namespace RankMath\Admin;
use RankMath\KB;
use RankMath\CMB2;
use RankMath\Helper;
use RankMath\Runner;
use RankMath\Traits\Hooker;
use RankMath\Helpers\Arr;
use RankMath\Helpers\Param;
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Option_Center class.
class Option_Center implements Runner {
use Hooker;
* Register hooks.
public function hooks() {
$this->action( 'init', 'register_general_settings', 125 );
$this->action( 'init', 'register_title_settings', 125 );
$this->filter( 'rank_math/settings/title', 'title_post_type_settings', 1 );
$this->filter( 'rank_math/settings/title', 'title_taxonomy_settings', 1 );
$this->filter( 'rank_math/settings/general', 'remove_unwanted_general_tabs', 1 );
// Check for fields and act accordingly.
$this->action( 'cmb2_save_options-page_fields_rank-math-options-general_options', 'check_updated_fields', 25, 2 );
$this->action( 'cmb2_save_options-page_fields_rank-math-options-titles_options', 'check_updated_fields', 25, 2 );
* General Settings.
public function register_general_settings() {
$tabs = [
'links' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-link',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Links', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to kb article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Change how some of the links open and operate on your website. %s.', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'breadcrumbs' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-direction',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Breadcrumbs', 'rank-math' ),
'classes' => 'rank-math-advanced-option',
/* translators: Link to kb article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Here you can set up the breadcrumbs function. %s', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.
' ),
'after_row' => current_theme_supports( 'rank-math-breadcrumbs' ) ? '' : '
' . esc_html__( 'Use the following code in your theme template files to display breadcrumbs.', 'rank-math' ) . ' ' . esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'rank-math' ) . '
<?php if (function_exists(\'rank_math_the_breadcrumbs\')) rank_math_the_breadcrumbs(); ?>
OR [rank_math_breadcrumb]
'webmaster' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-toolbox',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Webmaster Tools', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to kb article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Enter verification codes for third-party webmaster tools. %s', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.
' ),
'others' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-misc',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Others', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to kb article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Change some uncommon but essential settings here. %s.', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'classes' => 'rank-math-advanced-option',
if ( is_super_admin() && 'rank-math-options-general' === Param::get( 'page' ) ) {
'htaccess' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-htaccess',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Edit .htaccess', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to kb article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Edit the contents of your .htaccess file easily. %s.', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'classes' => 'rank-math-advanced-option',
* Allow developers to add new sections in the General Settings.
* @param array $tabs
$tabs = $this->do_filter( 'settings/general', $tabs );
new Options(
'key' => 'rank-math-options-general',
'title' => esc_html__( 'SEO Settings', 'rank-math' ),
'menu_title' => esc_html__( 'General Settings', 'rank-math' ),
'capability' => 'rank_math_general',
'folder' => 'general',
'tabs' => $tabs,
* Remove unneeded tabs from the General Settings.
* @param array $tabs Hold tabs for optional panel.
* @return array
public function remove_unwanted_general_tabs( $tabs ) {
if ( is_multisite() ) {
unset( $tabs['robots'] );
if ( ! Helper::has_cap( 'edit_htaccess' ) && is_multisite() ) {
unset( $tabs['htaccess'] );
return $tabs;
* Register SEO Titles & Meta Settings.
