/* privpub.h */ #ifndef _PRIVPUB_H_ #define _PRIVPUB_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(IO_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT) /* The default I/O-buffer size = 4MBytes (unless overridden through ioassign) */ #define IO_BUFSIZE_DEFAULT 4194304 #endif #define NIL "(nil)" #define PERROR(msg) \ fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s (in %s:%d) : errno#%d\n",msg?msg:NIL,strerror(errno),__FILE__, __LINE__,errno) #if defined(VPP5000) || defined(VPP) /* Fujitsu VPP doesn't have snprintf, so we created one in file ifsaux/support/endian.c */ /* For ODB/SQL compiler the same code sits in odb/compiler/odb98.c */ extern int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...); #endif #if defined(NO_TRUNC) || defined(VPP) || defined(SV2) /* For systems without trunc() -function [an extension of ANSI-C, but usually available] */ #define trunc(x) ((x) - fmod((x),1)) #else #if !defined(__cplusplus) extern double trunc(double d); #endif #endif #define PRIVATE static #define PUBLIC /* fprintf even if "fp" was NULL */ extern int ODB_fprintf(FILE *fp, const char *format, ...); /* Fortran90 compatible NINT-function */ #define F90nint(x) ( ((x) > 0) ? (int)((x) + 0.5) : (int)((x) - 0.5) ) /* Pi related stuff */ #define pi ((double)3.14159265358979323844e0) #define half_pi (pi / 2) #define two_pi (2 * pi) #define four_pi (4 * pi) #define pi_over_180 (pi/180) #define recip_pi_over_180 (180/pi) /* Radians to degrees & degrees to radians (formerly in odb.h) */ #define R2D(x) ( (180/pi) * ( ((x) > pi) ? ((x) - 2*pi) : (x) ) ) #define D2R(x) ( (pi/180) * ( ((x) > 180) ? ((x) - 360) : (x) ) ) /* Radius of the Earth both in meters and kilometres (formerly in odb.h) */ #define R_Earth ((double)6371000e0) #define R_Earth_km ((double)6371e0) /* Some common things ... */ #undef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) ) #undef MAX #define MAX(a,b) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) ) #undef ABS #define ABS(x) ( ((x) >= 0) ? (x) : -(x) ) #undef RNDUP_DIV #define RNDUP_DIV(i,n) (( (i) + (n) - 1 ) / (n)) #undef RNDUP #define RNDUP(i,n) ( RNDUP_DIV(i,n) * (n)) #define STRLEN(x) (((const char *)(x)) ? (int)strlen(x) : (int)0) #define _POOLNO "$pool#" #define _NPOOLS "$npools#" #define _NTABLES "$ntables#" #define _UNIQNUM "$uniq#" #define _ROWNUM "$row#" #define _COLNUM "$col#" #define _NROWS "$nrows#" #define _NCOLS "$ncols#" #define IS_BSNUM(s) ((s) && *(s) == '\\' && STRLEN(s) >= 2 && isdigit((s)[1])) #define IS_HASH(s) ((s) && *(s) == '#') #define IS_DOLLAR(s) ((s) && *(s) == '$') #define IS_TABLE(s) ((s) && (s)[0] == '@') #define IS_POOLNO(s) ((s) && (((s)[0] == '$' && (s)[1] == '#')|| strequ(s,_POOLNO))) #define IS_(sym,s) strequ(s,_##sym) #define IS_USDHASH(s) ((s) && (s)[0] == '$' && (s)[STRLEN(s)-1] == '#') #define IS_USDDOTHASH(s) (IS_USDHASH(s) && strchr(s,'.') && (strchr(s,'.') == strrchr(s,'.'))) static const char ODB_OFFSET_CHAR[] = "#"; #define GET_OFFSET(s) ((!(s) || IS_DOLLAR(s) || IS_HASH(s) || IS_USDHASH(s)) ? NULL : strrchr(s,*ODB_OFFSET_CHAR)) /* Timers */ extern double util_cputime_(); extern double util_walltime_(); #ifdef RS6K extern void xl__trbk_(); #else #define xl__trbk_() #endif extern void abor1fl_(const char *filename, const int *linenum, const char *s, int filenamelen, int slen); extern void abor1_(const char *s, int slen); #define ABOR1(txt) { \ const char *t = (txt); \ xl__trbk_(); t ? abor1_(t, strlen(t)) : abor1_("",0); } #define ABOR1FL(txt) { \ const char *t = (txt); \ int linenum=__LINE__; \ t ? abor1fl_(__FILE__, &linenum, t, sizeof(__FILE__)-1, strlen(t)) \ : abor1fl_(__FILE__, &linenum, "", sizeof(__FILE__)-1, 0); \ _exit(1); /* Should never end up here */ } #define RAISE(x) { \ xl__trbk_(); \ if ((x) == SIGABRT) { \ const char *txt = "*** Fatal error; aborting (SIGABRT) ..."; \ ABOR1FL(txt); \ _exit(1); /* Should never end up here */ \ } \ else raise(x); \ } /* No. of bits for "int" */ #define MAXBITS 32 /* No. of bits per 1-byte */ #define BITS_PER_BYTE 8 #ifndef O_LOCK_DONE #define O_LOCK_DONE /* OpenMP/ODB lock type */ /* Keep consistent