# Copyright 2006-2023, Way to the Web Limited
# URL: http://www.configserver.com
# Email: sales@waytotheweb.com
## no critic (RequireUseWarnings, ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef, ProhibitMixedBooleanOperators, RequireBriefOpen)
package ConfigServer::cseUI;
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use IPC::Open3;
use Exporter qw(import);
our $VERSION = 2.03;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
our ($chart, $ipscidr6, $ipv6reg, $ipv4reg, %config, %ips, $mobile,
%FORM, $script, $script_da, $images, $myv);
our ($act, $destpath, $element, $extramessage, $fieldname, $fileinc,
$filetemp, $message, $name, $origpath, $storepath, $tgid, $thisdir,
$tuid, $value, $webpath, %ele, %header, @bits, @dirs, @filebodies,
@filenames, @files, @months, @parts, @passrecs, @thisdirs, @thisfiles,
# start main
sub main {
my $FORM_ref = shift;
%FORM = %{$FORM_ref};
$fileinc = shift;
$script = shift;
$script_da = shift;
$images = shift;
$myv = shift;
$| = 1;
$webpath = '/';
if ($FORM{do} eq "view") {
print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
my $bootstrapcss = " ";
my $jqueryjs = "";
my $bootstrapjs = "";
print <
ConfigServer Explorer
unless ($FORM{do} eq "console") {
print "\n";
print "
if ($config{UI_CXS} or $config{UI_CSE}) {
print "
print "
cse Logout \n";
print "
print <
ConfigServer Explorer - cse
$message = "";
if ($fileinc) {&uploadfile}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{quit} == 2) {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "b") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "p") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "o") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "c") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "m") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "pw") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "r") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "newf") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "newd") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "cnewf") {&cnewf}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "cnewd") {&cnewd}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "ren") {&ren}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "del") {&del}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "setp") {&setp}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "seto") {&seto}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "cd") {&cd}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "console") {&console}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "edit") {&edit}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "Cancel") {&browse}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "Save") {&save}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "copyit") {©it}
elsif ($FORM{do} eq "moveit") {&moveit}
else {print "Invalid action"};
unless ($FORM{do} eq "console") {
print "©2006-2023, ConfigServer Services (Way to the Web Limited)
print <
# end main
# start browse
sub browse {
my $extra;
if ($FORM{c}) {
if (-e "$webpath$FORM{c}") {
$extra = "&c=$FORM{c}";
} else {
$FORM{c} = "";
if ($FORM{m}) {
if (-e "$webpath$FORM{m}") {
$extra = "&m=$FORM{m}"
} else {
$FORM{m} = "";
print "\n";
$thisdir = $webpath;
if ($thisdir !~ /\/$/) {$thisdir .= "/"}
$thisdir .= $FORM{p};
$thisdir =~ s/\/+/\//g;
@months = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
my $errordir = 0;
opendir (DIR, "$thisdir") or $errordir = 1;
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
if (-d "$thisdir/$file") {
if ($file !~ /^\.$|^\.\.$/) {push (@thisdirs, $file)}
} else {
push (@thisfiles, $file);
closedir (DIR);
@thisdirs = sort @thisdirs;
@thisfiles = sort @thisfiles;
print "\n";
print "WARNING! While this utility can be very useful it is also very dangerous indeed. You can easily render your server inoperable and unrecoverable by performing ill advised actions. No warranty or guarantee is provided with the product that protects against system damage.\n";
print "
if ($message) {print "
print "\n";
print "";
print "[Home ]";
my $path = "";
my $cnt = 2;
my @path = split(/\//,$FORM{p});
foreach my $dir (@path) {
if ($dir ne "" and ($dir ne "/")) {
if ($cnt == @path) {
print "/$dir
} else {
print "/
$dir ";
$path .= "/$dir";
if ($FORM{c}) {print " Copy buffer:$FORM{c}
