# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.application.strports}. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.application import strports from twisted.application import internet from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint class ServiceTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{strports.service}. """ def test_service(self): """ L{strports.service} returns a L{StreamServerEndpointService} constructed with an endpoint produced from L{endpoint.serverFromString}, using the same syntax. """ reactor = object() # the cake is a lie aFactory = Factory() aGoodPort = 1337 svc = strports.service( 'tcp:' + str(aGoodPort), aFactory, reactor=reactor) self.assertIsInstance(svc, internet.StreamServerEndpointService) # See twisted.application.test.test_internet.EndpointServiceTests. # test_synchronousRaiseRaisesSynchronously self.assertTrue(svc._raiseSynchronously) self.assertIsInstance(svc.endpoint, TCP4ServerEndpoint) # Maybe we should implement equality for endpoints. self.assertEqual(svc.endpoint._port, aGoodPort) self.assertIs(svc.factory, aFactory) self.assertIs(svc.endpoint._reactor, reactor) def test_serviceDefaultReactor(self): """ L{strports.service} will use the default reactor when none is provided as an argument. """ from twisted.internet import reactor as globalReactor aService = strports.service("tcp:80", None) self.assertIs(aService.endpoint._reactor, globalReactor)