############################################################################### # Copyright 2006-2023, Way to the Web Limited # URL: http://www.configserver.com # Email: sales@waytotheweb.com ############################################################################### ## no critic (RequireUseWarnings, ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef, ProhibitMixedBooleanOperators, RequireBriefOpen) # start main package ConfigServer::KillSSH; use strict; use lib '/usr/local/csf/lib'; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); use ConfigServer::Logger; use Exporter qw(import); our $VERSION = 1.00; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(); # end main ############################################################################### # start iplookup sub find { my $ip = shift; my $ports = shift; my %inodes; if ($ports eq "" or $ip eq "") {return} foreach my $proto ("tcp","tcp6") { open (my $IN, "<", "/proc/net/$proto"); flock ($IN, LOCK_SH); while (<$IN>) { my @rec = split(); if ($rec[9] =~ /uid/) {next} my ($dip,$dport) = split(/:/,$rec[2]); $dport = hex($dport); my ($sip,$sport) = split(/:/,$rec[1]); $sport = hex($sport); $dip = &hex2ip($dip); $sip = &hex2ip($sip); if ($sip eq '') {next} if ($dip eq $ip) { foreach my $port (split(/\,/, $ports)) { if ($port eq $sport) { $inodes{$rec[9]} = 1; } } } } close ($IN); } opendir (my $PROCDIR, "/proc"); while (my $pid = readdir($PROCDIR)) { if ($pid !~ /^\d+$/) {next} opendir (DIR, "/proc/$pid/fd") or next; while (my $file = readdir (DIR)) { if ($file =~ /^\./) {next} my $fd = readlink("/proc/$pid/fd/$file"); if ($fd =~ /^socket:\[?([0-9]+)\]?$/) { if ($inodes{$1} and readlink("/proc/$pid/exe") =~ /sshd/) { kill (9,$pid); ConfigServer::Logger::logfile("*PT_SSHDKILL*: Process PID:[$pid] killed for blocked IP:[$ip]"); } } } closedir (DIR); } closedir ($PROCDIR); return; } # end find ############################################################################### ## start hex2ip sub hex2ip { my $bin = pack "C*" => map hex, $_[0] =~ /../g; my @l = unpack "L*", $bin; if (@l == 4) { return join ':', map { sprintf "%x:%x", $_ >> 16, $_ & 0xffff } @l; } elsif (@l == 1) { return join '.', map { $_ >> 24, ($_ >> 16 ) & 0xff, ($_ >> 8) & 0xff, $_ & 0xff } @l; } } ## end hex2ip ############################################################################### 1;