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information for inode %llu failed to get valid bulkstat information for inode %llu parentpaths failed for ino %llu: %s inode-path for inode: %llu is missing succeeded checking %llu inodes %s is not a numeric inode value non-numeric extsize argument -- %s no files are open, try 'help open' -T and -r options are incompatible -P and -L are incompatible with the other options non-numeric vector count == %s %s: command -%c not supported a8j8s8|8F8X8O8ttttttttt|ttlttt\tttLtDt;;;;;;;{;;;;;;ol٪lЪlǪlll|q0=5+WzneYPG>Ge! !!!!!!!$!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%f&@@C0<C<pBp=A>0A>@P?.Abs_ino = %lu bs_size = %lu bs_blocks = %lu bs_xflags = 0x%lx bs_atime %s = %lu.%u bs_ctimebs_mtimebs_btime bs_gen = 0x%x bs_uid = %u bs_gid = %u bs_projectid = %u bs_blksize = %u bs_rdev = %u bs_cowextsize_blks = %u bs_extsize_blks = %u bs_nlink = %u bs_extents = %u bs_aextents = %u bs_version = %u bs_forkoff = %u bs_sick = 0x%x bs_checked = 0x%x bs_mode = 0%o descriptoridentifier[unknown] AES-256-XTS, ???munmapAES-128-CTSAES-256-CTSAES-128-CBCAdiantum0x%02xinvalid key descriptor: %s invalid key specifier: %s invalid key identifier: %s cs:labellabel = "%s" tags: [ ] no such tag -- %s XFS_IOC_ERROR_INJECTIONxfsctl(XFS_IOC_FSINUMBERS)crc32c: %d self tests failed CvgetrusagePresent (user_count=%u, added_by_self, unknown_flags=0x%08xAbsent Incompletely removed Unknown status (%u) invalid flags: %s invalid policy version: %s c:n:f:v:unsupported 1tEncryption policy for %s: Policy version: %u Master key descriptor: %s Flags: 0x%02x Master key identifier: %s fstat64d:%s: unknown flag version must be 1 or 5. a:de:n:s:v:xfd_prepare_geometryalloc inumbersreqxi_startino = %lu xi_allocmask = 0x%lx xi_alloccount = %u xi_version = %u xfrog_inumbersdv:xfrog_bulkstat_singlealloc bulkreqxfrog_bulkstatacdeln:pv%s: cannot realloc %d bytes %s: no extents %d: [%lld..%lld]: delalloc %lld blocks %4d: %-*s %-*s %*d %-*sRT-BLOCK-RANGEstrdupFS_IOC_FSSETXATTR/usr/share/localexfsprogs%s version %s 5.3.0ac:C:dFfiLm:p:PnrRstTVxchattr[-R|-D] [+/-riasAdtPneEfSxC]lsattr[-R|-D|-a|-v]bmap[-adlpv] [-n nx][-d] [-v version] inum...cowextsize[-D | -R] [cowextsize]get_encpolicy[-1] [-t]set_encpolicyadd_enckey[-d descriptor]rm_enckey[-a] keyspecenckey_status[-dnrsw] [off len]fiemap[-alv] [-n nx] [offset [len]][N]set the current fileprintfilenamefreezethawfsmapreport process resource usagehelp[command]help for one or all commandsimap[nentries]inject[tag ...][-s label|-c]log_writeslw-d device -m markma[-drsw] [off len]mimmapmmmreadmr[-r] [off len]msyncms[-ais] [off len]mumwritemw[-r] [-S seed] [off len]mremapmrm[-m|-f ] newsizeopenclose the current open filechproj[-D | -R] projidlsproj[-D | -R][-D | -R] [extsize][-nv] [num]-r | -w[-cpv]print or check parent inodesallocspfreespunresvspfalloc[-c] [-k] [-p] [-u] off lenfpunchfcollapsefinsertfzero[-k] off lenfunsharequitexit the programreaddir[-v][-o offset][-l length]read directory entriesreflinkrlinfile [src_off dst_off len]dedupeddinfile src_off dst_off lenfixtype [agno|ino gen]repairs filesystem metadataresblks[blocks]scscrubs filesystem metadataseek-a | -d | -h [-r] offsend-i infile | -f N [off len]shutdown[-f][-v|-r]Swap extents between files.sync_range[-abw] off lenutimes,nofollow,pathforeignxfs %s DRavError creating idle thread %s> f:mrS:frvaisrwxSs:crc32cselftestrealtimepreallocimmutableno-atimeno-dumprt-inheritPproj-inheritnosymlinksextsz-inheritno-defragfilestreamdaxXhas-xattrrootnoerroriflush1iflush2iflush3iflush4iflush5iflush6dareadbufbtree_chk_lblkbtree_chk_sblkreadagfreadagiitobpiunlinkiunlinkrmdirinovalidlogiodonestratreadstratcmpldiowritebmapifmtfree_extentrmap_finish_onerefcount_continue_updaterefcount_finish_onebmap_finish_oneag_resv_criticaldrop_writeslog_bad_crclog_item_pinbuf_lru_refforce_repairbad_summaryiunlink_fallback opens a new file in the requested mode Example: 'open -cd /tmp/data' - creates/opens data file read-write for direct IO Opens a file for subsequent use by all of the other xfs_io commands. With no arguments, open uses the stat command to show the current file. -a -- open with the O_APPEND flag (append-only mode) -d -- open with O_DIRECT (non-buffered IO, note alignment constraints) -f -- open with O_CREAT (create the file if it doesn't exist) -m -- permissions to use in case a