if ($FORM{m}) {print " Move buffer:$FORM{m}
print " \n";
if ($errordir) {
print "Permission Denied ";
} else {
if (@thisdirs > 0) {
print "\n";
print "";
print "Directory Name ";
print "Size ";
print "Date ";
print "User(uid)/Group(gid) ";
print "Perms ";
print "Actions ";
print " \n";
my $class = "tdshade2";
foreach my $dir (@thisdirs) {
if ($dir =~/'|"|\||\`/) {
print "".quotemeta($dir)."Invalid directory name - ignored ";
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$thisdir/$dir");
if ($size < 1024) {
elsif ($size < (1024 * 1024)) {
$size = sprintf("%.1f",($size/1024));
$size .= "k";
else {
$size = sprintf("%.1f",($size/(1024 * 1024)));
$size .= "M";
$mode = sprintf "%04o", $mode & oct("07777");
$tgid = getgrgid($gid);
if ($tgid eq "") {$tgid = $gid}
$tuid = getpwuid($uid);
if ($tuid eq "") {$tuid = $uid}
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($mtime);
$year += 1900;
my $time = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec;
$mday = sprintf "%02d", $mday;
$mtime = "$mday-$months[$mon]-$year $time";
my $pp = "";
my $passfile = "$FORM{p}/$dir";
$passfile =~ s/\//\_/g;
$passfile =~ s/\\/\_/g;
$passfile =~ s/\:/\_/g;
if (-e "$storepath/$passfile.htpasswd") {
open (my $PASSFILE, "<","$storepath/$passfile.htpasswd") or die $!;
@passrecs = <$PASSFILE>;
close ($PASSFILE);
chomp @passrecs;
if (@passrecs > 0) {$pp = "**"}
print "";
if ($FORM{do} eq "r" and ($FORM{f} eq $dir)) {
print "\n";
elsif (-r "$webpath$FORM{p}/$dir") {
print "$dir $pp ";
else {
print "$dir ";
print "$size ";
print "$mtime ";
if ($FORM{do} eq "o" and ($FORM{f} eq $dir)) {
print "\n";
else {
print "$tuid($uid)/$tgid($gid) ";
if ($FORM{do} eq "p" and ($FORM{f} eq $dir)) {
print "\n";
else {
print "$mode ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if ($FORM{do} eq "newd") {
print "";
print "\n";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if (($FORM{do} eq "c") and (-d "$webpath$FORM{c}")) {
my $newf = (split(/\//,$FORM{c}))[-1];
print "";
print "\n";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if (($FORM{do} eq "m") and (-d "$webpath$FORM{m}")) {
my $newf = (split(/\//,$FORM{m}))[-1];
print "";
print "\n";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if (@thisfiles > 0) {
print " \n";
print "";
print "File Name ";
print "Size ";
print "Date ";
print "User(uid)/Group(gid) ";
print "Perms ";
print "Actions ";
print " \n";
$class = "tdshade2";
foreach my $file (@thisfiles) {
if ($file =~/'|"|\||\`/) {
print "".quotemeta($file)."Invalid file name - ignored ";
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$thisdir/$file");
if ($size < 1024) {
elsif ($size < (1024 * 1024)) {
$size = sprintf("%.1f",($size/1024));
$size .= "k";
else {
$size = sprintf("%.1f",($size/(1024 * 1024)));
$size .= "M";
$mode = sprintf "%03o", $mode & oct("00777");
$tgid = getgrgid($gid);
if ($tgid eq "") {$tgid = $gid}
$tuid = getpwuid($uid);
if ($tuid eq "") {$tuid = $uid}
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($mtime);
$year += 1900;
my $time = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec;
$mday = sprintf "%02d", $mday;
$mtime = "$mday-$months[$mon]-$year $time";
print "";
if ($FORM{do} eq "r" and ($FORM{f} eq $file)) {
print "\n";
else {
$act = "$script?do=view&p=$FORM{p}&f=$file$extra\#new";
print "$file ";
print "$size ";
print "$mtime ";
if ($FORM{do} eq "o" and ($FORM{f} eq $file)) {
print "\n";
else {
print "$tuid($uid)/$tgid($gid) ";
if ($FORM{do} eq "p" and ($FORM{f} eq $file)) {
print "\n";
else {
print "$mode ";
my $ext = (split(/\./,$file))[-1];
if (-T "$webpath$FORM{p}/$file") {
my $act = "";
print " $act ";
} else {
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if ($FORM{do} eq "newf") {
print "";
print "\n";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if (($FORM{do} eq "c") and (-f "$webpath$FORM{c}")) {
my $newf = (split(/\//,$FORM{c}))[-1];
print "";
print "\n";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
if (($FORM{do} eq "m") and (-f "$webpath$FORM{m}")) {
my $newf = (split(/\//,$FORM{m}))[-1];
print "";
print "\n";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " ";
print " \n";
print "
print "All the following actions apply to the current directory
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
# end browse
# start setp
sub setp {
my $status = 0;
