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IF 3SFexiting (strict=%d) continuing ... IF 4How did we get here?? No %ss found in SF (num=%u) IF 5sg_fd close error: %s sfr_fd close errorinfd close errorsg_write_x failed: %s: array length exceeded 3216app-tagapp_tagbmopbscombineddlddpodry-rundry_runfuagrpnumgenerationhelplbanormaloffsetquietref-tagref_tagscat-filescat_filescat-rawscat_rawstricttag-masktag_masktimeoutunmapverboseversionwrprotect%s: first 32 bytes of WRITE SCATTERED data-out buffer should be zero. Found non-zero byte. %s: degenerate %s stops scan at k=%d (num_rds=%d) %s: %s %d non zero in reserved fields %s: pad (%d bytes) following %ss is non zero %s: about to return true, num_lbard=%u, sum_num=%u [k=%d, n=%d] Usage: sg_write_x [--16] [--32] [--app-tag=AT] [--atomic=AB] [--bmop=OP,PGP] [--bs=BS] [--combined=DOF] [--dld=DLD] [--dpo] [--dry-run] [--fua] [--generation=EOG,NOG] [--grpnum=GN] [--help] --in=IF [--lba=LBA,LBA...] [--normal] [--num=NUM,NUM...] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--or] [--quiet] [--ref-tag=RT] [--same=NDOB] [--scat-file=SF] [--scat-raw] [--scattered=RD] [--stream=ID] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--unmap=U_A] [--verbose] [--version] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE Or the corresponding short option usage: sg_write_x [-6] [-3] [-a AT] [-A AB] [-B OP,PGP] [-b BS] [-c DOF] [-D DLD] [-d] [-x] [-f] [-G EOG,NOG] [-g GN] [-h] -i IF [-l LBA,LBA...] [-N] [-n NUM,NUM...] [-o OFF[,DLEN]] [-O] [-Q] [-r RT] [-M NDOB] [-q SF] [-R] [-S RD] [-T ID] [-s] [-t TM] [-I TO] [-u U_A] [-v] [-V] [-w WPR] DEVICE Use '-h' or '--help' for more help where: --16|-6 send 16 byte cdb variant (this is default action) --32|-3 send 32 byte cdb variant of command (def: 16 byte) --app-tag=AT|-a AT expected application tag field (def: 0xffff) --atomic=AB|-A AB send WRITE ATOMIC command with AB being its Atomic Boundary field (0 to 0xffff) --bmop=OP,PGP|-p OP,PGP set BMOP field to OP and Previous Generation Processing field to PGP --bs=BS|-b BS block size (def: use READ CAPACITY), if power of 2: logical block size, otherwise: actual block size --combined=DOF|-c DOF scatter list and data combined for WRITE SCATTERED, data starting at offset DOF which has units of sizeof(LB+PI); sizeof(PI)=8n or 0 --dld=DLD|-D DLD set duration limit descriptor (dld) bits (def: 0) --dpo|-d set DPO (disable page out) field (def: clear) --dry-run|-x exit just before sending SCSI write command --fua|-f set FUA (force unit access) field (def: clear) --generation=EOG,NOG set Expected ORWgeneration field to EOG |-G EOG,NOG and New ORWgeneration field to NOG --grpnum=GN|-g GN GN is group number field (def: 0, range: 0 to 31) --help|-h use multiple times for different usage messages --in=IF|-i IF IF is file to fetch NUM blocks of data from. Blocks written to DEVICE. 1 or no blocks read in the case of WRITE SAME --lba=LBA,LBA... list of LBAs (Logical Block Addresses) to start |-l LBA,LBA... writes (def: --lba=0). Alternative is --scat-file=SF --normal|-N send 'normal' WRITE command (default when no other command option given) --num=NUM,NUM... NUM is number of logical blocks to write (def: |-n NUM,NUM... --num=0). Number of block sent is sum of NUMs --offset=OFF[,DLEN] OFF is byte offset in IF to start reading from |-o OFF[,DLEN] (def: 0), then read DLEN bytes(def: rest of IF) --or|-O send ORWRITE command --quiet|-Q suppress some informational messages --ref-tag=RT|-r RT expected reference tag field (def: 0xffffffff) --same=NDOB|-M NDOB send WRITE SAME command. NDOB (no data out buffer) can be either 0 (do send buffer) or 1 (don't) --scat-file=SF|-q SF file containing LBA, NUM pairs, see manpage --scat-raw|-R read --scat_file=SF as binary (def: ASCII hex) --scattered=RD|-S RD send WRITE SCATTERED command with RD range descriptors (RD can be 0 when --combined= given) --stream=ID|-T ID send WRITE STREAM command with its STR_ID field set to ID --strict|-s exit if read less than requested from IF ; require variety of