public function register_title_settings() {
$tabs = [
'global' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-settings',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Global Meta', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to KB article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Change Global meta settings that take effect across your website. %s.', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'local' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-local-seo',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Local SEO', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Redirection page url */
'desc' => sprintf( wp_kses_post( __( 'Optimize for local searches and Knowledge Graph using these settings. %s.', 'rank-math' ) ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'after_row' => '' . __( 'Use the [rank_math_contact_info]
shortcode to display contact information in a nicely formatted way. You should also claim your business on Google if you have not already.', 'rank-math' ) . '
'social' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-social',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Social Meta', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to social setting KB article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( "Add social account information to your website's Schema and Open Graph. %s.", 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'homepage' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-home',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Homepage', 'rank-math' ),
'desc' => sprintf(
/* translators: Link to KB article */
esc_html__( 'Add SEO meta and OpenGraph details to your homepage. %s.', 'rank-math' ),
'' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . ''
'author' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-users',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Authors', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to KB article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Change SEO options related to the author archives. %s.', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
'misc' => [
'icon' => 'rm-icon rm-icon-misc',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Misc Pages', 'rank-math' ),
/* translators: Link to KB article */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Customize SEO meta settings of pages like search results, 404s, etc. %s.', 'rank-math' ), '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '' ),
* Allow developers to add new section in the Title Settings.
* @param array $tabs
$tabs = $this->do_filter( 'settings/title', $tabs );
new Options(
'key' => 'rank-math-options-titles',
'title' => esc_html__( 'SEO Titles & Meta', 'rank-math' ),
'menu_title' => esc_html__( 'Titles & Meta', 'rank-math' ),
'capability' => 'rank_math_titles',
'folder' => 'titles',
'tabs' => $tabs,
if ( is_admin() ) {
Helper::add_json( 'postTitle', 'Post Title' );
Helper::add_json( 'postUri', home_url( '/post-title' ) );
Helper::add_json( 'blogName', get_bloginfo( 'name' ) );
* Add post type tabs in the Title Settings panel.
* @param array $tabs Holds the tabs of the options panel.
* @return array
public function title_post_type_settings( $tabs ) {
$icons = Helper::choices_post_type_icons();
$links = [
'post' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
'page' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
'product' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
'attachment' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
$names = [
'post' => 'single %s',
'page' => 'single %s',
'product' => 'product pages',
'attachment' => 'media %s',
$tabs['p_types'] = [
'title' => esc_html__( 'Post Types:', 'rank-math' ),
'type' => 'seprator',
foreach ( Helper::get_accessible_post_types() as $post_type ) {
$obj = get_post_type_object( $post_type );
$link = isset( $links[ $obj->name ] ) ? $links[ $obj->name ] : '';
$obj_name = isset( $names[ $obj->name ] ) ? sprintf( $names[ $obj->name ], $obj->name ) : $obj->name;
$tabs[ 'post-type-' . $obj->name ] = [
'title' => 'attachment' === $post_type ? esc_html__( 'Attachments', 'rank-math' ) : $obj->label,
'icon' => isset( $icons[ $obj->name ] ) ? $icons[ $obj->name ] : $icons['default'],
/* translators: 1. post type name 2. link */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Change Global SEO, Schema, and other settings for %1$s. %2$s', 'rank-math' ), $obj_name, $link ),
'post_type' => $obj->name,
'file' => rank_math()->includes_dir() . 'settings/titles/post-types.php',
'classes' => 'attachment' === $post_type ? 'rank-math-advanced-option' : '',
return $tabs;
* Add taxonomy tabs in the Title Settings panel.
* @param array $tabs Holds the tabs of the options panel.
* @return array
public function title_taxonomy_settings( $tabs ) {
$icons = Helper::choices_taxonomy_icons();
$hash_name = [
'category' => 'category archive pages',
'product_cat' => 'Product category pages',
'product_tag' => 'Product tag pages',
$hash_link = [
'category' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
'post_tag' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
'product_cat' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
'product_tag' => '' . esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'rank-math' ) . '.',
$taxonomies_data = [];
foreach ( Helper::get_accessible_taxonomies() as $taxonomy ) {
$attached = implode( ' + ', $taxonomy->object_type );
$taxonomies_data[ $attached ][ $taxonomy->name ] = $taxonomy;
foreach ( $taxonomies_data as $attached => $taxonomies ) {
// Seprator.