chmod (oct("0$FORM{newp}"),"$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") or $status = $!;
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end setp
# start seto
sub seto {
my $status = "";
my ($uid,$gid) = split (/\:/,$FORM{newo});
if ($uid !~ /^\d/) {$uid = (getpwnam($uid))[2]}
if ($gid !~ /^\d/) {$gid = (getgrnam($gid))[2]}
if ($uid eq "") {$message .= "No such user \n"}
if ($gid eq "") {$message .= "No such group \n"}
if ($message eq "") {
chown ($uid,$gid,"$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") or $status = $!;
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end seto
# start ren
sub ren {
my $status = 0;
rename ("$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") or $status = $!;
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end ren
# start moveit
sub moveit {
if ("$webpath$FORM{m}" eq "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") {
$message = "Move Failed - Cannot overwrite original";
elsif ((-d "$webpath$FORM{m}") and ("$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}" =~ /^$webpath$FORM{m}\//)) {
$message = "Move Failed - Cannot move inside original";
else {
my $status = 0;
rename ("$webpath$FORM{m}","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") or $status = $!;
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
if ($message eq "") {$FORM{m} = ""}
# end moveit
# start copyit
sub copyit {
if ("$webpath$FORM{c}" eq "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") {
$message = "Copy Failed - Cannot overwrite original";
elsif ((-d "$webpath$FORM{c}") and ("$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}" =~ /^$webpath$FORM{c}\//)) {
$message = "Copy Failed - Cannot copy inside original";
else {
if (-d "$webpath$FORM{c}") {
$origpath = "$webpath$FORM{c}";
$destpath = "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}";
find(\&mycopy, $origpath);
} else {
copy ("$webpath$FORM{c}","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") or $message = "Copy Failed - $!";
if ($message eq "") {
my $mode = sprintf "%04o", (stat("$webpath$FORM{c}"))[2] & oct("00777");
chmod (oct($mode),"$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") or $message = "Permission Change Failed - $!";
if ($message eq "") {$FORM{c} = ""}
# end copyit
# start mycopy
sub mycopy {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
(my $dest = $file) =~ s/^\Q$origpath/$destpath/;
my $status = "";
if (-d $file) {
my $err = (split(/\//,$dest))[-1];
mkpath ($dest) or $status = "Copy Failed Making New Dir [$err] - $! \n";
} elsif (-f $file) {
my $err = (split(/\//,$file))[-1];
copy ($file,$dest) or $status = "Copy Failed [$err] - $! \n";
if ($status eq "") {
my $err = (split(/\//,$file))[-1];
my $mode = sprintf "%04o", (stat("$file"))[2] & oct("00777");
chmod (oct($mode),"$dest") or $message .= "Copy Failed Setting Perms [$err] - $! \n";
} else {
$message .= $status;
# end mycopy
# start cnewd
sub cnewd {
my $status = 0;
if ($FORM{newf} ne "") {
mkdir ("$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}",0777) or $status = $!;
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end cnewd
# start cnewf
sub cnewf {
my $status = 0;
if ($FORM{newf} ne "") {
if (-f "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") {
$status = "File exists";
} else {
open (my $OUT, ">","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{newf}") or $status = $!;
flock ($OUT, LOCK_EX);
close ($OUT);
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end cnewf
# start del
sub del {
my $status = 0;
if (-d "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") {
rmtree("$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}", 0, 0) or $status = $!;
} else {
unlink ("$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") or $status = $!;
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end del
# start view
sub view {
if (-e "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}" ) {
if (-T "$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") {
print "content-type: text/plain\r\n";
} else {
print "content-type: application/octet-stream\r\n";
print "content-disposition: attachment; filename=$FORM{f}\r\n\r\n";
open(my $IN,"<","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") or die $!;
flock ($IN, LOCK_SH);
while (<$IN>) {print}
