U  W[ ã@s:dZddlmZmZdgZddlmZGdd„deƒZdS)zƒ Integration with systemd. Currently only the minimum APIs necessary for using systemd's socket activation feature are supported. é)ÚdivisionÚabsolute_importÚ ListenFDs)Úgetpidc@s2eZdZdZdZdd„Zed dd„ƒZdd „ZdS) raf L{ListenFDs} provides access to file descriptors inherited from systemd. Typically L{ListenFDs.fromEnvironment} should be used to construct a new instance of L{ListenFDs}. @cvar _START: File descriptors inherited from systemd are always consecutively numbered, with a fixed lowest "starting" descriptor. This gives the default starting descriptor. Since this must agree with the value systemd is using, it typically should not be overridden. @type _START: C{int} @ivar _descriptors: A C{list} of C{int} giving the descriptors which were inherited. écCs ||_dS)z @param descriptors: The descriptors which will be returned from calls to C{inheritedDescriptors}. N)Ú _descriptors)ÚselfÚ descriptors©r ú8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/systemd.pyÚ__init__%szListenFDs.__init__Nc Cs¦|dkrddlm}|dkr"|j}g}zt|dƒ}Wnttfk rNYnPX|tƒkržzt|dƒ}Wnttfk r‚YnXt|||ƒ}|d=|d=||ƒS)a¶ @param environ: A dictionary-like object to inspect to discover inherited descriptors. By default, L{None}, indicating that the real process environment should be inspected. The default is suitable for typical usage. @param start: An integer giving the lowest value of an inherited descriptor systemd will give us. By default, L{None}, indicating the known correct (that is, in agreement with systemd) value will be used. The default is suitable for typical usage. @return: A new instance of C{cls} which can be used to look up the descriptors which have been inherited. Nr)ÚenvironZ LISTEN_PIDZ LISTEN_FDS)Úosr Ú_STARTÚintÚKeyErrorÚ ValueErrorrÚrange)Úclsr Ústartr ÚpidÚcountr r r ÚfromEnvironment-s"   zListenFDs.fromEnvironmentcCs t|jƒS)z> @return: The configured list of descriptors. )Úlistr)rr r r ÚinheritedDescriptorsUszListenFDs.inheritedDescriptors)NN) Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__rr Ú classmethodrrr r r r rs  'N) rZ __future__rrÚ__all__rrÚobjectrr r r r Ús