//############################################################################# //# Copyright 2006-2019, Way to the Web Limited //# URL: http://www.configserver.com //# Email: sales@waytotheweb.com //############################################################################# var CSFscript = ''; var CSFcountval = 6; var CSFlineval = 100; var CSFcounter; var CSFcount = 1; var CSFpause = 0; var CSFfrombot = 120; var CSFfromright = 10; var CSFsettimer = 0; var CSFheight = 0; var CSFwidth = 0; var CSFajaxHTTP = CSFcreateRequestObject(); function CSFcreateRequestObject() { var CSFajaxRequest; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { CSFajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { CSFajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { alert('There was a problem creating the XMLHttpRequest object in your browser'); CSFajaxRequest = ''; } return CSFajaxRequest; } function CSFsendRequest(url) { var now = new Date(); CSFajaxHTTP.open('get', url + '&nocache=' + now.getTime()); CSFajaxHTTP.onreadystatechange = CSFhandleResponse; CSFajaxHTTP.send(); document.getElementById("CSFrefreshing").style.display = "inline"; } function CSFhandleResponse() { if(CSFajaxHTTP.readyState == 4 && CSFajaxHTTP.status == 200){ if(CSFajaxHTTP.responseText) { var CSFobj = document.getElementById("CSFajax"); CSFobj.innerHTML = CSFajaxHTTP.responseText; waitForElement("CSFajax",function(){ CSFobj.scrollTop = CSFobj.scrollHeight; }); document.getElementById("CSFrefreshing").style.display = "none"; if (CSFsettimer) {CSFcounter = setInterval(CSFtimer, 1000);} } } } function waitForElement(elementId, callBack){ window.setTimeout(function(){ var element = document.getElementById(elementId); if(element){ callBack(elementId, element); }else{ waitForElement(elementId, callBack); } },500) } function CSFgrep() { CSFsettimer = 0; var CSFlogobj = document.getElementById("CSFlognum"); var CSFlognum; if (CSFlogobj) {CSFlognum = '&lognum=' + CSFlogobj.options[CSFlogobj.selectedIndex].value} else {CSFlognum = ""} if (document.getElementById("CSFgrep_i").checked) {CSFlognum = CSFlognum + "&grepi=1"} if (document.getElementById("CSFgrep_E").checked) {CSFlognum = CSFlognum + "&grepE=1"} if (document.getElementById("CSFgrep_Z").checked) {CSFlognum = CSFlognum + "&grepZ=1"} var CSFurl = CSFscript + '&grep=' + document.getElementById("CSFgrep").value + CSFlognum; CSFsendRequest(CSFurl); } function CSFtimer() { CSFsettimer = 1; if (CSFpause) {return} CSFcount = CSFcount - 1; document.getElementById("CSFtimer").innerHTML = CSFcount; if (CSFcount <= 0) { clearInterval(CSFcounter); var CSFlogobj = document.getElementById("CSFlognum"); var CSFlognum; if (CSFlogobj) {CSFlognum = '&lognum=' + CSFlogobj.options[CSFlogobj.selectedIndex].value} else {CSFlognum = ""} CSFsendRequest(CSFscript + '&lines=' + document.getElementById("CSFlines").value + CSFlognum); CSFcount = CSFcountval; return; } } function CSFpausetimer() { if (CSFpause) { CSFpause = 0; document.getElementById("CSFpauseID").innerHTML = "Pause"; } else { CSFpause = 1; document.getElementById("CSFpauseID").innerHTML = "Continue"; } } function CSFrefreshtimer() { var pause = CSFpause; CSFcount = 1; CSFpause = 0; CSFtimer(); CSFpause = pause; CSFcount = CSFcountval - 1; document.getElementById("CSFtimer").innerHTML = CSFcount; } function windowSize() { if( typeof( window.innerHeight ) == 'number' ) { CSFheight = window.innerHeight; CSFwidth = window.innerWidth; } else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientHeight)) { CSFheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; CSFwidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body && (document.body.clientHeight)) { CSFheight = document.body.clientHeight; CSFwidth = document.body.clientWidth; } }