--- _field: &_field class: category: data default: od flatten: false type: enum values: - [at, austria] - [be, belgium] - [ch, switzerland] - [co, cosmo] - [cs, ecsn] - [de, germany] - [dk, denmark] - [dm, demeter] - [dt, dts] - [e2, e20c] - [e4, reanalyse40] - [ea, era5, esat] - [ei, era interim] - [el, eldas] - [em, e20cm] - [en, ensembles] - [ep, cera-20c, cera20c] - [er, reanalyse] - [es, spain] - [et, cera-sat, cerasat] - [fi, finland] - [fr, france] - [gr, greece] - [hr, croatia] - [hu, hungary] - [ie, ireland] - [is, iceland] - [it, italy] - [j5, jra55] - [la, aladin-laef, laef, lace] - [ma, metaps] - [mc, macc] - [me, mersea] - [nl, netherlands] - ['no', norway] - [nr, ncep 20cr, 20cr] - [od, operations] - [pe, permanent experiment] - [pt, portugal] - [pv, provost] - [rd, research] - [rm, euro4m] - [se, sweden] - [si, slovenia] - [sr, sreps] - [te, test] - [to, tost] - [tr, turkey] - [uk, united kingdom] - [ur, uerra] - [yt, yotc] type: category: data default: an flatten: false type: enum values: - [3g, 3d variational gradients] - [3v, 3d variational analysis] - [4g, 4d variational gradients] - [4i, 4d variational increments] - [4v, 4d variational analysis] - [ab, analysis bias] - [af, analysis feedback] - [ai, analysis input] - [an, analysis, ana, a] # ana, a is for NO/NOR/req/curr/NO - [ar, assimilation run] - [as, adjoint singular vector] - [bf, bias-corrected forecast] - [cd, climate distribution] - [cf, control forecast] - [ci, clustering information] - [cl, climatology] - [cm, cluster means] - [cr, cluster representative] - [cs, cluster std deviations] - [cv, calibration validation forecast] - [ea, errors in analysis] - [ed, empirical distribution] - [ef, errors in first guess] - [efi, extreme forecast index] - [efic, extreme forecast index control] - [em, ensemble mean] - [ep, event probability] - [es, ensemble standard deviation] - [fa, forecast accumulation] - [fb, feedback] - [fc, forecast] - [fcmax] - [fcmean] - [fcmin] - [fcstdev] - [ff, flux forcing realtime] - [fg, first guess] - [fp, forecast probability] - [fx, flux forcing] - [ga, gfas analysis] - [go, gridded observations] - [gsd, gridded satellite data] - [hcmean, hindcast mean] - [ia, init. analysis] - [icp, initial condition perturbation] - [im, images] - [me, model errors] - [mfb, mondb feedback] - [oai, odb analysis input] - [ob, observations] - [of, ocean forward] - [ofb, odb feedback] - [oi, oi analysis] - [oldim, old format images] - [or, ocean reanalysis] - [pa, perturbed analysis] - [pb, probability boundary] - [pd, probability distribution] - [pf, perturbed forecast] - [s3, climate 30 days simulation] - [ses, scaled ensemble standard deviation] - [sf, sensitivity forecast] - [sg, sensitivity gradient] - [si, climate simulation] - [sim, simulated images] - [sot, shift of tails] - [ssd, simulated satellite data] - [sv, singular vector] - [svar, signal variance] - [taem, time average ensemble mean] - [taes, time average ensemble standard deviation] - [tf, trajectory forecast] - [tu, tube] - [wem, weighted ensemble mean] - [wes, weighted ensemble standard deviation] - [wp, weather parameters] stream: category: data default: oper flatten: false type: enum values: - [amap, analysis for multianalysis project] - [ammc, melbourne] - [cher, ch, chernobyl] - [cnrm, cnrm climate support] - [cwao, montreal] - [dacl, daily climatology] - [dacw, daily climatology wave] - [dahc, daily archive hindcasts] - [dcda, delayed cutoff daily archive] - [dcwv, delayed cutoff wave] - [e1, ers1] - [edmm, ensemble data assimilation monthly means] - [edmo, ensemble data assimilation monthly means of daily means] - [edzw, offenbach] - [efhc, ensemble forecast hindcasts] - [efho] - [efhs, ensemble forecast hindcast statistics] - [efov, ensemble forecast overlap] - [egrr, exeter, bracknell] - [ehmm, eurosip hindcast monthly means] - [elda, ensemble long window data assimilation] - [enda, ensemble data assimilation] - [enfh] - [enfo, ef, ensemble forecasts] - [enwh] - [esmm, eurosip monthly means] - [espd, ensemble supplementary data] - [ewda, ensemble wave data assimilation] - [ewhc, wave ensemble forecast hindcasts] - [ewho] - [ewla, ensemble wave long window data assimilation] - [ewmm, ensemble wave data assimilation monthly means] - [ewmo, ensemble wave data assimilation monthly means of daily means] - [fgge, fg] - [gfas, global fire assimilation system] - [kwbc, washington] - [lfpw, paris] - [lwda, long window daily