new file is created (default 0600) -n -- open with O_NONBLOCK -r -- open with O_RDONLY, the default is O_RDWR -s -- open with O_SYNC -t -- open with O_TRUNC (truncate the file to zero length if it exists) -R -- mark the file as a realtime XFS file immediately after opening it -T -- open with O_TMPFILE (create a file not visible in the namespace) -P -- open with O_PATH (create an fd that is merely a location reference) -L -- open with O_NOFOLLOW (don't follow symlink) Note1: usually read/write direct IO requests must be blocksize aligned; some kernels, however, allow sectorsize alignment for direct IO. Note2: the bmap for non-regular files can be obtained provided the file was opened correctly (in particular, must be opened read-only). resizes the current memory mapping Examples: 'mremap 8192' - resizes the current mapping to 8192 bytes. Resizes the mapping, growing or shrinking from the current size. The default stored value is 'X', repeated to fill the range specified. -f -- use MREMAP_FIXED flag to mremap on new_address -m -- use the MREMAP_MAYMOVE flag dirties a range of bytes in the current memory mapping Example: 'mwrite 512 20 - writes 20 bytes at 512 bytes into the current mapping. Stores a byte into memory for a range within a mapping. The default stored value is 'X', repeated to fill the range specified. -S -- use an alternate seed character -r -- reverse order; start storing from the end of range, moving backward The stores are performed sequentially from the start offset by default. reads a range of bytes in the current memory mapping Example: 'mread -v 512 20' - dumps 20 bytes read from 512 bytes into the mapping Accesses a range of the current memory mapping, optionally dumping it to the standard output stream (with -v option) for subsequent inspection. -f -- verbose mode, dump bytes with offsets relative to start of file. -r -- reverse order; start accessing from the end of range, moving backward -v -- verbose mode, dump bytes with offsets relative to start of mapping. The accesses are performed sequentially from the start offset by default. Notes: References to whole pages following the end of the backing file results in delivery of the SIGBUS signal. SIGBUS signals may also be delivered on various filesystem conditions, including quota exceeded errors, and for physical device errors (such as unreadable disk blocks). No attempt has been made to catch signals at this stage... flushes a range of bytes in the current memory mapping Writes all modified copies of pages over the specified range (or entire mapping if no range specified) to their backing storage locations. Also, optionally invalidates so that subsequent references to the pages will be obtained from their backing storage locations (instead of cached copies). -a -- perform asynchronous writes (MS_ASYNC) -i -- invalidate mapped pages (MS_INVALIDATE) -s -- perform synchronous writes (MS_SYNC) maps a range within the current file into memory Example: 'mmap -rw 0 1m' - maps one megabyte from the start of the current file Memory maps a range of a file for subsequent use by other xfs_io commands. With no arguments, mmap shows the current mappings. The current mapping can be set by using the single argument form (mapping number or address). If two arguments are specified (a range), a new mapping is created and the following options are available: -r -- map with PROT_READ protection -w -- map with PROT_WRITE protection -x -- map with PROT_EXEC protection -S -- map with MAP_SYNC and MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE flags -s -- first do mmap(size)/munmap(size), try to reserve some free space If no protection mode is specified, all are used by default. link the open file descriptor to the supplied filename Manipulate or query the filesystem label while mounted. With no arguments, displays the current filesystem label. -s newlabel -- set the filesystem label to newlabel -c -- clear the filesystem label (sets to NULL string) inject errors into the filesystem of the currently open file Example: 'inject readagf' - cause errors on allocation group freespace reads Causes the kernel to generate and react to errors within XFS, provided the XFS kernel code has been built with debugging features enabled. With no arguments, displays the list of error injection tags. get the status of a