# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_stdio.StandardInputOutputTests.test_readConnectionLost -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Main program for the child process run by L{twisted.test.test_stdio.StandardInputOutputTests.test_readConnectionLost} to test that IHalfCloseableProtocol.readConnectionLost works for process transports. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division import sys from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet.interfaces import IHalfCloseableProtocol from twisted.internet import stdio, protocol from twisted.python import reflect, log @implementer(IHalfCloseableProtocol) class HalfCloseProtocol(protocol.Protocol): """ A protocol to hook up to stdio and observe its transport being half-closed. If all goes as expected, C{exitCode} will be set to C{0}; otherwise it will be set to C{1} to indicate failure. """ exitCode = None def connectionMade(self): """ Signal the parent process that we're ready. """ self.transport.write(b"x") def readConnectionLost(self): """ This is the desired event. Once it has happened, stop the reactor so the process will exit. """ self.exitCode = 0 reactor.stop() def connectionLost(self, reason): """ This may only be invoked after C{readConnectionLost}. If it happens otherwise, mark it as an error and shut down. """ if self.exitCode is None: self.exitCode = 1 log.err(reason, "Unexpected call to connectionLost") reactor.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': reflect.namedAny(sys.argv[1]).install() log.startLogging(open(sys.argv[2], 'wb')) from twisted.internet import reactor protocol = HalfCloseProtocol() stdio.StandardIO(protocol) reactor.run() sys.exit(protocol.exitCode)