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refusing to load an insanely large data file %s: stdin: internal error: %s %s: %s: cannot stat inode: %s %s: %s: cannot open directory: %s %s: %s: skipping nested directory: %s -k option can be specified only once-K option can be specified only once-w option can be specified only once--write-earlyfw option can be specified only once-W option can be specified only once--write-all-named-to option can be specified only once--scan-system option can be specified only oncecould not queue --scan-system actioninvalid --scan-system mode: '%s'%s: %s: cannot write to, or create file: %s blksize <= 1024U && (blksize % 16) == 0%s: %s: error while flushing file data: %s %s: %s: error while closing file: %s %s: %s: %u microcode entries written, %llu bytes %s: Writing selected microcodes to: %s %s: warning: All microcodes in %s were skipped, file unchanged %s: Writing microcode file(s) into %s %s: %s: error while flushing directory inodes: %s %s: %lu file(s) were written into %s %s: no files were written into %s %s: trying to get CPUID information directly %s: microcode signature unavailable %s: warning: exact cpuid signature scan failed, switching to failsafe strategy %s: assuming all processors have the same type, family and model %s: running on a non-Intel processor %s: warning: cpuid signature scan failed, ignoring incomplete results... %s: Cannot add filter entry: out of memory %s: Internal error while processing filter list %s: processed %lu valid microcode(s), %lu signature(s), %lu unique signature(s) %s: selected %lu microcode(s), %lu signature(s) %s: warning: cannot downgrade microcode sig 0x%x, pf_mask 0x%02x (entries: %03u/%03u rev 0x%x, and %03u/%03u rev 0x%x) %s: Uploading selected microcodes to: %s %s: %s: cannot open for writing: %s %s: %s: not a character device %s: %s: error while closing device: %s %s: %s: %u microcode entries uploaded, %llu bytes %s: Writing microcode firmware file(s) into %s %s: No valid microcodes were selected, nothing to do... %s: No valid microcodes were loaded, nothing to do... Verbose operation (cumulative)Sets input file type for the next microcode files. The type is a single character: "b" (binary), "d" (Intel .dat), "r" (search inside unknown binary data), or "a" (type will be selected by filename suffix)! | [!]signature[,[pf_mask][,[lt:|eq:|gt:]revision]]Select microcodes by the specified signature, processor flags mask (pf_mask), and revision. Optionally, prefix revision with eq: (equal -- implied there is no prefix), lt: (less than) or gt: (greater than). Specify more than once to select/unselect more microcodes. Prefix with ! to unselect microcodes. Use -s ! to disable the default behavior of selecting all microcodes when no -s or -S filter is specifiedSelect microcodes based on the running system processor(s). Can be combined with the -s option, and can be used only once. Microcodes selected by --scan-system can be unselected by a later -s ! option. The optional mode argument selects the strategy: 0 or auto (default); 1 or fast (good for most systems, including mixed-stepping); and 2 or exact (slow, supports multi-signature systems, requires the cpuid kernel driver and might require root access)Instead of discarding microcodes based on revision level, keep the one from the file loaded last. Files are loaded in the order they were specified in the command lineKeep the microcode with the highest revision level, regardless of the file load order (default)Select only microcodes older than the specified dateSelect only microcodes newer than the specified dateConsider for selection other revisions (outside of the date range) of every microcode that was selected within the date rangeSelect only microcodes strictly within the date range (default)List selected microcode signaturesUpload selected microcodes to the kernel. Optionally, the device path can be specified (default: /dev/cpu/microcode)Write selected microcodes with the filenames expected by the Linux kernel firmware loader. Optionally, the destination directory can be specified (default: /lib/firmware/intel-ucode)Write selected microcodes to a file in binary format. The binary format is suitable to be uploaded to the kernelWrite selected microcodes to an early initramfs file, which should be prepended to the regular initramfsWrite selected microcodes to files in the specified directory, in binary format. The file name will reflect the microcode signature, mask and revisionWrite every microcode to files in the specified directory, in binary format. The file name will reflect the microcode signature, mask and revision. This is the only