filesystem encryption key Examples: 'enckey_status 0000111122223333' - get status of v1 policy key 'enckey_status 00001111222233334444555566667777' - get status of v2 policy key remove an encryption key from the filesystem Examples: 'rm_enckey 0000111122223333' - remove key for v1 policies w/ given descriptor 'rm_enckey 00001111222233334444555566667777' - remove key for v2 policies w/ given identifier -a -- remove key for all users who have added it (privileged operation) add an encryption key to the filesystem Examples: 'add_enckey' - add key for v2 policies 'add_enckey -d 0000111122223333' - add key for v1 policies w/ given descriptor The key in binary is read from standard input. -d DESCRIPTOR -- master_key_descriptor assign an encryption policy to the currently open file Examples: 'set_encpolicy' - assign v1 policy with default key descriptor (0000000000000000) 'set_encpolicy -v 2' - assign v2 policy with default key identifier (00000000000000000000000000000000) 'set_encpolicy 0000111122223333' - assign v1 policy with given key descriptor 'set_encpolicy 00001111222233334444555566667777' - assign v2 policy with given key identifier -c MODE -- contents encryption mode -n MODE -- filenames encryption mode -f FLAGS -- policy flags -v VERSION -- policy version MODE can be numeric or one of the following predefined values: FLAGS and VERSION must be numeric. Note that it's only possible to set an encryption policy on an empty directory. It's then inherited by new files and subdirectories. display the encryption policy of the current file -1 -- Use only the old ioctl to get the encryption policy. This only works if the file has a v1 encryption policy. -t -- Test whether v2 encryption policies are supported. Prints "supported", "unsupported", or an error message. report or modify preferred CoW extent size (in bytes) for the current path -R -- recursively descend (useful when current path is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, only modifying cowextsize on directories Queries the filesystem for inode group information and prints it. -a Only iterate this AG. -d Print debugging output. -e Stop after this inode. -n Ask for this many results at once. -s Inode to start with. -v Use this version of the ioctl (1 or 5). Queries the filesystem for a single inode's stat information and prints it. If a given inode is not allocated, information about the next allocated inode will be printed instead. -v (ver) Use this version of the ioctl (1 or 5). -d Print debugging information. Pass in inode numbers or a special inode name: root Root directory. Bulk-queries the filesystem for inode stat information and prints it. -a Only iterate this AG. -d Print debugging output. -e Stop after this inode. -n Ask for this many results at once. -s Inode to start with. -v Use this version of the ioctl (1 or 5). prints the block mapping for an XFS file's data or attribute forks Example: 'bmap -vp' - tabular format verbose map, including unwritten extents bmap prints the map of disk blocks used by the current file. The map lists each extent used by the file, as well as regions in the file that do not have any corresponding blocks (holes). By default, each line of the listing takes the following form: extent: [startoffset..endoffset]: startblock..endblock Holes are marked by replacing the startblock..endblock with 'hole'. All the file offsets and disk blocks are in units of 512-byte blocks. -a -- prints the attribute fork map instead of the data fork. -c -- prints the copy-on-write fork map instead of the data fork. This works only if the kernel was compiled in debug mode. -d -- suppresses a DMAPI read event, offline portions shown as holes. -e -- print delayed allocation extents. -l -- also displays the length of each extent in 512-byte blocks. -n -- query n extents. -p -- obtain all unwritten extents as well (w/ -v show which are unwritten.) -v -- Verbose information, specify ag info. Show flags legend on 2nd -v Note: the bmap for non-regular files can be obtained provided the file was opened appropriately (in particular, must be opened read-only). modifies the set of extended inode flags associated with the current file Examples: 'chattr +a' - sets the append-only flag 'chattr -a' - clears the append-only flag -R -- recursively descend (useful when current file