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Examine filesystem free space -a agno -- Scan only the given AG agno. -b -- binary histogram bin size -d -- debug output -e bsize -- Use fixed histogram bin size of bsize -g -- Print only a per-AG summary. -h hbsz -- Use custom histogram bin size of h1. Multiple specifications are allowed. -m bmult -- Use histogram bin size multiplier of bmult. -r -- Display realtime device free space information. -s -- Emit freespace summary information. Only one of -b, -e, -h, or -m may be specified. Discard filesystem free space -a agno -- trim all the freespace in the given AG agno -f -- trim all the freespace in the entire filesystem offset length -- trim the freespace in the range {offset, length} -m minlen -- skip freespace extents smaller than minlen One of -a, -f, or the offset/length pair are required. Remove speculative preallocation -g gid -- remove prealloc on files matching group -m minlen -- only consider files larger than -p prid -- remove prealloc on files matching project -s -- wait for removal to complete -u uid -- remove prealloc on files matching user If none of -u, -g, or -p are specified, this command acts on all files. minlen can take units. Report all observed filesystem health problems. -a agno -- Report health of the given allocation group. -c -- Report on the health of all inodes. -f -- Report health of the overall filesystem. -i inum -- Report health of a given inode number. -q -- Only report unhealthy metadata. paths -- Report health of the given file path. meta-data=%-22s isize=%-6d agcount=%u, agsize=%u blks =%-22s sectsz=%-5u attr=%u, projid32bit=%u =%-22s crc=%-8u finobt=%u, sparse=%u, rmapbt=%u =%-22s reflink=%u data =%-22s bsize=%-6u blocks=%llu, imaxpct=%u =%-22s sunit=%-6u swidth=%u blks naming =version %-14u bsize=%-6u ascii-ci=%d, ftype=%d log =%-22s bsize=%-6d blocks=%u, version=%d =%-22s sectsz=%-5u sunit=%d blks, lazy-count=%d realtime =%-22s extsz=%-6d blocks=%lld, rtextents=%lld Pretty-prints the filesystem geometry as derived from the superblock. The output has the same format as mkfs.xfs, xfs_info, and other utilities. The opened file must be an XFS mount point. %s: XFS_IOC_FREE_EOFBLOCKS on %s: %s %s: FS_IOC_GETFSMAP ["%s"]: %s AG extents blocks %7lld %7lld %7lld %7lld %6.2f %s: not on the open filesystemHealth status has not been collected for this filesystem. Please run xfs_scrub(8) to remedy this situation. %s: cannot find mount point for path `%s': %s %s: cannot initialise path table: %s %s: Not on a mounted XFS filesystem. [-s] [-u id] [-g id] [-p id] [-m minlen]Remove speculative preallocation[-m minlen] ( -a agno | -f | offset length )[-dgrs] [-a agno]... [ -b | -e bsize | -h h1... | -m bmult ]Report observed XFS health problems.cannot strdup command '%s': %s pretty-print superblock geometry info[-a agno] [-c] [-f] [-i inum] [-q] [paths]/etc/mtab/proc/self/mountslogdevrtdev ,%s (or %s) command %s not found %s %s -- %s Too many histogram buckets. ok%s %s: %s unhealthy%c%03d%c %-14s %s: Not a XFS mount point. noneexternalinternal logcommand "%s" not found bad agno value %s a:fm:%s: ioctl(FITRIM) ["%s"]: %s g:m:p:su:%s: fsmap malloc failed. %8d %8d %8ld rtdev %10llu %10llu %10u %10llu %10llu Unrecognized AG number: %s a:bde:gh:m:rspctblocksextentstofrom%7s %7s %7s %7s %6s total free extents %lld total free blocks %lld average free extent size %g bulk alloc reqinode %lubulkstatag_geometryAG %uinode %lluag healthinode healtha:cfi:qfilesystemUsage: %s [-c cmd] file /usr/share/localexfsprogs/etc/projid/etc/projects%s version %s 5.3.0c:p:V%s: cannot find mount point.Not an XFS filesystem! strdupprintlist current open fileshelp?[command]help for one or all commandspreallocquitexit the programtrimtrDiscard filesystem free spacefreespfspExamine filesystem free space%s> infoisuperblockAGF headerAGFL headerAGI headerfree space by block btreefree space by length btreefree inode btreereverse mappings btreereference count btreeinode coredata forkextended attribute forkcopy on write forkdirectoryextended attributessymbolic link targetparent pointerssummary countersuser quotagroup quotaproject quotarealtime bitmaprealtime summaryxhXH@ֿ?????????x?uf7!1{r{{m{{{{{{{{{Y@;6(T XH0XDhXxlآHTXhx8ȥ@hd88hXx($dر|Ȳ(X Xpȸ 8, Ƚx ȿ X$ ( H 8 x@ xl h  H zRx x/D$4 FJ w?;*3$"\t     &HBBB A(A0G L@I@ 0D(A BBBA 4`kBHH I ABB DAE DK(wADD0S AAB lD<BBB B(D0C8GPc 8A0A(B BBBE J 8C0A(B BBBB aXR`UXAP `ARR AJ AJ AA LBEE E(A0D8F 8D0A(B BBBC X,BBB B(A0A8G L@L`I`s 8A0A(B BBBA $T)ADF WAA|#A[ A A8BLG I ABG F ABG 8ܨBEA D(L@ (D ABBH 0BDD D0r  DABA HAM J <hAAD w CAG l CAH iCA<)DdT*D\@lHAA b ABA ` ABE TFE*D\4*D\L*D\Ld0NBI E(D0C8G@8A0A(B BBBJLPBE B(A0F8F@y8C0A(B BBBEPBBB B(A0A8GKHDEHHAAHABHHJBJJAJJHDHAHHHHAHHJF\I 8A0A(B BBBJ $*D\H<BBB E(D0A8F` 8D0A(B BBBF (D|HAD gABHpBIE B(D0D8Fp 8D0A(B BBBB @HBGB D(C0N 0D(A BBBA dBBJ B(A0A8DP[ 8D0A(B BBBE h 8A0A(B BBBA Xh,BBI B(D0D8F` 8C0A(B BBBA hHp`hA`LBGB B(A0A8N 8A0A(B BBBJ ( pAKI AAI @@ 4:BBB A(D0J 0A(A BBBI ( 0ALG{ AAG | BBH H(H0D8F@ 8H0A(B BBBE  8A0A(B BBBA  8F0A(B BBBK 0 tBBLH  BGB B(D0D8G! 8A0A(B BBBA 0 ̒+BAC ^ GBA D HeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB p`% %@98}< Ձ@%%%.9C[n x@‚͂ق% % xgo0 0  h  oop oo o)6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""&"6"F"V"f"v"""""""""##&#6# X`}P777b600d102570f409195aba38c3a3bbfec9197.debugXޠ.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink $& 4o$> 00F0 0 No [op p `j tBhh~ y @#@#P#P#%Dxgxg pp((((   ` `` `4