way to write out every revision of a microcodeUnlink (remove) destination files before writingDo not remove existing files (default)Optimize the early initramfs cpio container for minimal size. The microcode data file will not be available to the regular initramfs, and tools might complain about the non-standard cpio block sizeWrite a normal-sized early initramfs (default)Perform strict checks on the microcode data (default)Perform less strict checks on the microcode dataSkip broken microcode entries instead of abortingAbort on broken microcode entries (default)iucode_tool.cctx%s: microcode %03u/%03u: %s /dev/null%s: out of memory /dev/cpu%s/cpuidnptrmicrocode recovery %s: %s: loading (.dat mode) %s: %s: could not read: %s mcb_filename%s: %s: invalid file format (stdin)%s/%s%s: %s/%s: path too long %s: %s: reading directory %s: skipping empty file: %s dat%s: %s: cannot open: %s unknown file type: '%s'unknown file type: '%c'/dev/cpu/microcode/lib/firmware/intel-ucodeinvalid filter: '%s'could not queue filter '%s'invalid date: '%s'could not add path '%s'uc_write_list%s: %s: too much data %s: %s: cannot unlink: %s %s: unlinked %s pos < SSIZE_MAXwritingskipping%s: %s: write error: %s %s: %s: is not a directory s%08X_m%08X_r%08X.fw(no filename)%s: nothing to do... %s: too many data files microcode bundle %u: %s %s: microcode bundle %s: %s %s: %s: cannot stat: %s uploading%02x-%02x-%02xselected microcodes: fastexactGive this help listquietQuiet operationverbosetypeSame as --scan-system=autoscan-systemmodeno-downgradedate-beforeYYYY-MM-DDdate-afterloose-date-filteringstrict-date-filteringlist-allList all microcode signatureskerneldevicewrite-firmwaredirectorywrite-tofilewrite-earlyfwwrite-named-towrite-all-named-tono-overwritemini-earlyfwnormal-earlyfwno-strict-checksno-ignore-brokeneq:lt:gt:x@ `xpX@(``H0Hxwrite_cpio_trailerwrite_cpio_headerwrite_intel_microcodesupload_intel_microcodesxx_process_ucode_signature_cbxx_process_ucode_entry_cbadd_intel_microcode_bundleparse_u32[[-t] filename] ...iucode_tool - Tool to manipulate Intel IA32/X86_64 microcode bundles The microcode bundle files should be specified as arguments. The bundle type is determined by the file name suffix. It defaults to the binary format. Should the filename end with ".bin", binary mode will be used. Should the filename end with ".dat", text mode will be used. The -t option can be used to set the type of the microcode bundle files that come after it, e.g. -td /tmp/dat-file -tb /tmp/binary /tmp/binary2. To load microcode data from stdin, use "-" as the filename. File type will be assumed to be text (".dat"), use option -tb to load binary data from stdin. To load all files from a directory, specify the directory name. It will not recurse into subdirectories, they will be skipped. Empty files and directories will be ignored, and will be skipped.https://gitlab.com/iucode-tool/iucode-tool/issuesiucode_tool 2.3.1 Copyright (c) 2010-2018 by Henrique de Moraes Holschuh Based on code from the Linux microcode_intel driver and from the microcode.ctl package, copyright (c) 2000 by Simon Trimmer and Tigran Aivazian. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.kernel/x86/microcode/GenuineIntecode/.enuineIntel.align.0123456707070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000B00000000TR;<&h@lPl pXP ,``0tP0XhpHl@0<tP@pL0 0 @ < t  P zRx ~+zRx $gFJ w?;*3$"Dj\~f$p Xhp H wD40>AF L AAE OHBBB B(A0A8D` 8C0A(B BBBK h:qBF B(D0A8J`khApIhB`OhDpRhA`K8A0A(B BBBDP`MhGpOhA`tЅKBG B(A0A8G@ 8A0A(B BBBE D8F0A(B BBBEF@Hd8~BBE A(F0~ (J BBBB Q(F BBBHllBBB B(A0A8D` 8D0A(B BBBC HmBBD A(M0x (F ABBG D(C ABB<HaBKA R(a0D8D@DHDPK AABPEAA Q ABE [(X0[(A C DBH n FBA |DG E J F ` )BBE B(F0A8OPk 8A0A(B BBBJ T 8F0A(B BBBA 4d؋AAG P AAE D FAE 00BAA D0  AABH 4BAC T ABA u CBE lddBAD LKBGBBBBAGAGBAKg  AABG (xdAAD g CAG |(&BBB B(A0A8G! 8A0A(B BBBA !O!^!A!!O!^!B!p!O!s!A!$ؓ.BBB B(A0A8Dr 8A0A(B BBBF NGAHBCUsL_FPIAHSi GHBNuE]  E\ \LBBA A(D0U (C ABBI D (F CBBG D (F CBBA @̙qBBE B(D0A8JW 8A0A(B BBBE (WWARqAXR_B\ȧ%BBE B(D0A8I!x!T"^!B! 8A0A(B BBBH H$ BBB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBF \p\BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBG IOZA4MAI i AAA rA \ EBBE B(C0A8JEBAk 8A0A(B BBBA Hh BBD A(K0d (C ABBH D(C CBB (aBBB B(A0A8N 8A0A(B BBBA [MBEFFFDZsPZAADGN6DDBDBRBELIHAtAD peBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBB 327ߧhqvt sS!<H`P8MZfHqf|8lxLΨkը(ܨK(wП(H(W) P*6(-3`-@0MP0_2\3p7m(8~ (   oh    X` p oo oo^ oO Vfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv d@ iX 962a033574a09abdf64b2d8cadcb41e99c5fc7.debug 2.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4o@> Fh h No^ ^ [o pj` ` ptBX~((y@@e . <(         P 4