with "ifsaux/include/drhook.h" */ /* Be ALSO consistent with OML_LOCK_KIND in ifsaux/module/oml_mod.F90 */ typedef long long int o_lock_t; /* i.e. 64-bit integer */ #define INIT_LOCKID_WITH_NAME(mylock, lockname) \ coml_init_lockid_with_name_(mylock, lockname, strlen(lockname)) extern void coml_set_debug_(const int *konoff, int *kret); extern void coml_init_lock_(); extern void coml_init_lockid_(o_lock_t *mylock); extern void coml_init_lockid_with_name_(o_lock_t *mylock, const char *name, int name_len); extern void coml_set_lock_(); extern void coml_set_lockid_(o_lock_t *mylock); extern void coml_unset_lock_(); extern void coml_unset_lockid_(o_lock_t *mylock); extern void coml_test_lock_(int *is_set); extern void coml_test_lockid_(int *is_set, o_lock_t *mylock); extern void coml_in_parallel_(int *is_parallel_region); #endif /* #ifndef O_LOCK_DONE */ /* OpenMP-stuff */ /* My thread-id [1 .. $OMP_NUM_THREADS] as in ifsaux/module/oml_mod.F90 */ extern int get_thread_id_(); /* From "ifsaux/utilities/get_thread_id.F90" */ /* Static number of threads allocated i.e. $OMP_NUM_THREADS */ extern int get_max_threads_(); /* From "ifsaux/utilities/get_max_threads.F90" */ /* The current number of threads allocated <= $OMP_NUM_THREADS */ extern int get_num_threads_(); /* From "ifsaux/utilities/get_num_threads.F90" */ #define DEF_IT int it = get_thread_id_() #define IT (it-1) #define DEF_INUMT int inumt = get_max_threads_() /* 0 (zero) Celsius in Kelvin */ #define ZERO_POINT ((double)273.15e0) /* Aggregate function flags */ #define ODB_AGGR_NONE 0x0000000 #define ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT 0x0100000 #define ODB_AGGRMASK_BOOLEAN 0x1000000 #define ODB_AGGR_COUNT 0x0000001 #define ODB_AGGR_COUNT_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_COUNT) #define ODB_AGGR_BCOUNT (ODB_AGGRMASK_BOOLEAN | ODB_AGGR_COUNT) #define ODB_AGGR_BCOUNT_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_BOOLEAN | ODB_AGGR_COUNT_DISTINCT) #define ODB_AGGR_MIN 0x0000002 #define ODB_AGGR_MAX 0x0000004 #define ODB_AGGR_SUM 0x0000008 #define ODB_AGGR_SUM_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_SUM) #define ODB_AGGR_AVG 0x0000010 #define ODB_AGGR_AVG_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_AVG) #define ODB_AGGR_STDEV 0x0000020 #define ODB_AGGR_STDEV_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_STDEV) #define ODB_AGGR_RMS 0x0000040 #define ODB_AGGR_RMS_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_RMS) #define ODB_AGGR_DOTP 0x0000080 #define ODB_AGGR_DOTP_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_DOTP) #define ODB_AGGR_NORM 0x0000100 #define ODB_AGGR_NORM_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_NORM) #define ODB_AGGR_VAR 0x0000200 #define ODB_AGGR_VAR_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_VAR) #define ODB_AGGR_COVAR 0x0000400 #define ODB_AGGR_CORR 0x0000800 #define ODB_AGGR_LINREGR_A 0x0001000 #define ODB_AGGR_LINREGR_B 0x0002000 #define ODB_AGGR_MEDIAN 0x0010000 #define ODB_AGGR_MEDIAN_DISTINCT (ODB_AGGRMASK_DISTINCT | ODB_AGGR_MEDIAN) #define ODB_AGGR_MINLOC 0x0020000 #define ODB_AGGR_MAXLOC 0x0040000 #define ODB_AGGR_DENSITY 0x0080000 #define ODB_tag_delim ";" #ifdef __cplusplus typedef bool Bool; #else typedef enum { false=0, true=1 } Bool; #endif /* char : Normally occupies 1 byte */ typedef unsigned int boolean; typedef boolean Boolean; typedef unsigned char byte; typedef byte byte1; #if !defined(RS6K) typedef unsigned char uchar; #endif typedef char integer1; typedef unsigned char uinteger1; /* short : Normally occupies 2 bytes */ typedef short integer2; #if !defined(RS6K) && !defined(LINUX) && !defined(HPPA) && !defined(VPP) && !defined(SUN4) && !defined(NECSX) && !defined(SV2) typedef unsigned short int ushort; #endif typedef unsigned short uinteger2; /* int : Normally occupies 4 bytes */ /* typedef unsigned int uint; (defined via system include files) */ typedef int integer4; typedef unsigned int uinteger4; /* typedef unsigned long ulong; (defined via system include files) */ /* long long: A non-standard way to access 8 byte integer(s) */ typedef long long int longlong; typedef long long int ll_t; typedef unsigned long long int ulonglong; typedef unsigned long long int u_ll_t; typedef long long int integer8; typedef unsigned long long int uinteger8; /* float : 32-bit flp (normally IEEE-754), 4 bytes */ typedef float real4; /* double : 64-bit flp (normally IEEE-754), 8 bytes */ typedef double real8; /* Formula alias double : For use by SELECT-expressions (29-Jun-2006/SS) */ typedef double Formula; /* Supported data types */ /* Moved here from odb.h on 7-Jan-2004/SS */ typedef int number; typedef int pk1int; typedef int pk2int; typedef int pk3int; typedef int pk4int; typedef int pk5int; typedef int pk9int; typedef pk1int linkoffset_t; /* also follows packing#1 */ typedef pk1int linklen_t; /* also follows packing#1 */ /* typedef unsigned int Bitfield; typedef unsigned int hex4; We can't have (at least the above) unsigned ints since the following substitution for unsigned int u and double d gets incorrect on RS6K, when d < 0 [... the IBM-s.o.b. RS6K sets the result to zero !!] u = d ; what appears to be working is, but very weird is: u = (int)d; but we don't want to use this cast-operator, since its introduction would add even more confusion ==> lets make Bitfield and hex4 signed ints (29-May-2002/SS) */ typedef int Bitfield; typedef int hex4; typedef hex4 bufr; typedef hex4 grib; typedef integer4 integer; /* These inherit corresponding packing method */ typedef pk1int yyyymmdd; typedef pk1int hhmmss; typedef double pk2real; typedef double pk3real; typedef double pk4real; typedef double pk5real; typedef double pk9real; typedef pk3real string; /* typedef double string; */ typedef double pk11real; typedef double pk12real; typedef double pk13real; typedef double pk14real; typedef double pk15real; typedef double pk16real; typedef double pk17real; typedef double pk18real; typedef double pk19real; typedef double pk21real; typedef double pk22real; typedef double pk23real; typedef double pk24real; typedef double pk25real; typedef double pk26real; typedef double pk27real; typedef double pk28real; typedef double pk29real; typedef double pk31real; typedef double pk32real; typedef double pk33real; typedef double pk34real; typedef double pk35real; typedef double pk36real; typedef double pk37real; typedef double pk38real; typedef double pk39real; typedef real8 real; /* S2D-business */ #define S2D "S2D_" #define S2DLEN (sizeof(S2D)-1) /* i.e. strlen(S2D) */ #define S2Dlc "s2d_" #define S2DlcLEN (sizeof(S2Dlc)-1) /* i.e. strlen(S2Dlc) */ #define S2D_all_blanks (0x2020202020202020ull) typedef union { double dval; u_ll_t llu; uint ival[2]; char str[9]; char *saddr; } S2D_Union; typedef struct { uint ival[2]; } S2D_Type; #define MASK_0 0U /* 0 */ #define MASK_1 1U /* 1 */ #define MASK_2 3U /* 11 */ #define MASK_3 7U /* 111 */ #define MASK_4 15U /* 1111 */ #define MASK_5 31U /* 11111 */ #define MASK_6 63U /* 111111 */ #define MASK_7 127U /* 1111111 */ #define MASK_8 255U /* 11111111 */ #define MASK_9 511U /* 111111111 */ #define MASK_10 1023U /* 1111111111 */ #define MASK_11 2047U /* 11111111111 */ #define MASK_12 4095U /* 111111111111 */ #define MASK_13 8191U /* 1111111111111 */ #define MASK_14 16383U /* 11111111111111 */ #define MASK_15 32767U /* 111111111111111 */ #define MASK_16 65535U /* 1111111111111111 */ #define MASK_17 131071U /* 11111111111111111 */ #define MASK_18 262143U /* 111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_19 524287U /* 1111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_20 1048575U /* 11111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_21 2097151U /* 111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_22 4194303U /* 1111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_23 8388607U /* 11111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_24 16777215U /* 111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_25 33554431U /* 1111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_26 67108863U /* 11111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_27 134217727U /* 111111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_28 