archive] - [lwwv, long window wave] - [ma, means archive] - [maed, multianalysis ensemble data] - [mawm, monthly forecast anomalies wave means] - [mawv, multianalysis wave data] - [mdfa, monthly daily forecast accumulation] - [mfam, monthly forecast anomalies means] - [mfaw, monthly forecast anomalies wave] - [mfhm, monthly forecast hindcasts means] - [mfhw, monthly forecast hindcasts wave] - [mfva, monthly variance and co-variance of filtered fields] - [mfvc, synoptic monthly variance and co-variance of filtered fields] - [mfwm, monthly forecast wave means] - [mhwm, monthly forecast hindcasts wave means] - [mmaf, multimodel multiannual forecast] - [mmam, multimodel multiannual forecast means] - [mmaw, multimodel multiannual forecast wave] - [mmsa, multimodel seasonal forecast mean anomalies] - [mmsf, multimodel seasonal forecast] - [mmwm, multimodel multiannual forecast wave means] - [mnfa, monthly forecast anomalies] - [mnfc, monthly forecast] - [mnfh, monthly forecast hindcasts] - [mnfm, monthly forecast means] - [mnfw, monthly forecast wave] - [mnth, mo, synoptic monthly means, monthly] - [mobr, monthly means boers] - [moda, monthly means of daily means, monthly daily means] - [mofc, old monthly forecast] - [mofm, old monthly forecast means] - [mpic, mpi climate support] - [msda, monthly variance and co-variance, monthly daily stddev] - [msdc, mv, synoptic monthly variance and co-variance, monthly stddev] - [msmm, multimodel seasonal forecast means] - [mswm, multimodel seasonal forecast wave means] - [mvbr, monthly stddev boers] - [ocea, ocean] - [oper, da, daily archive, od] # IT/ITI/req/curr/I6 has OD - [rjtd, tokyo] - [scda, short cutoff daily archive] - [scwv, short cutoff wave] - [seap, sensitive area predictions] - [seas, seasonal forecast] - [sens, sf, sensitivity forecast] - [sfmm, seasonal monthly means] - [smma, seasonal monthly means anomalies] - [ssbt] - [ssmi] - [supd, sd, supplementary data] - [swmm, seasonal wave montlhy means] - [toga, tg] - [ukmo, ukmo climate support] - [waef, we, wave ensemble forecast] - [wamd, wave monthly means of daily means] - [wamf, old wave monthly forecast] - [wamo, wave monthly means] - [wams, multimodel seasonal forecast wave] - [wasf, wave seasonal forecast] - [wave, wv] - [wavm, wave model] - [wehs, wave ensemble hindcast statistics] - [weov, wave ensemble forecast overlap] - [wm, wmo] - [wmfm, old wave monthly forecast means] - [wvhc, wave hindcasts] expver: category: data default: '0001' flatten: false type: expver model: category: data type: any repres: flatten: false multiple: true type: enum values: - gg - sh - ll - np - rl # - - '0.25' # - fix me HUE:E1 ! # obsgroup # reportype # rdbprefix # obstype levtype: category: data # CH/SW6/req/curr/N5 has 2 levtype default: pl flatten: false multiple: true type: enum values: - [cat, category] - [dp, depth] - [layer] - [ml, model levels] - [pl, pressure levels] - [pt, potential temperature] - [pv, potential vorticity] - [sfc, surface] - [wv, ocean wave] levelist: category: data multiple: true by: 1 default: - 1000 - 850 - 700 - 500 - 400 - 300 never: - levtype: sfc - type: ssd type: to-by-list param: category: data default: 129 multiple: true type: param never: - type: tf ################################################################# # year # decade # month date: category: data default: 0 type: date multiple: true # verify # refdate hdate: category: data multiple: true only: - stream: - enfh - enwh type: integer fcmonth: category: data multiple: true by: 1 type: to-by-list fcperiod: category: data multiple: true type: integer time: category: data default: '1200' multiple: true type: time # leadtime # opttime # range step: category: data multiple: true by: 12 default: 0 type: range # anfoffset reference: category: data multiple: true type: integer ################################################################# # cluster # probability number: category: data multiple: true aliases: - ensemble by: 1 only: - type: [pf, cr, cm, fcmean, fcmin, fcmax, fcstdev, sot, fc, wp] never: # This is to prevent number with type=fc and stream=oper - stream: [oper, wave] type: to-by-list quantile: category: data multiple: true only: - type: - pd - pb - taem # - sot type: enum values: - '1:3' - '2:3' - '3:3' - '1:5' - '2:5' - '3:5' - '4:5' - '5:5' - '1:10' - '2:10' - '3:10' - '4:10' - '5:10' - '6:10' - '7:10' - '8:10' - '9:10' - '10:10' - ['100', "10:100"] - ['900', "90:100"] domain: category: data