import json import logging import os import pathlib from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union # noqa: F401 from uaclient import defaults, secret_manager, system, util from uaclient.config import UAConfig class RegexRedactionFilter(logging.Filter): """A logging filter to redact confidential info""" def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord): record.msg = util.redact_sensitive_logs(str(record.msg)) return True class KnownSecretRedactionFilter(logging.Filter): """A logging filter to redact confidential info""" def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord): record.msg = secret_manager.secrets.redact_secrets(str(record.msg)) return True class JsonArrayFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Json Array Formatter for our logging mechanism Custom made for Pro logging needs """ default_time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" default_msec_format = "%s.%03d" required_fields = ( "asctime", "levelname", "name", "funcName", "lineno", "message", ) def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: record.message = record.getMessage() record.asctime = self.formatTime(record) extra_message_dict = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if record.exc_info: extra_message_dict["exc_info"] = self.formatException( record.exc_info ) if not extra_message_dict.get("exc_info") and record.exc_text: extra_message_dict["exc_info"] = record.exc_text if record.stack_info: extra_message_dict["stack_info"] = self.formatStack( record.stack_info ) extra = record.__dict__.get("extra") if extra and isinstance(extra, dict): extra_message_dict.update(extra) # is ordered to maintain order of fields in log output local_log_record = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Any] # update the required fields in the order stated for field in self.required_fields: value = record.__dict__.get(field) local_log_record[field] = value local_log_record["extra"] = extra_message_dict return json.dumps(list(local_log_record.values())) def get_user_or_root_log_file_path() -> str: """ Gets the correct log_file path, adjusting for whether the user is root or not. """ if util.we_are_currently_root(): return UAConfig().log_file else: return get_user_log_file() def get_user_log_file() -> str: """Gets the correct user log_file storage location""" return os.path.join(system.get_user_cache_dir(), "ubuntu-pro.log") def get_all_user_log_files() -> List[str]: """Gets all the log files for the users in the system Returns a list of all user log files in their home directories. """ user_directories = os.listdir("/home") log_files = [] for user_directory in user_directories: user_path = os.path.join( "/home", user_directory, ".cache", defaults.USER_CACHE_SUBDIR, "ubuntu-pro.log", ) if os.path.isfile(user_path): log_files.append(user_path) return log_files def setup_journald_logging(): logger = logging.getLogger("ubuntupro") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(JsonArrayFormatter()) console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) console_handler.addFilter(RegexRedactionFilter()) console_handler.addFilter(KnownSecretRedactionFilter()) logger.addHandler(console_handler) def setup_cli_logging(log_level: Union[str, int], log_file: str): """Setup logging to log_file If run as non-root then log_file is replaced with a user-specific log file. """ # support lower-case log_level config value if isinstance(log_level, str): log_level = log_level.upper() # if we are running as non-root, change log file if not util.we_are_currently_root(): log_file = get_user_log_file() logger = logging.getLogger("ubuntupro") logger.setLevel(log_level) # Clear all handlers, so they are replaced for this logger logger.handlers = [] # Setup file logging log_file_path = pathlib.Path(log_file) if not log_file_path.exists(): log_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log_file_path.touch(mode=0o640) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(JsonArrayFormatter()) file_handler.setLevel(log_level) file_handler.addFilter(RegexRedactionFilter()) file_handler.addFilter(KnownSecretRedactionFilter()) logger.addHandler(file_handler)