is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, only modifying attributes on directories +/-r -- set/clear the realtime flag +/-i -- set/clear the immutable flag +/-a -- set/clear the append-only flag +/-s -- set/clear the sync flag +/-A -- set/clear the no-atime flag +/-d -- set/clear the no-dump flag +/-t -- set/clear the realtime inheritance flag +/-P -- set/clear the project ID inheritance flag +/-n -- set/clear the no-symbolic-links flag +/-e -- set/clear the extent-size flag +/-E -- set/clear the extent-size inheritance flag +/-f -- set/clear the no-defrag flag +/-S -- set/clear the filestreams allocator flag +/-x -- set/clear the direct access (DAX) flag +/-C -- set/clear the CoW extent-size flag Note1: user must have certain capabilities to modify immutable/append-only. Note2: immutable/append-only files cannot be deleted; removing these files requires the immutable/append-only flag to be cleared first. Note3: the realtime flag can only be set if the filesystem has a realtime section, and the (regular) file must be empty when the flag is set. displays the set of extended inode flags associated with the current file Each individual flag is displayed as a single character, in this order: r -- file data is stored in the realtime section p -- file has preallocated extents (cannot be changed using chattr) i -- immutable, file cannot be modified a -- append-only, file can only be appended to s -- all updates are synchronous A -- the access time is not updated for this inode d -- do not include this file in a dump of the filesystem t -- child created in this directory has realtime bit set by default P -- child created in this directory has parents project ID by default n -- symbolic links cannot be created in this directory e -- for non-realtime files, observe the inode extent size value E -- children created in this directory inherit the extent size value f -- do not include this file when defragmenting the filesystem S -- enable filestreams allocator for this directory x -- Use direct access (DAX) for data in this file C -- for files with shared blocks, observe the inode CoW extent size value X -- file has extended attributes (cannot be changed using chattr) Options: -R -- recursively descend (useful when current file is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, but only list attributes on directories -a -- show all flags which can be set alongside those which are set -v -- verbose mode; show long names of flags, not single characters no mapped regions, try 'help mmap' foreign file active, %s command is for XFS filesystems only %c%03d%c 0x%lx - 0x%lx %s %14s (%lld : %ld) ino %10lu count %2d mask %016lx crc32c: tests passed, %d bytes in %lu usec %.2fuser %.2fsystem %selapsed %.0f%%CPU (%ldavgtext+%ldavgdata %ldmaxresident)k %ldinputs+%ldoutputs (%ldmajor+%ldminor)pagefaults %ldswaps %.3fu %.3fs %s %.1f%% %ld+%ldk %ld+%ldio %ldpf+%ldw %.3f,%.3f,%s,%.1f,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld %s: cannot unfreeze filesystem mounted at %s: %s %s: cannot freeze filesystem at %s: %s Error getting encryption key status: %s Error removing encryption key: %s Removed user's claim to encryption key with %s %s Removed encryption key with %s %s, but files still busy Removed encryption key with %s %s invalid contents encryption mode: %s invalid filenames encryption mode: %s %s: failed to set encryption policy: %s %s: unexpected error checking for FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX support: %s %s: failed to get encryption policy: %s Contents encryption mode: %u (%s) Filenames encryption mode: %u (%s) Policy version: %u (unknown) %s: XFS_IOC_FSGETXATTR %s: %s %s: XFS_IOC_FSSETXATTR %s: %s %s: cannot get flags on %s: %s %s: cannot set flags on %s: %s Error reading key from stdin: %s Invalid key; got > FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d) bytes on stdin! Error adding encryption key: %s Added encryption key with %s %s %s: bad chattr command, not +/-X bulkstat: startino=%lu flags=0x%x agno=%u ret=%d icount=%u ocount=%u bulkstat_single: startino=%lu flags=0x%x ret=%d bulkstat: startino=%lld flags=0x%x agno=%u ret=%d icount=%u ocount=%u %s: cannot read attrs on "%s": %s %s: xfsctl(XFS_IOC_GETBMAPX) iflags=0x%x ["%s"]: %s %s: xfsctl(FS_IOC_FSGETXATTR%s) ["%s"]: %s %4s: %-*s %-*s %*s %-*s %*s%s %4d: %-*s %-*s %*s %-*s %*lld Usage: %s [-adfinrRstVx] [-m mode] [-p prog] [[-c|-C] cmd]... file change extended inode flags on the currently open filelist extended inode flags set on the currently open fileprint block mapping for an XFS file[-a agno] [-d] [-e endino] [-n batchsize] [-s startino] [-v version]Bulk stat of inodes in a filesystemStat one inode in a filesystemQuery inode groups in a filesystem[-s src_off] [-d dst_off] [-l len] src_file | -f NCopy a range of data between two filesget/set preferred CoW extent size (in bytes) for the open filedisplay the encryption policy of the current file[-c mode] [-n mode] [-f flags] [-v version] [keyspec]assign an encryption policy to the current fileadd an encryption key to the filesystemremove an encryption key from the filesystemget the status of a filesystem encryption keyadvisory commands for sections of a fileprint block mapping for a filelist current open files and memory mappingslink the open file descriptor to the supplied filenamefreeze filesystem of current fileunfreeze filesystem of current file[-d|-l|-r] [-m|-v] [-n nx] [start] [end]print filesystem mapping for a range of blockscalls fsync(2) to flush all in-core file state to diskcalls fdatasync(2) to flush the files in-core data to diskinode map for filesystem of current fileinject errors into a filesystemquery, set, or clear the filesystem label while mountedcreate mark in the dm-log-writes log specified by give advice about use of memoryfind mapping pages that are memory resident[N] | [-rwxS] [-s size] [off len]mmap a range in the current file, show mappingsreads data from a region in the current memory mappingflush a region in the current memory mappingunmaps the current memory mappingwrites data into a region in the current memory mappingalters the size of the current memory mapping[-acdrstxRTPL] [-m mode] [path]open the file specified by pathchange project identifier on the currently open filelist project identifier set on the currently open fileget/set preferred extent size (in bytes) for the open fileQuery inode number usage in the filesystemchange the read/write permissions on the currently open file[-b bs] [-v] [-i N] [-FBR [-Z N]] off lenreads a number of bytes at a specified offsetallocates zeroed space for part of a filefrees space associated with part of a filereserves space associated with part of a filefrees reserved space associated with part of a fileConverts the given range of a file to allocated zerosallocates space associated with part of a file via fallocatede-allocates space associated with part of a file via fallocatede-allocates space and eliminates the hole by shifting extentscreates new space for writing within file by shifting extentszeroes space and eliminates holes by preallocatingunshares shared blocks within the range[-i infile [-dDwNOW] [-s skip]] [-b bs] [-S seed] [-FBR [-Z N]] [-V N] off lenwrites a number of bytes at a specified offsetreflinks an entire file, or a number of bytes at a specified offsetdedupes a number of bytes at a specified offsetget and/or set count of reserved filesystem blockslocate the next data and/or holeTransfer data directly between file descriptorsshuts down the filesystem where the current file residesstatistics on the currently open file[-v|-r][-m basic | -m all | -m ][-FD]extended statistics on the currently open filestatistics on the filesystem of the currently open filecalls sync(2) to flush all in-core filesystem state to diskcalls syncfs(2) to flush all in-core filesystem state to diskControl writeback on a range of a filetruncates the current file at the given offsetatime_sec atime_nsec mtime_sec mtime_nsecUpdate file times of the current file%c%03d%c %-14s (%s,%s,%s,%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) cannot strdup command '%s': %s non-numeric cowextsize argument -- %s self test of crc32c implementation\\Tw\\\\\\\\Q\\\\\\h44,O44444444)444444 22 22222 222 2 2x 2> 22222222226 2 2 22 222z u 2b 2] X S 222G DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEnEMEEEEEE=EKg8Bl=r5:*mI9R '%R1G  a%) f7PAvf4&B j(ѯ#F{(oZ+  Þ3P x ^|j sXS۱4վ9" m?* ;z̕X+AM~x5)(w@;8M=p<kw`?qTx>J'Տr ;VYl@d[̤;/!tbyv4 (d`Krݗ3rr4RK9a5qY1H)$nB:xܱ) DAK54=N.* 2&Zm>Bۤ#]xzJK [H`jbF =wRgҴ^*b]-EBCJ!Z [ʜ2v.D.Ff-].,̥V$:iJ p4JV?:6td#QY8J>S|X9{%pY=vm0x9^x>7,hHeWXXW|qV$%Y]{(9s'RY -?B D[ ! 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