default: g flatten: false type: enum values: - [a, north west europe] - [b, north east europe, baltic and black sea] - [c, south west europe] - [d, south east europe] - [e, europe] - [f, fastex] - [g, globe, general european area] - [h] - [i] - [j] - [k] - [l] - [m, mediterranean] - ['n', northern hemisphere] - [o] - [p] - [q] - [r] - [s, southern hemisphere] - [t, tropics] - [u, tropics 2] - [v] - [w, western atlantic] - [x] - ['y'] - [z] frequency: category: data multiple: true by: 1 only: - param: - '140251' type: to-by-list direction: category: data multiple: true by: 1 only: - param: - '140251' type: to-by-list # diagnostic # iteration channel: category: data only: - type: ssd type: integer multiple: true ident: category: data only: - type: ssd type: integer multiple: true instrument: category: data only: - type: ssd type: integer multiple: true method: category: data type: integer origin: category: data multiple: true type: enum values: - [ammc, 1, melbourne] - [babj, 38, beijing] - [cnmc, 80] - [consensus, 255] - [crfc, 239, cerfacs] - [cwao, 54, montreal] - [ecmf, 98, ecmwf] - [edzw, dwd, 78, offenbach] - [egrr, 74, exeter, bracknell] - [enmi, 88, oslo] - [fnmo, fnmoc, 58, fleet numerical] - [hadc, 247, hadley centre] - [ifmk, 246] - [ingv, 235] - [knmi, 245] - [kwbc, 7, washington] - [lemm, 214, madrid] - [lfpw, 84, 85, paris, toulouse] - [rjtd, 34, tokyo] - [rksl, 40, seoul] - [sbsj, 46, cptec] - [vuwien, 244, university of vienna] system: category: data type: integer _postproc: &_postproc accuracy: category: postproc flatten: false type: [enum, integer] values: - [av] - ['off', normal, auto] bitmap: category: postproc flatten: false type: any format: category: postproc flatten: false type: enum values: - - grib - grib1 - gb - - grib2 - - bufr - bf - - grid - gd frame: category: postproc type: integer gaussian: category: postproc type: enum values: - reduced - regular area: category: postproc flatten: false multiple: true type: [float, enum] values: - ['off', g, global] - [e, europe] grid: category: postproc flatten: false multiple: true type: [enum, float, regex] values: - auto - N160 - N400 - N320 - N200 - N80 - N640 regex: - '^[oOfF][1-9][0-9]+$' uppercase: true interpolation: category: postproc flatten: false type: enum values: - - nearest-lsm - nearest lsm - - 'off' - default - any packing: category: postproc flatten: false type: enum values: - - so - second order - av - co - simple resol: category: postproc flatten: false aliases: - tra type: [enum, integer] values: - - 'off' - av - reduced gaussian 160 rotation: category: postproc flatten: false multiple: true type: float intgrid: category: postproc flatten: false type: [enum, regex] values: - 'off' - auto - N160 - N400 - N320 - N200 - N80 - N640 regex: - '^[oOfF][1-9][0-9]+$' truncation: category: postproc flatten: false type: [enum, integer] values: - auto - 'off' ####################################################################### disseminate: <<: *_field <<: *_postproc requirements: type: any use: flatten: false multiple: true type: enum values: - bc - daily - [thursday, mt, monthly run thursday, monthly thursday] - [monday, mm, monthly run monday, monthly monday] catn: flatten: false type: integer file: type: enum values: - bin application: type: enum default: "off" values: - "off" - [prodgen, pg1, prodgen1, pgen1, product generation 1] - [pgen, pg2, prodgen2, pgen2, product generation 2] option: default: normal flatten: false multiple: true type: enum values: - normal - delay - wmoe - gts - tcpip - nobackup - grib1table1 - xmaster compatibility: category: postproc flatten: false multiple: true type: enum values: ['off', 'no-local-extension', 'prodgen-areas'] country: type: any priority: flatten: false type: integer projection: type: any target: flatten: false type: any padding: flatten: false type: enum values: - none - auto retrieve: <<: *_field <<: *_postproc target: flatten: false multiple: true type: any database: flatten: false multiple: true type: any dataset: # flatten: false multiple: true type: any optimize: type: enum values: - true - false default: "off" padding: flatten: false type: enum values: - none - auto read: source: flatten: false multiple: true type: any <<: *_field <<: *_postproc target: flatten: false multiple: true type: any _defaults: class: null date: null domain: null expver: null levelist: null levtype: null param: null step: null stream: null time: null type: null end: {}