268435455U /* 1111111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_29 536870911U /* 11111111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_30 1073741823U /* 111111111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_31 2147483647U /* 1111111111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK_32 4294967295U /* 11111111111111111111111111111111 */ #define MASK(n) MASK_##n #define IOR(x,y) ((x) | (y)) #define IAND(x,y) ((x) & (y)) #define ISHFTL(x,n) ((x) << (n)) #define ISHFTR(x,n) ((x) >> (n)) #define GET_BITS(x, pos, len) IAND(ISHFTR((int)(x), pos), MASK(len)) #define PUT_BITS(to, x, pos, len) \ to = IOR(IAND(to, ~(ISHFTL(MASK(len), pos))), \ IAND((int)(x), ISHFTL(MASK(len), pos))) #define BYTESIZE(x) (x##len * sizeof(*x)) #define BYTESIZE2(x,elemsize) (x##len * (elemsize)) typedef struct { #ifdef LITTLE unsigned int pmethod:8; /* Value 0 .. 255 ; 0 means not packed; 1,2,3,5,9,11-19,21-29 methods implemented 255 means not really packed, but PCMA-header exists for MDI's */ unsigned int signbit:1; /* signed = 1, unsigned = 0 */ unsigned int byte_swappable:1; /* byte swapping applicable = 1, N/A i.e. raw data = 0 */ unsigned int precision_bits:6; /* power of 2 for length of data; range = [0..63] bits */ unsigned int base_type:2; /* other = 0, int = 1, flp = 2, complex flp = 3 notes: - if other, look for other_type - precion_bits used for length as 2^precision_bits - if int, check also signed/unsigned part */ unsigned int other_type:14; /* used when base_type == 0 ; currently defined undefined = 00 000 000 000 000 = 0 = 0x0 Bitfield = 00 000 000 000 001 = 1 = 0x1 (note: also precision_bits must be 5 i.e. 2^5 == 32; preferably unsigned) string = 00 000 000 000 010 = 2 = 0x2 (note: alias to char(8); also precision_bits should be 3 i.e. 2^3 == 8 bytes; byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw) yyyymmdd = 00 000 000 000 100 = 4 = 0x4 (note: preferably unsigned) hhmmss = 00 000 000 001 000 = 8 = 0x8 (note: preferably unsigned) linkoffset_t = 00 000 000 010 000 = 16 = 0x10 (note: preferably unsigned) linklen_t = 00 000 000 100 000 = 32 = 0x20 (note: preferably unsigned) bufr-data = 00 000 001 000 000 = 64 = 0x40 (note: also byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw; also precision_bits must be 5 i.e. 2^5 == 32) grib-data = 00 000 010 000 000 = 128 = 0x80 (note: also byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw; also precision_bits must be 5 i.e. 2^5 == 32) blob = 00 000 100 000 000 = 256 = 0x100 (note: precision_bits used for length; up to 2^16 bytes; enough ?; byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw) long blob = 00 001 000 000 000 = 512 = 0x200 (note: precision_bits used for length; up to 2^31 bytes; enough ?; byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw) char = 00 010 000 000 000 = 1024 = 0x400 (note: precision_bits used for length; byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw) varchar = 00 100 000 000 000 = 2048 = 0x800 (note: precision_bits used for maximum length; byte_swappable must be == 0 i.e. raw) reserved_1 = 01 000 000 000 000 = 4096 = 0x1000 reserved_2 = 10 000 000 000 000 = 8192 = 0x2000 */ #else /* Big endian */ unsigned int other_type:14; unsigned int base_type:2; unsigned int precision_bits:6; unsigned int byte_swappable:1; unsigned int signbit:1; unsigned int pmethod:8; #endif } odb_types_t; PUBLIC uint get_dtnum(const char *dt); PUBLIC int get_dtsize(const char *dt); #define EXTRACT_PMETHOD(x) GET_BITS(x,0,8) #define EXTRACT_DATATYPE(x) GET_BITS(x,8,24) #define EXTRACT_SIGNBIT(x) GET_BITS(x,8,1) #define EXTRACT_SWAPPABLE(x) GET_BITS(x,9,1) #define EXTRACT_PRECISION(x) GET_BITS(x,10,6) #define EXTRACT_BASETYPE(x) GET_BITS(x,16,2) #define EXTRACT_OTHERTYPE(x) GET_BITS(x,18,14) /* The following is a product of ../tools/typebits.c -program output */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=0, base_type=0, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_UNDEF 0x0 /* (0 dec) undef */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=0, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_BIT 