WRITE to be given as option --tag-mask=TM|-t TM tag mask field (def: 0xffff) --timeout=TO|-I TO command timeout (unit: seconds) (def: 120) --unmap=U_A|-u U_A 0 clears both UNMAP and ANCHOR bits (default), 1 sets UNMAP, 2 sets ANCHOR, 3 sets both --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version string then exit --wrprotect=WPR|-w WPR WPR is the WRPROTECT field value (def: 0) Performs a SCSI WRITE (normal), ORWRITE, WRITE ATOMIC, WRITE SAME, WRITE SCATTERED, or WRITE STREAM command. A 16 or 32 byte cdb variant can be selected. The --in=IF option (data to be written) is required apart from when --same=1 (i.e. when NDOB is set). If no WRITE variant option is given then, in the absence of --strict, a (normal) WRITE is performed. Only WRITE SCATTERED uses multiple LBAs and NUMs, or a SF file with multiple pairs. The --num=NUM field defaults to 0 (do nothing) for safety. Using '-h' multiple times shows the applicable options for each command variant. WRITE ATOMIC (16 or 32) applicable options: sg_write_x --atomic=AB --in=IF [--16] [--32] [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE normal WRITE (32) applicable options: sg_write_x --normal --in=IF --32 [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE normal WRITE (16) applicable options: sg_write_x --normal --in=IF [--16] [--bs=BS] [--dld=DLD] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--verbose] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE ORWRITE (32) applicable options: sg_write_x --or --in=IF --32 [--bmop=OP,PGP] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] [--generation=EOG,NOG] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF{,DLEN]] [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=ORP] DEVICE ORWRITE (16) applicable options: sg_write_x --or --in=IF [--16] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=ORP] DEVICE WRITE SAME (32) applicable options: sg_write_x --same=NDOB --32 [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] [--grpnum=GN] [--in=IF] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--unmap=U_A] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE WRITE SCATTERED (32) applicable options: sg_write_x --scattered --in=IF --32 [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] [--combined=DOF] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA,LBA...] [--num=NUM,NUM...] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--scat-file=SF] [--scat-raw] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE WRITE SCATTERED (16) applicable options: sg_write_x --scattered --in=IF [--bs=BS] [--combined=DOF] [--dld=DLD] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA,LBA...] [--num=NUM,NUM...] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--scat-raw] [--scat-file=SF] [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE WRITE STREAM (32) applicable options: sg_write_x --stream=ID --in=IF --32 [--app-tag=AT] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--ref-tag=RT] [--strict] [--tag-mask=TM] [--timeout=TO] [--verbose] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE WRITE STREAM (16) applicable options: sg_write_x --stream=ID --in=IF [--16] [--bs=BS] [--dpo] [--fua] [--grpnum=GN] [--lba=LBA] [--num=NUM] [--offset=OFF[,DLEN]] [--strict] [--timeout=TO] [--wrprotect=WRP] DEVICE Notes: - all 32 byte cdb variants, apart from ORWRITE(32), need type 1, 2, or 3 protection information active on the DEVICE - all commands can take one or more --verbose (-v) options and/or the --dry-run option - all WRITE X commands will accept --scat-file=SF and optionally --scat-raw options but only the first lba,num pair is used (any more are ignored) - when '--rscat-aw --scat-file=SF' are used then the binary format expected in SF is as defined for the WRITE SCATTERED commands. That is 32 bytes of zeros followed by the first LBA range descriptor followed by the second LBA range descriptor, etc. Each LBA range descriptor is 32 bytes long with an 8 byte LBA at offset 0 and a 4 byte number_of_logical_ blocks