %6s %6s %02d %8s %s: cannot find user %s %s: cannot find group %s %s: cannot find project %s %s: cannot stat file %s %s: skipping special file %s %s: cannot open %s: %s callocXFS_IOC_FSBULKSTAT%s (%s): %d %llu %llu cd:p:sCinfinitelimitedfstatfsXFS_IOC_FSGEOMETRYXFS_IOC_FSCOUNTSFS_IOC_FSGETXATTRFilesystem Filesystem Size Used Avail Use%% Inodes Used Free Use%% Pathname %6s %6s %6s %3s%% %10llu %10llu %10llu %3s%%%s: cannot set warnings: %s bdgipru%s: invalid user name: %s %s: invalid group name: %s %s: invalid project name: %s bgipruminutesminutehourshourweeksweek%s: cannot set timer: %s %s: cannot set limits: %s fs = f:gpu%s: fopen on %s failed: %s dgpuisoft=ihard=rtbsoft=rtbhard=%s: unrecognised argument %s %s: open on %s failed: %s w%s: fdopen on %s failed: %s af:gpuvabdf:ghilL:NnprtuU:f:gpuL:U:bf:ghnNipruvabcf:ghinpruvbf:hNir/usr/share/localexfsprogsrealloc%s version %s 5.3.0c:d:D:fP:p:t:xVlimitmodify quota limitsrestoretimer[-bir] [-g|-p|-u] valuewarndffree[-bir] [-hN] [-f file]help?[command]help for one or all commandspathpaths[N]printprojecttreequotlshow usage and limitsquitqexit the programdumpreportrepquotaoff[-gpu] [-v]state[-gpu] [-a] [-v] [-f file]enableenable quota enforcementdisabledisable quota enforcementremove%s> bad argument count %d to %s, expected at least %d arguments bad argument count %d to %s, expected %d arguments bad argument count %d to %s, expected between %d and %d arguments Inode: #%llu (%llu blocks, %lu extents) %s: command is for XFS filesystems only %s: foreign filesystem. Invoke xfs_quota with -f to enable. %s: unable to extract mount options for "%s" %s: cannot find mount point for path `%s': %s Use 'help commandname' for extended help. remove any space being used by the quota subsystem Once quota has been switched 'off' on a filesystem, the space that was allocated to holding quota metadata can be freed via this command. The affected quota type is -g (groups), -p (projects) or -u (users) and defaults to user quota (multiple types can be specified). disable quota enforcement on a filesystem If a filesystem is mounted and is currently enforcing quota, this provides a mechanism to switch off the enforcement, but continue to perform used space (and used inodes) accounting. The affected quota type is -g (groups), -p (projects) or -u (users). enable quota enforcement on a filesystem If a filesystem is mounted and has quota accounting enabled, but not quota enforcement, enforcement can be enabled with this command. With the -v (verbose) option, the status of the filesystem will be reported after the operation is complete. The affected quota type is -g (groups), -p (projects) or -u (users) and defaults to user quota (multiple types can be specified). query the state of quota on the current filesystem This is a verbose status command, reporting whether or not accounting and/or enforcement are enabled for a filesystem, which inodes are in use as the quota state inodes, and how many extents and blocks are presently being used to hold that information. The quota type is specified via -g (groups), -p (projects) or -u (users) and defaults to user quota (multiple types can be specified). turn filesystem quota off, both accounting and enforcement Example: 'off -uv' (switch off user quota on the current filesystem) This command is the equivalent of the traditional quotaoff command, which disables quota completely on a mounted filesystem. Note that there is no 'on' command - for XFS filesystems (with the exception of the root filesystem on IRIX) quota can only be enabled at mount time, through the use of one of the quota mount options. The state command is useful for displaying the current state. Using the -v (verbose) option with the 'off' command will display the quota state for the affected filesystem once the operation is complete. The affected quota type is -g (groups), -p (projects) or -u (users) and defaults to user quota (multiple types can be specified). [-bir] [-gpu] [-ahntlLNU] [-f file]report filesystem quota information report used space and inodes, and quota limits, for a filesystem Example: 'report -igh' (reports inode usage for all groups, in an easy-to-read format) This command is the equivalent of the traditional repquota command, which prints a summary of the disk usage and quotas for the current filesystem, or all filesystems. -a -- report for all mounted filesystems with quota enabled -h -- report in a human-readable format -n -- skip identifier-to-name translations, just report IDs -N -- suppress the header from the output -t -- terse output format, hides rows which are all zero -L -- lower ID bound to report on -U -- upper ID bound to report on -l -- look up names for IDs in lower-upper range -g -- report group usage and quota information -p -- report project usage and quota information -u -- report user usage and quota information -b -- report blocks-used information only -i -- report inodes-used information only -r -- report realtime-blocks-used information only dump quota information for backup utilities create a backup file which contains quota limits information -g -- dump out group quota limits -p -- dump out project quota limits -u -- dump out user quota limits (default) -f -- write the dump out to the specified file display usage and quota information -g -- display group quota information -p -- display project quota information -u -- display user quota information -b -- display number of blocks used -i -- display number of inodes used -r -- display number of realtime blocks used -h -- report in a human-readable format -n -- skip identifier-to-name translations, just report IDs -N -- suppress the initial header -v -- increase verbosity in reporting (also dumps zero values) -f -- send output to a file The (optional) user/group/project can be specified either by name or by number (i.e. uid/gid/projid). display a summary of filesystem ownership -a -- summarise for all local XFS filesystem mount points -c -- display three columns giving file size in kilobytes, number of files of that size, and cumulative total of kilobytes in that size or smaller file. The last row is used as an overflow bucket and is the total of all files greater than 500 kilobytes. -v -- display three columns containing the number of kilobytes not accessed in the last 30, 60, and 90 days. -g -- display group summary -p -- display project summary -u -- display user summary -b -- display number of blocks used -i -- display number of inodes used -r -- display number of realtime blocks used -n -- skip identifier-to-name translations, just report IDs -N -- suppress the initial header -f -- send output to a file The (optional) user/group/project can be specified either by name or by number (i.e. uid/gid/projid). list projects or setup a project tree for tree quota management Example: 'project -c logfiles' (match project 'logfiles' to a directory, and setup the directory tree) Without arguments, report all projects found in the /etc/projects file. The project quota mechanism in XFS can be used to implement a form of directory tree quota, where a specified directory and all of the files and subdirectories below it (i.e. a tree) can be restricted to using a subset of the available space in the filesystem. A managed tree must be setup initially using the -s option with a project. The specified project name or identifier is matched to one or more trees defined in /etc/projects, and these trees are then recursively descended to mark the affected inodes as being part of that tree - which sets inode flags and the project identifier on every file. Once this has been done, new files created in the tree will automatically be accounted to the tree based on their project identifier. An attempt to create a hard link to a file in the tree will only succeed if the project identifier matches the project identifier for the tree. The xfs_io utility can be used to set the project ID for an arbitrary file, but this can only be done by a privileged user. A previously setup tree can be cleared from project quota control through use of the -C option, which will recursively descend the tree, clearing the affected inodes from project quota control. The -c option can be used to check whether a tree is setup, it reports nothing if the tree is correct, otherwise it reports the paths of inodes which do not have the project ID of the rest of the tree, or if the inode flag is not set. The -p option can be used to manually specify project path without need to create /etc/projects file. This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple paths. When using this option only one projid/name can be specified at command line. Note that /etc/projects is also used if exists. The -d option allows to descend at most levels of directories below the command line arguments. -d 0 means only apply the actions to the top level of the projects. -d -1 means no recursion limit (default). The /etc/projid and /etc/projects file formats are simple, and described on the xfs_quota man page. reports the number of free disk blocks and inodes This command reports the number of total, used, and available disk blocks. It can optionally report the same set of numbers for inodes and realtime disk blocks, and will report on all known XFS filesystem mount points and project quota paths by default (see 'print' command for a list). -b -- report the block count values -i -- report the inode count values -r -- report the realtime block count values -h -- report in a human-readable format -N -- suppress the header from the output modify the number of quota warnings sent to the specified user Example: 'warn 2 jimmy' (tell the quota system that two warnings have been sent to user jimmy) Changes the warning count associated with the block limits, inode limits and/or realtime block limits for the specified user, group, or project. When a user has been warned the maximum number of times allowed, the soft limit is enforced as the hard limit. It is intended as an alternative to the timeout system, where the system administrator updates a count of the number of warnings issued to people, and they are penalised if the warnings are ignored. -d -- set maximum warning count, which triggers soft limit enforcement -g -- set group quota warning count -p -- set project quota warning count -u -- set user quota warning count -b -- set the blocks-used warning count -i -- set the inodes-used warning count -r -- set the blocks-used warn count for the (optional) realtime subvolume The user/group/project can be specified either by name or by number. modify quota enforcement timeout for the current filesystem Example: 'timer -i 3days' (soft inode limit timer is changed to 3 days) Changes the timeout value associated with the block limits, inode limits and/or realtime block limits for all users, groups, or projects on the current filesystem. As soon as a user consumes the amount of space or number of inodes set as the soft limit, a timer is started. If the timer expires and the user is still over the soft limit, the soft limit is enforced as the hard limit. The default timeout is 7 days. -d -- set the default values, used the first time a file is created -g -- modify group quota timer -p -- modify project quota timer -u -- modify user quota timer -b -- modify the blocks-used timer -i -- modify the inodes-used timer -r -- modify the blocks-used timer for the (optional) realtime subvolume The timeout value is specified as a number of seconds, by default. However, a suffix may be used to alternatively specify minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), or weeks (w) - either the full word or the first letter of the word can be used. modify quota limits for the specified user Example: 'limit bsoft=100m bhard=110m tanya Changes the soft and/or hard block limits, inode limits and/or realtime block limits that are currently being used for the specified user, group, or project. The filesystem identified by the current path is modified. -d -- set the default values, used the first time a file is created -g -- modify group quota limits -p -- modify project quota limits -u -- modify user quota limits The block limit values can be specified with a units suffix - accepted units are: k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), g (gigabytes), and t (terabytes). The user/group/project can be specified either by name or by number. %-10d %7llu %7llu %7llu %7llu %7llu %7llu %-10d %7llu %7llu %7llu %7llu %s%sFilesystem Pathname value %d is out of range (0-%d) %s quota are not enabled on %s Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/Grace Used Soft Hard Warn/ Grace %10llu %10llu %10llu %02d %9s Blocks Quota Limit Warn/Time Blocks Quota Limit Warn/Time Files Quota Limit Warn/Time Files Quota Limit Warn/Time Realtime Quota Limit Warn/Time Realtime Quota Limit Warn/Time %10llu %10llu %10llu %02d %9s Disk quotas for %s %s (%u) Filesystem%s%s: must specify a project name/ID %s: cannot get flags on %s: %s %s - project identifier is not set (inode=%u, tree=%u) %s - project inheritance flag is not set %s: cannot set project on %s: %s %s: cannot clear project on %s: %s %s: cannot setup path for project dir %s: %s projects file "%s" doesn't exist %s: only one projid/name can be specified when using -p , %d found. %s - no such project in %s