ELF>0@C@8 @@@@   (=(M(M8P8=8M8M888 XXXDDStd888 Ptd$,$,$,LLQtdRtd(=(M(M/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2GNUGNU~l3QhB݋GNU em2A) \yPy. W= hj" `R:hRlibsgutils2.so.2_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable__gmon_start___ITM_registerTMCloneTablesg_convert_errnosg_if_can2stdoutpr2serrsg_get_llnumsg_cmds_close_devicesg_if_can2stderrsg_ll_pre_fetch_xsg_get_numsafe_strerrorsg_cmds_open_devicelibc.so.6__printf_chkoptindperror__stack_chk_fail__errno_locationoptarg__snprintf_chkgetopt_longclock_gettime__cxa_finalize__libc_start_mainGLIBC_2.4GLIBC_2.17GLIBC_2.2.5GLIBC_2.3.4ii ui ti (M0MPP P*@P*`P*P*P*P*P*Q* Q*@Q*`Q+Q+QD*Q+Q+R%+ R1+OO O OO`RhRPOXO`OhOpOxOOO O O OOOOOOOHH?HtH5?%?hhhhhhhhqhah Qh Ah 1h !h hhh%>D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%=D%}=D%u=DAWAVE1AUE1ATIUSHHdH%(H$1D$L|$`HD$ D$D$D$D$ D$(D$8D$/D$:D$9D$;D$0LMH =HD$`ƃu@8BHcH>AAH=?D$둃D$(D$/D$9{H=>D$]H=>XD$?H=>HHD$ H=>MD$?H=I1A@H=[>D$ D$;D$8D$01E1H$dH3%(HD[]A\A]A^A_H=1A*1D$:]=19}HcЃIԉ=9|$/|$8mHL%E8T$(AHDŅ|$9(\$0LD$ E1E1L$:AL|$0DDt$8EDt$(D$LAAD$@LD$DD$HD$<)L$1 skip SB blocks to next LBA (def: 1) --time|-t time the command(s) and if NC>1 show usecs/command (def: don't time) --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version string and exit --wrap-offset=WO|-w WO if SB>0 and WO>0 then if LBAn>LBA+WO then reset LBAn back to LBA (def: 0) Performs SCSI SEEK(10), PRE-FETCH(10) or PRE-FETCH(16) command(s).If no options are given does one SEEK(10) command with an LBA of 0 . If NC>1 then a tally is kept of successes, 'condition-met's and errors that is printed on completion. 'condition-met' is from PRE-FETCH when NUM blocks fit in the DEVICE's cache. --count= unable to decode argument, want 0 or higher --grpnum= expect argument in range 0 to 63 --lba= unable to decode argument --num= unable to decode argument --skip= unable to decode argument --wrap-offset= unable to decode argument unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) not supported Elapsed time: %ld microseconds%s, per command time: %ld Command count=%u, number of condition_mets=%u, number of goods=%u Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information Seek(10)Pre-fetch(10)Pre-fetch(16)c:g:hil:n:prs:tTvVw:1.07 20180911version: %s Missing device name! open error: %s: %s %s clock_gettime (over %d seconds) number of errors=%d first error code: %d last errorclose error: %s sg_seek failed: 10countgrpnumhelpimmedlbanum-blocksnum_blockspre-fetchpre_fetchreadonlyskipverboseversionwrap-offsetwrap_offset222222222222222222222222222222222222O22w2Y22;12% ;H|,< d