U  W[ã@s>dZddlmZmZddlZddlZddlmZddd„ZdS)z% Application data directory support. é)ÚdivisionÚabsolute_importN)Ú currentframecCs"|stdƒ}t |¡j}t |¡S)a Get a data directory for the caller function, or C{moduleName} if given. @param moduleName: The module name if you don't wish to have the caller's module. @type moduleName: L{str} @returns: A directory for putting data in. @rtype: L{str} é)rÚinspectZ getmoduleÚ__name__ÚappdirsZ user_data_dir)Z moduleNameZcaller©r ú9/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/_appdirs.pyÚgetDataDirectorys  r )N) Ú__doc__Z __future__rrrrZtwisted.python.compatrr r r r r Ús