0x100 /* (256 dec) bit : 1 bits, 0 bytes */ /* signbit=1, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=3, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_INT1 0x10f /* (271 dec) char : 8 bits, 1 bytes */ /* signbit=1, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=4, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_INT2 0x113 /* (275 dec) short : 16 bits, 2 bytes */ /* signbit=1, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_INT4 0x117 /* (279 dec) int : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=1, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=6, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_INT8 0x11b /* (283 dec) long long : 64 bits, 8 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=3, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_UINT1 0x10e /* (270 dec) uchar : 8 bits, 1 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=4, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_UINT2 0x112 /* (274 dec) ushort : 16 bits, 2 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_UINT4 0x116 /* (278 dec) uint : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=6, base_type=1, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_UINT8 0x11a /* (282 dec) ulonglong : 64 bits, 8 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=2, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_REAL4 0x216 /* (534 dec) float : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=6, base_type=2, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_REAL8 0x21a /* (538 dec) double : 64 bits, 8 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=7, base_type=2, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_REAL16 0x21e /* (542 dec) long double : 128 bits, 16 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=6, base_type=3, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_CMPLX4 0x31a /* (794 dec) complex4 : 64 bits, 8 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=7, base_type=3, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_CMPLX8 0x31e /* (798 dec) complex8 : 128 bits, 16 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=8, base_type=3, other_type=0x0 (0) */ #define DATATYPE_CMPLX16 0x322 /* (802 dec) complex16 : 256 bits, 32 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x1 (1) */ #define DATATYPE_BITFIELD 0x416 /* (1046 dec) Bitfield : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=6, base_type=0, other_type=0x2 (2) */ #define DATATYPE_STRING 0x818 /* (2072 dec) string : 64 bits, 8 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x4 (4) */ #define DATATYPE_YYYYMMDD 0x1016 /* (4118 dec) yyyymmdd : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x8 (8) */ #define DATATYPE_HHMMSS 0x2016 /* (8214 dec) hhmmss : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=1, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x10 (16) */ #define DATATYPE_LINKOFFSET 0x4017 /* (16407 dec) linkoffset_t : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=1, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x20 (32) */ #define DATATYPE_LINKLEN 0x8017 /* (32791 dec) linklen_t : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x40 (64) */ #define DATATYPE_BUFR 0x10016 /* (65558 dec) bufr : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=1, precision_bits=5, base_type=0, other_type=0x80 (128) */ #define DATATYPE_GRIB 0x20016 /* (131094 dec) grib : 32 bits, 4 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=19, base_type=0, other_type=0x100 (256) */ #define DATATYPE_BLOB 0x4004c /* (262220 dec) blob64kB : 65536 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=34, base_type=0, other_type=0x200 (512) */ #define DATATYPE_LONGBLOB 0x80088 /* (524424 dec) blob2GB : 2147483648 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=11, base_type=0, other_type=0x400 (1024) */ #define DATATYPE_CHAR 0x10002c /* (1048620 dec) char(1:255) : 256 bytes */ /* signbit=0, byte_swappable=0, precision_bits=11, base_type=0, other_type=0x800 (2048) */ #define DATATYPE_VARCHAR 0x20002c /* (2097196 dec) varchar(1:255) : 256 bytes */ #endif