print "content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
print "File [$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}] not found!";
# end view
# start console
sub console {
my $thisdir = "$webpath$FORM{p}";
$thisdir =~ s/\/+/\//g;
print "
print "root [$thisdir]# $FORM{cmd}\n";
chdir $thisdir;
$| = 1;
my ($childin, $childout);
my $cmdpid = open3($childin, $childout, $childout, $FORM{cmd});
while (my $line = <$childout>) {
$line =~ s/\\<\;/g;
$line =~ s/\>/\>\;/g;
print $line;
waitpid ($cmdpid, 0);
print "root [$thisdir]# _ \n";
print "";
# end console
# start cd
sub cd {
if (-d $FORM{directory}) {
$FORM{p} = $FORM{directory};
} else {
$message = "No such directory [$FORM{directory}]";
# end cd
# start edit
sub edit {
open (my $IN, "<","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") or die $!;
flock ($IN, LOCK_SH);
my @data = <$IN>;
close ($IN);
my $filedata;
foreach my $line (@data) {
$line =~ s/\</g;
$line =~ s/\>/>/g;
$filedata .= $line;
my $lf = 0;
if ($filedata =~ /\r/) {$lf = 1}
print "\n";
print "\n";
# end edit
# start save
sub save {
unless ($FORM{lf}) {$FORM{newf} =~ s/\r//g}
my $status = 0;
open (my $OUT, ">","$webpath$FORM{p}/$FORM{f}") or $status = $!;
flock ($OUT, LOCK_EX);
print $OUT $FORM{newf};
close ($OUT);
if ($status) {$message = "Operation Failed - $status"} else {$message = ""}
# end save
# start uploadfile
sub uploadfile {
my $crlf = "\r\n";
my @data = split (/$crlf/,$fileinc);
my $boundary = $data[0];
$boundary =~ s/\"//g;
$boundary =~ s/$crlf//g;
my $start = 0;
my $part_cnt=-1;
undef @parts;
my $fileno = 0;
foreach my $line (@data) {
if ($line =~ /^$boundary--/) {
if ($line =~ /^$boundary/) {
$start = 1;
if ($start) {
$parts[$part_cnt] .= $line.$crlf;
foreach my $part (@parts) {
my @partdata = split(/$crlf/,$part);
undef %header;
my $body = "";
my $dobody = 0;
my $lastfieldname = "";
foreach my $line (@partdata) {
if (($line eq "") and !($dobody)) {
$dobody = 1;
if ($dobody) {
$body .= $line.$crlf;
} else {
if ($line =~ /^\s/) {
$header{$lastfieldname} .= $line;
} else {
($fieldname, $value) = split (/\:\s/,$line,2);
$fieldname = lc $fieldname;
$fieldname =~ s/-/_/g;
$header{$fieldname} = $value;
$lastfieldname = $fieldname;
my @elements = split(/\;/,$header{content_disposition});
foreach my $element (@elements) {
$element =~ s/\s//g;
$element =~ s/\"//g;
($name,$value) = split(/\=/,$element);
$FORM{$value} = $body;
$ele{$name} = $value;
$ele{$ele{name}} = $value;
if ($value =~ /^file(.*)$/) {$files = $1}
my $filename = $ele{"file$files"};
if ($filename ne "") {
$filename =~ s/\"//g;
$filename =~ s/\r//g;
$filename =~ s/\n//g;
@bits = split(/\\/,$filename);
@bits = split(/\//,$filetemp);
@bits = split(/\:/,$filetemp);
@bits = split(/\"/,$filetemp);
push (@filenames, $filename);
push (@filebodies, $body);
$FORM{p} =~ s/\r//g;
$FORM{p} =~ s/\n//g;
$FORM{type} =~ s/\r//g;
$FORM{type} =~ s/\n//g;
$FORM{c} =~ s/\r//g;
$FORM{c} =~ s/\n//g;
$FORM{m} =~ s/\r//g;
$FORM{m} =~ s/\n//g;
$FORM{caller} =~ s/\r//g;
$FORM{caller} =~ s/\n//g;
for (my $x = 0;$x < @filenames ;$x++) {
$filenames[$x] =~ s/\r//g;
$filenames[$x] =~ s/\n//g;
$filenames[$x] =~ s/^file-//g;
$filenames[$x] = (split (/\\/,$filenames[$x]))[-1];
$filenames[$x] = (split (/\//,$filenames[$x]))[-1];
if ($FORM{type} eq "ascii") {$filebodies[$x] =~ s/\r//g}
if (-e "$webpath$FORM{p}/$filenames[$x]") {
$extramessage .= " $filenames[$x] - Already exists, delete the original first";
sysopen (my $OUT,"$webpath$FORM{p}/$filenames[$x]", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
flock ($OUT, LOCK_EX);
print $OUT $filebodies[$x];
close ($OUT);
$extramessage .= " $filenames[$x] - Uploaded";
$message = "$fileno File(s) Uploaded".$extramessage;
# end uploadfile
# start countfiles
sub countfiles {
if (-d $File::Find::name) {push (@dirs, $File::Find::name)} else {push (@files, $File::Find::name)}
# end countfiles
# loadconfig
sub loadconfig {
sysopen (my $IN, "/etc/csf/csf.conf", O_RDWR | O_CREAT) or die "Unable to open file: $!";
flock ($IN, LOCK_SH);
my @config = <$IN>;
close ($IN);
chomp @config;
foreach my $line (@config) {
if ($line =~ /^\#/) {next}
if ($line !~ /=/) {next}
my ($name,$value) = split (/=/,$line,2);
$name =~ s/\s//g;
if ($value =~ /\"(.*)\"/) {
$value = $1;
} else {
&error(__LINE__,"Invalid configuration line");
$config{$name} = $value;
# end loadconfig