or invalid project number Checking project %s (path %s)... Setting up project %s (path %s)... Clearing project %s (path %s)... Processed %d (%s and cmdline) paths for project %s with recursion depth %s (%d). %s: project quota flag not set on %s %s: project ID %u (%s) doesn't match ID %u (%s) 1K-blocks Used Available Use%% Inodes IUsed IFree IUse%%%u %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %s: Error: could not parse size %s. %s: Warning: `%s' in quota blocks is 0 (unlimited). %s: cannot find any valid arguments %s: cannot find mount point %s Usage: %s [-V] [-x] [-f] [-p prog] [-c cmd]... [-d project]... [path] %s: cannot setup path for mount %s: %s %s: cannot setup path for project %s: %s %s: cannot initialise path table: %s [-g|-p|-u] bsoft|bhard|isoft|ihard|rtbsoft|rtbhard=N -d|id|namerestore quota limits from a backup fileset quota enforcement timeouts[-bir] [-g|-p|-u] value -d|id|nameget/set enforcement warning countershow free and used counts for blocks and inodesset current path, or show the list of pathslist known mount points and projects[-c|-s|-C|-d |-p ] project ...check, setup or clear project quota trees[-bir] [-g|-p|-u] [-acv] [-f file]summarize filesystem ownership[-bir] [-g|-p|-u] [-hnNv] [-f file] [id|name]...[-bir] [-gpu] [-ahnt] [-f file]permanently switch quota off for a pathget overall quota state informationremove quota extents from a filesystemcannot strdup command '%s': %s jbjjjjjjjjjjjj xh؝XHggggggggggggggggN}wqæFh̦ަզ ''''''''''''''''''''''''qh''''''''_''''VppppppppppppppppppppppҪɪpppppppp٫llūlllllllllȬάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάάά¬άάάάάάάάάάάά Y Y@?;o`   0 @ p4Hh@|@`,d x`\@<``@` @###p$ &< &` ) ) @* *0 +p + , P, , , , @- -0 -H .` 0.x `. . . . @/ 1X 1 P3 3 3 `5d 9 9 9 :X ;xp;`>>0A CD@EFGP0HQ0XXP`egj4plpsvL|P \0``l40@p$ppXЪppzRx X /D$4FJ w?;*3$"\t 9  !4 u Bg G @ ( B F m C R F ($ B H j F @ H (PBAA AB|8D4PT4lkBHH I ABB DAE `Dm G ([BAF u DBD (<sBAG G DBI lhl<BBB B(D0C8GPc 8A0A(B BBBE J 8C0A(B BBBB aXR`UXAP(<gBMA SAB`BEE B(D0F8GP 8J0L(D BBBH W8I0D(D BBB(hgBMA SAB  ZO G X ARR AJ AF { DA (dAKL M AAI ,D F HlAJ AA LlBEE E(A0D8F 8D0A(B BBBC X*BBB B(A0A8G L@L`I` 8A0A(B BBBA $)ADF WAA@+A[ D F0`}BKR S CBI wAB PAS D   H ~AL g DA d(BBB E(D0A8D@~ 8A0A(B BBBD  8C0A(B BBBD DPAL G DH hAL G DH ( AM J < AAD w CAG l CAH iCAH!)Dd`!*D\x!*D\4!*D\L!*D\d!*D\|!^DP "^DPh"*D\"*D\"*D\"*D\ "*D\$"*D\<"*D\0T#IAAG n FAB DCAH,#BBB E(D0A8F` 8D0A(B BBBF ($|HAD gABH $BEE E(A0G8G`8A0A(B BBBL x&+` &ID b J X\ &BID D(LPFDW[ (D ABBG dPYAL 'BBB E(D0C8G 8A0A(B BBBK (0 d+]KHF |CAA(\ +jKHF ICAAH +AAD ] CAI k CAA D AAJ fCA p,PAT K o ,PAT K oh ,BEB A(C0G@ 0H(A BBBD HKP^HA@HQPSXA`K@` HLPP ( T/SBIF mLDx /BBB G(I0C8J 8A0A(B BBBG J]KBS]UAO]RAL( 1BBE D(D0S (H BBBN z (C BBBE @x 3BEE D(D0F@ 0A(A BBBD l 4BEA H(G@t (A ABBG [ (A ABBG P (A ABBJ u(A ABBL, 4BEE D(D0` (H BBBN } (C BBBJ L| 5BEE D(D0` (H BBBN } (C BBBJ 8 X6}BHI C(DW (A ABBA 6V BEE B(D0D8MDLgBkIhAqLfAc 8A0A(B BBBF  HT O HQ O HY $X?)BBB E(A0C8JZ 8A0A(B BBBC KPBBKBNKAKPDBLB~NKBKPBBKBwNKAJGUDAGTD@GUD}BFA`EBEE B(F0A8LSWANUANUANQASXBt L_ M Ib U L_ Z 8A0A(B BBBD ,LBBB E(D0D8G` 8A0A(B BBBE @ 8D0A(B BBBK  8C0A(B BBBO T 8C0A(B BBBE @0DPBBB D(A0G` 0C(A BBBF 8tRcBBA A(G` (C ABBH 8TcBBA A(G` (C ABBH LV`BGB B(A0D8G 8A0A(B BBBA <^BEB B(A0D8Gi 8A0A(B BBBF pKUGILKUGIPKQGI\<`yBBH E(D0D8I 8D0A(B BBBB JZAL(\e8BBB B(D0F8JB 8D0A(B BBBE xLhBBG B(D0G8GwJJFFFS>L\AP 8A0A(B BBBH KAd AZ : A] SJcBYJJFFF[(HLpBJOo ABC `tqsBIE E(D0D8F@s 8H0A(B BBBE  8C0A(B BBBA @,sBIE D(D0Iz 0A(A BBBA (v)BKI ABB LHwzDGB E(G0 (A BBBE e (A BBBD LxzDGB E(G0 (A BBBE e (A BBBD LyzDGB E(G0 (A BBBE e (A BBBD t8{BBB B(A0D8G s \ L G N l K B B Q  8A0A(B BBBA `d|BBE I(D0D8F@l 8H0A(B BBBK a 8C0A(B BBBK H}BEE E(D0D8J`q 8D0A(B BBBG `TpBBB B(A0D8F 8D0A(B BBBD FFFXFFFXlFFFXL81BBB A(A0z (D BBBD H (A HBBK `<(BIE E(D0D8F@| 8H0A(B BBBE p 8C0A(B BBBA SBEE E(D0C8K` 8H0A(B BBBE yh^pFhD`Z 8C0A(B BBBC \hFpZhA`FhDpH$BEE E(D0C8K` 8A0A(B BBBA `ptBEE E(D0C8KPm 8H0A(B BBBE  8C0A(B BBBA `BEE E(D0C8KPm 8H0A(B BBBE  8C0A(B BBBE `8 #BIB E(D0D8FPj 8H0A(B BBBE d 8C0A(B BBBA LBBB B(D0H8G` 8A0A(B BBBA DeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB44`4 8@[H[o@ 0 v P]8 oohoooP[6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""&"6"F"V"f"v"""""""""##&#6#F#V#f#v#########$$&$6$F$V$f$v$$$$$`47295b805e897b36357001ed8afa58b12be26e.debug/i_'.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink $& 4o$> 00F@ @ vNo[ohhpj8tB~ y $$$$e88 F&&H*H*H@[@KH[HKP[PKP]PM`P  ` P}  P4TP