at offset 8 (both big endian). The 'pad' following the last LBA range descriptor does not need to be given - WRITE SCATTERED(32) additionally has expected initial LB reference tag, application tag and LB application tag mask fields in the LBA range descriptor. If --strict is given then all reserved fields are checked for zeros, an error is generated for non zero bytes. - when '--lba=LBA,LBA...' is used on commands other than WRITE SCATTERED then only the first LBA value is used. - when '--num=NUM,NUM...' is used on commands other than WRITE SCATTERED then only the first NUM value is used. - whenever '--lba=LBA,LBA...' is used then '--num=NUM,NUM...' should also be used. Also they should have the same number of elements.Error doing read of %s file: %s Short (%u) read of %s file, wanted %u Need WRITE ATOMIC(32) since blocks exceed 65535 %s: bad cdb name or length (%d) %s scatter list, number of %ss: %u byte offset of data_to_write: %u, dout_len: %d desc %d: LBA=0x%lx numblocks=%u%sWarning: possible clash of descriptor %u with data_to_write Data-out buffer contents (first 1024 of %u bytes): Above: dout's first 1024 of %u bytes [%s] Data-out buffer contents (length=%u): Exit just before sending %s due to --dry-run , LB data offset: %u Number of %ss: %u %s: dout_len==0, so empty dout buffer Medium or hardware error starting at Number of successfully written %ss is 0 or not reported Number of successfully written %ss is %u %s: t10_scat_list_out is too short 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHxXiIkKmMgGtTpP , %s: syntax error in %s at line %d, pos %d %s: error reading NUM (second) item on %s: error reading item %d NUM item on %s: error with item 3, >0xffffffff; on %s: error with item 4, >0xffff; on %s: error with item 5, >0xffff; on %s: number exceeds 32 bits in line %d, at pos %d of %s %s: error on line %d, at pos %d %s: expect LBA,NUM pairs but decoded odd number from %s %s: error reading LBA (first) item on 36a:A:b:B:c:dD:Efg:G:hi:I:l:M:n:No:Oq:Qr:RsS:t:T:u:vVw:xbad argument to '--app-tag='. Expect 0 to 0xffff inclusive bad argument to '--atomic='. Expect 0 to 0xffff inclusive bad argument to '--bs='. Expect 0 or greater warning: --bs=BS value is < 512 which seems too small, continue warning: --bs=BS value is not a multiple of 8, unexpected, continue bad first argument to '--bmop=' bad second argument to '--bmop=' bad argument to '--combined='. Expect 0 to 0x7fffffff bad argument to '--dld=', expect 0 to 7 inclusive bad first argument to '--generation=' bad second argument to '--generation=' need two arguments with --generation=EOG,NOG and they must be comma separated only expect '--lba=' option once bad argument to '--same', expect 0 or 1 only expect '--num=' option once bad first argument to '--offset=' bad second argument to '--offset=' bad second argument to '--offset=', cannot exceed 32 bits bad argument to '--ref-tag='. Expect 0 to 0xffffffff inclusive bad argument to '--scattered='. Expect 0 to 0xffff inclusive bad argument to '--tag-mask='. Expect 0 to 0xffff inclusive bad argument to '--stream=', expect 0 to 65535 bad argument to '--unmap=', expect 0 to 3 bad argument to '--wrprotect' unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action Since neither --16 nor --32 given, choose --16 Since both --16 and --32 given, choose --32 Can only select one command; so only one of --atomic, --normal, --or, --same=, --scattered= or --stream= With --strict won't default to a normal WRITE, add --normal No command selected so choose 'normal' WRITE --combined=DOF only allowed with --scattered=RD (i.e. only with WRITE SCATTERED command) Ambiguous: got --combined=DOF and --scat-file=SF . Give one, the other or neither --scattered=RD --combined=DOF does not use --lba= or --num= Please remove. Ambiguous: don't expect --combined=DOF and --scat-raw Give one or the other --scat-raw only applies to the --scat-file=SF option --scat-raw without the --scat-file=SF option is an error want one and only one of: (--lba=LBA and/or --num=NUM), or --scat-file=SF, or --combined=DOF don't accept '-' (implying stdin) as a filename in --scat-file=SF Need --if=FN option to be given, exiting. To write zeros use --in=/dev/zero Offset (%lu) is at or beyond IF byte length (%lu) couldn't offset to required position on %s--offset [0x%lx] at or beyond file length[0x%lx] after accounting for OFF, DLEN exceeds %s remaining length (%u bytes) Moved IF byte pointer to %u, if_len=%u, if_readable_len=%u --offset=OFF ignored when IF is stdin, pipe, socket, etc DLEN, if given, is used Read capacity(16) unit attention, try again For data out buffer purposes the effective block size is %u (lb size is %u) because PROT_EN=1, PI_EXP=%u and WRPROTECT>0 Read capacity(16) response fields: --wrprotect (%d) expects PI but %s says it has none ... continue but could be dangerous Last_LBA=0x%lx LB size: %u (with PI: %u) bytes p_type=%u prot_en=%u [PI type=%u] p_i_exp=%u lbppb_exp=%u lbpme,rz=%u,Read capacity(16) not supported, try Read capacity(10) Unable to calculate block size Logic error, need block size by now Error: number of bytes to read from IF [%u] is not a multiple block size %u (including protection information) Warning: number of bytes to read from IF [%u] is not a multiple of actual block size %u; pad with zeros '--lba' cannot be read from stdin 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHxXiIkKmMgGtTpP, build_lba_arr: error at pos %d '--len' cannot be read from stdin %s: number exceeds 32 bits at pos %d need same number of arguments to '--lba=' and '--num=' options won't write %u blocks without an explicit --lba= option Expect scatter file to be a regular file Failed to open %s for raw read: %s With --combined= if DOF, RD are 0 and IF has an unknown length then give up unable to allocate aligned memory for scatterlist+data %s: Cannot fit %ss (%u) in given LB data offset (%u) %s: empty blocks before LB data offset (%u), could be okay Exiting due to --strict; perhaps try again with --combined=%u unable to allocate memory for final scatterlist+data DLEN > than bytes implied by sum of scatter list NUMs (%u) num_lbard=%u, sum_num=%u actual_bs=%ureadable length (%u) of IF %s bytes implied by sum of scatter list NUMs (%u) and DLEN Calculated data-out length (0x%x) not a multiple of BS (%uSF not long enough (%u bytes) to provide RD (%u) %ss Try again with --scattered=%u IF length (%u) %s 'sum_num' bytes (%u), %s: number given to --scattered= (%u) exceeds number of --lba= elements (%u) warning: %d LBA,number_of_blocks pairs found, only taking first after build_t10_scat, num_lbard=%u, sum_num=%u Unable to decode one LBA range descriptor from %s raw scatter file must be at least 64 bytes long (length: %u) No LBA or number_of_blocks given, try using --lba= and --num= unable to allocate %u bytes of memory Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information build_lba_arr: array length exceeded --app-tag=, --ref-tag= and --tag-mask= options ignored with 16 byte commands Calculated dout length (%u) %s bytes available in IF (%u) RD (%u) %s number of %ss (%u) found in IF RD (%u) %s number of %ss (%u) found in SF ArNrNr4rNrNrNrNrNrNrNrNrqNrwvNr~vNrNr*vNruNrNrNruuuNrwuju/utNrtNrNrNrNrNrNrNrNrNrNrttgtZtNrMtttsNrNrsNrscsNrOs.s!srrrr{rdo_write_xcheck_lbrdsparse_scat_pi_linebuild_t10_scatprocess_scatteredbuild_num_arr;t gXkhknhXL(HȬP(zRx Л/D$4(gFJ w?:*3$"\jtxjpHPBEE B(D0D8D` 8D0A(B BBBA 0ĞAY E H E k E X E H4  yBCJ U DBA e DBE \Dh BFB B(D0D8G 8D0A(B BBBA AFA4(vAAG v FAJ D CAH LpBBB E(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBA ,0l-FPH H(H0D8I{ 8D0A(B BBBA bPAEOAUOA5KPBHAiAKOAuDdB.BWBD 0eFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBBTXUPU) xmo   (P oo oop o+0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" "0"@"P"`"p"""""""""## #0#@#P#`#p###%t3(t6+ta3taqA;tB@tbCtcLtDPtdTtx\txdtfhtgotGzthnpitltNktntosOtQtrtrXqMtqtqtRtRqqSqTtstttttItutvtVuw4a60400f12b16db129f4dfa2c116d17f5ccceb.debugygl.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go4Q Y aop p no `}PPB(  ####p ' 'UFxmxm ppFHHHth@ @@ @4t