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41E1H5(H=7ТA[[HspE1L )H5q(1H=U7萢ˢD XZAiAtL :#E1[H5&(H= 71A?@HsE1H5'L %)a1H=6 LA謣Y^L .2E17AL (E1LV{f.AWL=VAVIAUIATAUH-VSL)H_Ht1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HHERROR: Couldn't allocate memory in read_record() ERROR: Couldn't open $MFT/$DATAERROR: Couldn't read MFT Record %lld. ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory in get_filenames(). ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory in get_parent_name() ERROR: Couldn't create a search context. ERROR: Couldn't get filenames. ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory in get_data(). ERROR: Cannot translate name into current locale. ERROR: Couldn't get data streams. %-8lld %c%c%c%c %3d%% %s %9lld %s File is encrypted, recovery is impossible. File is compressed, recovery not yet implemented. File is resident, therefore recoverable. File has no runlist, hence no data. File has an empty runlist, hence no data. Missing segment at beginning, %lld clusters Missing segment at end, %lld clusters ERROR: Unexpected error whilst calculating percentage for inode %lld Metadata may span more than one MFT record ________________________________________ Amount potentially recoverable %d%% Can't read info from mft record %lld. File has no recoverable data. File has no data. There is nothing to recover. Missing segment at beginning, %lld clusters. Missing segment at end, %lld clusters. Truncation not performed because file has an inconsistent $MFT record. ERROR: Couldn't set the file's date and time Undeleted '%s:%s' successfully to %s. Undeleted '%s' successfully to %s. ERROR: Couldn't open $MFT/$BITMAPERROR: Couldn't allocate memory in scan_disk() ERROR: Couldn't create a regex. Inode Flags %%age Date Time Size Filename ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Couldn't read MFT Record %lld. Couldn't compare filename with regexERROR: Failed to undelete inode %lli ! Files with potentially recoverable content: %d ERROR: Couldn't alloc mem for parsing inodes! ERROR: Missing new value at end of input! Pattern to transform is empty Couldn't allocate memory in transform() Internal error, strtoll didn't return a suffix. Invalid time suffix '%s'. Use Y, M, W, D or H. Option '%s' requires an argument. -b:Cc:d:fh?i:m:o:OPp:sS:t:TuqvVYou must specify exactly one device. Scan can only be used with --percent, --match, --ignore-case, --size and --time. The --case option doesn't make sense without the --match option Copy can only be used with --output and --destination. You can only select one of Scan, Undelete or Copy. Percentage value must be in the range 0 - 100. You may not use --quiet and --verbose at the same time. You may not use --quiet when scanning a volume. To use --parent, you must also use --verbose. %s v%s (libntfs-3g) - Recover deleted files from an NTFS Volume. Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Richard Russon Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Holger Ohmacht Copyright (c) 2005 Anton Altaparmakov Copyright (c) 2007 Yura Pakhuchiy Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Jean-Pierre Andre Usage: %s [options] device -s, --scan Scan for files (default) -p, --percentage NUM Minimum percentage recoverable -m, --match PATTERN Only work on files with matching names -C, --case Case sensitive matching -S, --size RANGE Match files of this size -t, --time SINCE Last referenced since this time -u, --undelete Undelete mode -i, --inodes RANGE Recover these inodes -o, --output FILE Save with this filename -O, --optimistic Undelete in-use clusters as well -d, --destination DIR Destination directory -b, --byte NUM Fill missing parts with this byte -T, --truncate Truncate 100%% recoverable file to exact size. -P, --parent Show parent directory -c, --copy RANGE Write a range of MFT records to a file -f, --force Use less caution -q, --quiet Less output -v, --verbose More output -V, --version Display version information -h, --help Display this help ERROR: Failed to scan device '%s'. ERROR: NO inode(s) AND NO match-regex specified! Inode Flags %%age Date Size Filename Couldn't allocate memory in copy_mft() Couldn't create output file '%s'ERROR: Failed to read MFT blocks %lld-%lld. ntfsundelete.cRecovered file name %s %F %RCreating file: %s File has no data streams. File is %d%% recoverable DirectoryFileMFT Record %lld Type: %s Date: %s Data Streams: Filename: (%d) %s File Flags: System Directory Sparse Reparse Compressed Encrypted Parent: %s Size alloc: %lld Size data: %lld Date C: %s Date A: %s Date M: %s Date R: %s Name: %s Resident Compressed Encrypted Size init: %lld Size vcn: %lld Data runs: None %lld @ %lld unknown%s/%s:%s%s/%s.