$tabs[ $attached ] = [
'title' => ucwords( $attached ) . ':',
'type' => 'seprator',
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$link = isset( $hash_link[ $taxonomy->name ] ) ? $hash_link[ $taxonomy->name ] : '';
$taxonomy_name = isset( $hash_name[ $taxonomy->name ] ) ? $hash_name[ $taxonomy->name ] : $taxonomy->label;
$tabs[ 'taxonomy-' . $taxonomy->name ] = [
'icon' => isset( $icons[ $taxonomy->name ] ) ? $icons[ $taxonomy->name ] : $icons['default'],
'title' => $taxonomy->label,
/* translators: 1. taxonomy name 2. link */
'desc' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Change Global SEO, Schema, and other settings for %1$s. %2$s', 'rank-math' ), $taxonomy_name, $link ),
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy->name,
'file' => rank_math()->includes_dir() . 'settings/titles/taxonomies.php',
if ( isset( $tabs['taxonomy-post_format'] ) ) {
$tab = $tabs['taxonomy-post_format'];
unset( $tabs['taxonomy-post_format'] );
$tab['title'] = esc_html__( 'Post Formats', 'rank-math' );
$tab['page_title'] = esc_html__( 'Post Formats Archive', 'rank-math' );
Arr::insert( $tabs, [ 'taxonomy-post_format' => $tab ], 5 );
return $tabs;
* Check if certain fields got updated.
* @param int $object_id The ID of the current object.
* @param array $updated Array of field ids that were updated.
* Will only include field ids that had values change.
public function check_updated_fields( $object_id, $updated ) {
* Filter: Allow developers to add option fields which will flush the rewrite rules when updated.
* @param array $flush_fields Array of field IDs for which we need to flush.
$flush_fields = $this->do_filter(
foreach ( $flush_fields as $field_id ) {
if ( in_array( $field_id, $updated, true ) ) {
* Update .htaccess.
private function maybe_update_htaccess() {
if ( empty( Param::post( 'htaccess_accept_changes' ) ) ) {
if ( ! is_super_admin() || ! Helper::has_cap( 'general' ) || ! Helper::has_cap( 'edit_htaccess' ) ) {
esc_html__( 'You do not have permission to edit the .htaccess file.', 'rank-math' ),
[ 'type' => 'error' ]
if ( ! Helper::is_edit_allowed() ) {
esc_html__( 'You do not have permission to edit the .htaccess file.', 'rank-math' ),
[ 'type' => 'error' ]
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Writing to .htaccess file and escaping for HTML will break functionality.
$content = wp_unslash( $_POST['htaccess_content'] );
if ( empty( $content ) ) {
if ( ! $this->do_htaccess_backup() ) {
esc_html__( 'Failed to backup .htaccess file. Please check file permissions.', 'rank-math' ),
[ 'type' => 'error' ]
if ( ! $this->do_htaccess_update( $content ) ) {
esc_html__( 'Failed to update .htaccess file. Please check file permissions.', 'rank-math' ),
[ 'type' => 'error' ]
Helper::add_notification( esc_html__( '.htaccess file updated successfully.', 'rank-math' ) );
* Create htaccess backup.
* @return bool
private function do_htaccess_backup() {
if ( ! Helper::is_filesystem_direct() ) {
return false;
$wp_filesystem = Helper::get_filesystem();
$path = get_home_path();
$file = $path . '.htaccess';
if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $path ) || ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $file ) ) {
return false;
$backup = $path . uniqid( '.htaccess_back_' );
return $wp_filesystem->copy( $file, $backup, true );
* Update htaccess file.
* @param string $content Htaccess content.
* @return string|bool
private function do_htaccess_update( $content ) {
if ( empty( $content ) || ! Helper::is_filesystem_direct() ) {
return false;
$wp_filesystem = Helper::get_filesystem();
$htaccess_file = get_home_path() . '.htaccess';
return ! $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $htaccess_file ) ? false : $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $htaccess_file, $content );