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open error: %s: %s Read attribute cdb: %02x %s: out of memory read attributeRead attribute command: %s sg_read_attr failed: close error: %s binaryasciitextformat[0x3]TapeAlert flagsLoad countMAM space remaining [B]Assigning organizationFormat density codeInitialization countVolume identifierVolume change referenceTotal MiB read in medium lifeMedium usage historyPartition usage historyMedium manufacturerMedium serial numberMedium length [m]Medium width [0.1 mm]Medium density codeMedium manufacture dateMAM capacity [B]Medium typeMedium type informationNumeric medium serial numberApplication vendorApplication nameApplication versionUser medium text labelDate and time last writtenText localization identifierBarcodeOwning host textual nameMedia poolPartition user text labelLoad/unload at partitionApplication format versionVolume coherency informationavattribute valuesalattribute listlvllogical volume listplpartition listsmcSMC-2 should define thissasupported attributescacheenumerateelementfilterfirsthelphexinlvnmaxlenquietrawreadonlyverbose------------------------------------------Vendor specific device attribute 0x%xVendor specific medium attribute 0x%xVendor specific host attribute 0x%x%s: id=0x%x, len=%d, anip->format=%d, anip->len=%d %s: expected 90 bytes, got %d Current amount of data written [MiB]: %lu Current write retry count: %lu Current amount of data read [MiB]: %lu Current read retry count: %lu Previous amount of data written [MiB]: %lu Previous write retry count: %lu Previous amount of data read [MiB]: %lu Previous read retry count: %lu Total amount of data written [MiB]: %lu Total write retry count: %lu Total amount of data read [MiB]: %lu Total read retry count: %lu Total change partition count: %lu Total partition initialization count: %lu %s: expected 60 bytes, got %d Current amount of data written [MiB]: %u Current write retry count: %u Current amount of data read [MiB]: %u Current read retry count: %u Previous amount of data written [MiB]: %u Previous write retry count: %u Previous amount of data read [MiB]: %u Previous read retry count: %u Total amount of data written [MiB]: %u Total write retry count: %u Total amount of data read [MiB]: %u Total read retry count: %u change partition count: %u partition initialization count: %u %s: unknown attribute id: 0x%x <<< T10 length (%d) differs from length in response (%d) >>> Attribute id lookup failed, in hex:warning: iterate of attributes should end a residual of %d >>> response length unexpectedly short: %d bytes First logical volume number: %u Number of logical volumes available: %u Number of partitions available: %u Used by SMC-2, not information, output in hex:Unrecognized service action [0x%x], response in hex: bad argument to '--element=EA', expect 0 to 65535 bad argument to '--filter=FL', expect -3 to 65535 bad argument to '--first=FAI', expect 0 to 65535 Usage: sg_read_attr [--cache] [--element=EA] [--enumerate] [--filter=FL] [--first=FAI] [--help] [--hex] [--in=FN] [--lvn=LVN] [--maxlen=LEN] [--partition=PN] [--quiet] [--raw] [--readonly] [--sa=SA] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE where: --cache|-c set CACHE bit in cdn (def: clear) --enumerate|-e enumerate known attributes and service actions --element=EA|-E EA EA is placed in 'element address' field in cdb [SMC-3] (def: 0) --filter=FL|-f FL FL is parameter code to match (def: -1 -> all) --first=FAI|-F FAI FAI is placed in 'first attribute identifier' field in cdb (def: 0) --help|-h print out usage message --hex|-H output response in hexadecimal; used twice shows decoded values in hex --in=FN|-i FN FN is a filename containing attribute values in ASCII hex or binary if --raw also given --lvn=LVN|-l LVN logical volume number (LVN) (def:0) --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN max response length (allocation length in cdb) (def: 0 -> 8192 bytes) --partition=PN|-p PN partition number (PN) (def:0) --quiet|-q reduce the amount of output, can use more than once --raw|-r output response in binary --readonly|-R open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write) --sa=SA|-s SA SA is service action (def: 0) --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version string and exit Performs a SCSI READ ATTRIBUTE command. Even though it is defined in SPC-3 and later it is typically used on tape systems. bad argument to '--lvn=LVN', expect 0 to 255 argument to '--maxlen' should be %d or less bad argument to '--pn=PN', expect 0 to 255 bad argument to '--sa=SA', expect 0 to 63 unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action Attribute ID Length Format Namesince '--in=FN' given, ignoring DEVICE unable to sg_memalign %d bytes unable to open binary file %s: %s read 0 bytes from binary file %s Unable to open %s for reading %s: carry_over error ['%s'] around line %d %s: syntax error at line %d, pos %d %s: hex number larger than 0xff in line %d, pos %d %s: error in line %d, at pos %d --in=%s only decoded %d bytes (needs 4 at least) Response length (%d) too short ra_len available is %d, response length is %d Read attribute command not supported Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information Remaining capacity in partition [MiB]Maximum capacity in partition [MiB]Density vendor/serial number at last loadDensity vendor/serial number at load-1Density vendor/serial number at load-2Density vendor/serial number at load-3Total MiB written in medium lifeTotal MiB written in current/last loadTotal MiB read in current/last loadLogical position of first encrypted blockLogical position of first unencrypted block after first encrypted blockMedium globally unique identifierMedia pool globally unique identifierF\k:0&ѺS helper_full_attrsg_ll_read_attrf2hex_arr;h t$4ԷtXXLzRx /D$4бFJ w?:*3$"\XtP$xiAHD YAA8IGD M ABD  ABA LBBB B(D0C8J= 8A0A(B BBBH @4BBB E(D0D8D@< 8C0A(B BBBI p 8A0A(B BBBN 2 8H0A(B BBBM W 8A0H(G DDBO K 8A0A(B BBBK Ht:BBB E(D0D8Gn 8A0A(B BBBA \<(FFB B(D0C8N 8D0A(B BBBA WOADeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB076 8G`ho  pX  oo oo oTp0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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