%dRecord is in use by the mft Forced to continue. %s%lldCouldn't create file %sFile has resident data. Write failedClose failedFile has a sparse section. Read failedTruncation failedmftUnknown option '%s'. ERROR: Invalid Number: %s ERROR: Missing range end! Invalid time '%s'. 2017.3.23AR.3ntfsundelete %s %s%s Range to copy is backwards. Couldn't open $MFT/$DATACouldn't read MFT Record %lldRead %lld MFT Records MFT extracted to file %s bytecasecopydestinationforcehelpinodesmatchoptimisticoutputparentpercentagequietscansizetimetruncateverboseversionމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމމdމމމXމމމމމމމމމމމ< މމۈψމƈމމމމމމމމމމމ~bAމ5މ,{މމމމ.މτ=== =========================== ==============copy_mfthandle_undeleteset_dateopen_fileundelete_filelist_recorddump_recordcalc_percentagename_matchget_datarescue_nameverify_parentget_parent_nameget_filenamesread_recordscan_diskusageversionparse_timetransformparse_inode_argparse_optionsmainutils.cThe device %s doesn't exist Failed to mount '%s'Invalid size '%s'. Invalid number '%.*s'. Couldn't open inode %llu. %c%sPathname was truncated. (%s)Couldn't open $BitmapCouldn't read $BitmapCouldn't read $MFT/$BITMAPError reading inode %lld. Out of memory. Aborting. Couldn't read MFT Record %lluError closing inode %llu. Failed to set locale, using default '%s'. Error getting information about %sFailed to determine whether %s is mountedUse the force option to ignore this error. Access is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. You can use force option to avoid this check, but this is not recommended and may lead to data corruption. The device '%s' doesn't have a valid NTFS. Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around? NTFS is inconsistent. Run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it TWICE! The usage of the /f parameter is very IMPORTANT! No modification was made to NTFS by this software. The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume Windows and turned it off properly, so mounting could be done safely. Access is denied because the NTFS journal file is unclean. Choices are: A) Shutdown Windows properly. B) Click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows taskbar notification area before disconnecting the device. C) Use 'Eject' from Windows Explorer to safely remove the device. D) If you ran chkdsk previously then boot Windows again which will automatically initialize the journal. E) Submit 'force' option (WARNING: This solution it not recommended). F) ntfsmount: Mount the volume read-only by using the 'ro' mount option. You seem to have a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware and must use an activated, different device under /dev/mapper, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1) to mount NTFS. Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for help. Volume is scheduled for check. Please boot into Windows TWICE, or use the 'force' option. NOTE: If you had not scheduled check and last time accessed this volume using ntfsmount and shutdown system properly, then init scripts in your distribution are broken. Please report to your distribution developers (NOT to us!) that init scripts kill ntfsmount or mount.ntfs-fuse during shutdown instead of proper umount. WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option. Invalid size suffix '%s'. Use T, G, M, or K. Couldn't create a search context. Couldn't translate filename to current locale. The directory structure is too deep (over %d) nested directories. Couldn't translate attribute type to current locale. Unknown attribute type 0x%02x Attribute type was truncated. Couldn't translate attribute name to current locale. Attribute name was truncated. Error reading inode %llu. Aborting. Inode %lld is an extent of inode %lld. This program is free software, released under the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details read the GNU General Public License to be found in the file "COPYING" distributed with this program, or online at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html Developers' email address: ntfs-3g-devel@lists.sf.net Tftm_ftm_mft_next_recordutils_mftrec_in_useutils_cluster_in_useutils_attr_get_nameutils_inode_get_namefind_first_attributeutils_parse_sizeutils_mount_volumeutils_valid_deviceutils_set_locale;",fLitimP4l̏d<lpH|\,|DFAA  ABA (4 صEAD ^ AAF (` E F F B F J Q ` \?Ed G N |)JU FBB A(A0D@ HMPTHB@p 0D(A BBBG XHPP\HB@m HFPG THCPkHA@QHCPrHA@PHCPxHA@Dl eFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB p=0=KbPCUcZdfflhqixm~OoPpqsStTuvȥV 08o   p oo0ooo0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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