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The filesystem will be misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without mount option "fat=16". This filesystem has an unfortunate size. A 12 bit FAT cannot provide enough clusters, but a 16 bit FAT takes up a little bit more space so that the total number of clusters becomes less than the threshold value for distinction between 12 and 16 bit FATs. %s: Make the filesystem a bit smaller manually. WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 32 bit FAT! %s: FAT not 12, 16 or 32 bits Sector size must be %d to have less than %d log. sectors ss=%d: #clu=%d, fat_len=%d, maxclu=%d %s: With this sector size, the maximum number of FAT entries would be exceeded. %s: Would need a sector size > 16k, which GEMDOS can't work with %s: Backup boot sector must be after sector 1 %s: Backup boot sector must be a reserved sector Using sector %d as backup boot sector (0 = none) %s: GEMDOS can't handle more than 65531 sectors Warning: More than 32765 sector need TOS 1.04 or higher.%s: Too many clusters for filesystem - try more sectors per cluster %s: Attempting to create a too large filesystem %s: Too few blocks for viable filesystem %s has %d head%s and %d sector%s per track, using 0x%02x media descriptor, with %d sectors; filesystem has %d %d-bit FAT%s and %d sector%s per cluster. FAT size is %d sector%s, and provides %d cluster%s. There %s %u reserved sector%s. Root directory contains %u slots and uses %u sectors. %s: unable to allocate space for FAT image in memory %s: unable to allocate space for root directory in memory %s: seek failed during testing for blocks Unexpected values in do_check: probably bugs%s: bad blocks before data-area: cannot make fs %s: Can't open file of bad blocks %s: Error while reading bad blocks file While converting bad block number in line %d: %s Badly formed number in bad blocks file line %d Block number %ld is before data area Block number %ld is behind end of filesystem %s: seek to start of device failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing reserved sector %s: seek to boot sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing boot sector %s: seek to info sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing info sector %s: seek to backup boot sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing backup boot sector %s: seek to first FAT failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing FAT %s: failed whilst writing root directory %lld... Too many clusters FAT too big areishelpinvariantmkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)Bad number of FATs : %s Bad FAT type : %s -%-11.11sBad logical sector size : %s Unknown option: %c No device specified.Bad block count : %s %s: unable to open %s: %s %s: file %s already exists %s: unable to create %s %s: unable to resize %s Boot jump code is %02x %02x Using %d reserved sectors FAT12: too much clustersFAT16: too much clustersFAT32: too much clustersChoosing %d bits for FAT hidden sectors 0x%04x; logical sector size is %d, drive number 0x%02x; Volume ID is %08lx, NO NAME volume label %s. no volume label.%s: Out of memory Searching for bad blocks %d bad block%s getline%s: Error in bad blocks file mkfs.fatbԴFbudev_fill_info()no udev library contextno udev contextlooking for dependent deviceschild-or-self: %s syspath: %s %s/holdersholder: %s removable1partitionparent subsystem is "%s" blockfstat on target failed/etc/mtabno parent found, therefore virtual deviceattribute "removable" is "%s" attribute "removable" not foundattribute "partition" is "%s" attribute "partition" not foundtapeprinterprocessorwormromscannermo-diskchangercommraidenclosurerbcosdno-lun$4DTdt%d.%d.%d;0XphP(4hP8h h<TH8zRx +zRx $pFJ w?;*3$"DH\ 'Ht82D,dDn F y G Z F Y A 4[AQ F wtLGH*BBG B(A0A8LiCAL<`BBB B(A0A8M | 8A0A(B BBBC 8~BBD A(Q (A ABBK 0DlAAU A CAD DFA \AH L AA  dGW A L<BBE D(F0@ (D BBBC | (D BBBJ (-AALq AAG TAG { AD DS"D Z PD F A ($!D\8@<BBD A(N`D (A ABBG |bAL0w AK $AGP AG DeBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBB$FF  tW{ { oP  : } P oo(ooo{ &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv NO NAME [|"t V^2This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again ... `<n2c405213950f673bedb4b0c9a651b534b40018.debugF.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oL> hFP P :No[o((jPtB~yb<tWtW WWXrXr@s@sh{ {{ {{ {} }8    C 4H