U  W[\ @sdZddlmZmZddlmZddlmZddddgZesldd l m Z m Z dd l m Z m Z ed d d g7Znddlm Z mZeddddgZgdfddZdddZddZdS)z/ sendmsg(2) and recvmsg(2) support for Python. )absolute_importdivision) namedtuple)_PY3sendmsgrecvmsggetSocketFamily SCM_RIGHTS)send1msgrecv1msg) getsockfamr r r r )r CMSG_SPACERecievedMessagedata ancillaryflagscCs*tr||g||St||||SdS)a Send a message on a socket. @param socket: The socket to send the message on. @type socket: L{socket.socket} @param data: Bytes to write to the socket. @type data: bytes @param ancillary: Extra data to send over the socket outside of the normal datagram or stream mechanism. By default no ancillary data is sent. @type ancillary: C{list} of C{tuple} of C{int}, C{int}, and C{bytes}. @param flags: Flags to affect how the message is sent. See the C{MSG_} constants in the sendmsg(2) manual page. By default no flags are set. @type flags: C{int} @return: The return value of the underlying syscall, if it succeeds. N)rrr fileno)socketrrrr8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/sendmsg.pyrs cCsLtr&||t||dd\}}}nt||||\}}}t|||dS)a Receive a message on a socket. @param socket: The socket to receive the message on. @type socket: L{socket.socket} @param maxSize: The maximum number of bytes to receive from the socket using the datagram or stream mechanism. The default maximum is 8192. @type maxSize: L{int} @param cmsgSize: The maximum number of bytes to receive from the socket outside of the normal datagram or stream mechanism. The default maximum is 4096. @type cmsgSize: L{int} @param flags: Flags to affect how the message is sent. See the C{MSG_} constants in the sendmsg(2) manual page. By default no flags are set. @type flags: L{int} @return: A named 3-tuple of the bytes received using the datagram/stream mechanism, a L{list} of L{tuple}s giving ancillary received data, and flags as an L{int} describing the data received. r)rrr)rrr r rr)rZmaxSizeZcmsgSizerrrrrrr6s  cCstr |jSt|SdS)z Return the family of the given socket. @param socket: The socket to get the family of. @type socket: L{socket.socket} @rtype: L{int} N)rZfamilyr r)rrrrr^s N)rrr)__doc__Z __future__rr collectionsrZtwisted.python.compatr__all__Ztwisted.python._sendmsgr r r r rr rrrrrrrrs    (