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ÐH1|=xMH=HtHyHff.Ht HUH5nH=wHtV1H=p}1Ņx@A A12HHt -ߊ1] ]Df.xbATUHSHĊLHHt9HHKLHKHLHՅu H L9u1[]A\D1ff.f&HGH= AULGLATD?USH9v9I:D1D Hȅ&fAUtTLL1H9w܄"HȉLAHLH!H9HCIEtVǽUDqH=u  HmLLHH!AH9HCIfU AI9[1E1L%7DL1AI9IfUuO tHcL,M9wHH1H@pH9u@uDOAHLHHHPIUHPH!1LAw@[]A\A]Lc1LH@pH9u@ID9H6fH1HHH9uMfE1IfD[]A\A]%HLɻHL*fDHt2LH1кfρ EǃuL9ufHt2LH1кfρx;EǃuL9ufHt9LH1к ρHǃuL9uf.AWL=AVIAUIATAUH-SL)H?Ht1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH/run/mdadm%s/%s.pid%s/%s.sock%s: %s: %s %s: failed to create pipe %s: failed to fork: %s %s: %s already managed /proc/%lu/cmdline@dmon/dev/nullthaF/proc/mdstatexternal:takeoverhelpoffrootforeground1.x0.90%s: failed to load sysfs info for %s %s: %s is not a container - cannot monitor %s: %s does not use external metadata - cannot monitor %s: %s uses unsupported metadata: %s %s: Cannot load metadata for %s %s: failed to notify our parent: %d %s: failed to start monitor process: %s Usage: mdmon [options] CONTAINER Options are: --help -h : This message --all -a : All devices --foreground -F : Run in foreground (do not fork) --takeover -t : Takeover container %s: %s is not a valid md device name mdmonnonewrite_mostly-external_bbl%llu %d%c%nexternal:-reshape_position-blockedremove+in_syncresyncrecovercheckrepairclearinactivesuspendedreadonlyread-autowrite-pendingactive-idlebrokenrecovery_startunacknowledged_bad_blockssync_action0.%03ld frozenarray_sizelineararray_stateresync_startsync_completedsafe_mode_delay%s: failed to monitor %s poll:. -0123456789%02x size=%lluK mtime=%sReIsErFsReIsEr2Fs size = %lluK %s: fstat failed for %s: %s %s: stat failed for %s: %s (y/n) %s: assuming 'no' /md_d (%ld.%02ld MiB %ld.%02ld MB) (%ld.%02ld GiB %ld.%02ld GB)%ld.%02ldMiB%ld.%02ldGiB%ld.%02ldMB%ld.%02ldGB,far%s near=%d%s %s=%dNO REDUNDANCY/sys/block/%s/dev%d:%d /dev/%s/dev/md/%s/dev/.tmp.%s/dev/.tmp.md/dev/.tmp.md.%d:%d:%d/tmp/.tmp.md.%d:%d:%d%s: timeout waiting for %s -no-metadata-%d.%d-unknown-/sys/dev/block/%d:%d/holders/%s/md/metadata_versionexternal%s: %s is not a container /sbin/mdmon./mdmonMDADM_NO_MDMON/proc/self/exeMDADM_NO_SYSTEMCTLmdmon@%s.service/usr/bin/systemctl/dev/urandomlibcmap.so.4cmap_initializecmap_get_stringcmap_finalizetotem.cluster_namebitmap%s%s: failed to lock cluster libdlm_lt.so.3dlm_open_lockspacedlm_create_lockspacedlm_release_lockspacedlm_ls_lockdlm_ls_unlock_waitdlm_ls_get_fddlm_dispatch/dev/zero%s: Cannot open /dev/zero %s: Mapping /dev/zero failed %s: error %d happened when unlock %s: error %d happened in ast when unlock lockspace %s: error %d happened when release lockspace %s: %s appears to contain an ext2fs file system %s: %s appears to contain a reiserfs file system %s: %s is not a block device. %s: %s appears to be part of a raid array: level=%s devices=%d ctime=%s%s: partition table exists on %s %s: Cannot get size of %s: %s %s: Cannot get sector size of %s: %s %s: partition table exists on %s but will be lost or meaningless after creating array %s: metadata will over-write last partition on %s. %s: array size is too small to cover all partitions on %s. %s: Couldn't open %s, aborting %s: Failed to determine device number for %s %s: Failed to read sysfs for %s %s: Operation not supported for %s metadata %s: Failed to allocate device name %s: Failed to load metadata for %s %s: Failed to find subarray-%s in %s %s: cannot run mdmon. Array remains readonly %s: failed to launch mdmon. Array remains readonly %s: Something wrong with dlm library %s: The md can't get cluster name %s: %s failed to create lockspace %s: open existed %s lockspace %s: error %d when get PW mode on lock %s %s: Failed to seek offset for zeroing %s: Zeroing disk range failed unknownwrite-transientwtread-transientwrite-persistentwpread-persistentrpwrite-allwaread-fixablerfflushdefaultassemblecreatemanagemiscmonitorgrowincrementalauto-detectstripemirrorraid4multipathraid6originalalternatedangerousleft-asymmetricright-asymmetricleft-symmetricright-symmetriclaralsparity-firstparity-lastddf-zero-restartddf-N-restartddf-N-continueleft-asymmetric-6right-asymmetric-6left-symmetric-6right-symmetric-6parity-first-6Personalitiesread_aheadunusedsuperrecovery=DELAYED=PENDING/sys/block/%s/md/dev-%s/sys/block/%s/mddev-offline/sys/block/%s/md/%s/%s%llu%lli/sys/block/%s/uevent%ld.%03ld levelraid_diskschunk_sizelayoutcomponent_sizeconsistency_policynew_devppl_sectorppl_sizeinsync%llu %d %d:%d:%d:%dfrozen idle recover /sys/block/%s/md/component_size%s: This kernel does not support external metadata. %s: This kernel does not have the md/array_size attribute, the array may be larger than expected %s: This kernel does not support PPL. Falling back to consistency-policy=resync. %s: The kernel has no support for bad blocks in external metadata /sys/dev/block/%d:%d/device/scsi_devicemetadata_versionstripe_cache_sizsafe_mode_delaybitmap/locationconsistency_poliblock/device/sta-part1.01.11.2includere-addspare-same-slotforce-spare/run/mdadm/failed-slots/run/mdadm/failed-slots/%s%s %08x:%08x:%08x:%08x %s %x:%x:%x:%x .temp%s: metadata=%s unrecognised - ignoring rule /sys/dev/block/%d:%d/partition%s: policy rule %s unrecognised and ignored %s: can't create file to save path to old disk: %s %s: Failed to write to cookie ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="%s", ENV{ID_PATH}=="%s", RUN+="/sbin/mdadm --incremental $env{DEVNAME}" ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_PATH}=="%s", RUN+="/sbin/mdadm --incremental $env{DEVNAME}" /dev/disk/by-pat/dev/./mdadm.hret >= 0/sys/dev/block/%d:%d/dev/.auto-read-only)/proc/devicesBlockdevices:mdp/block/md%dmd_d%d/dev/.udevMDADM_NO_UDEV/run/udevxasprintf(auto-read-only)%s: Couldn't open %s for write - not zeroing %s: Unrecognised md component device - %s %s: Could not zero superblock on %s %s: Subarray-%s still active, aborting %s: Failed to delete subarray-%s from %s %s: Deleted subarray-%s from %s, UUIDs may have changed %s: superblock zeroed anyway detailexaminefollowzero-superblockqueryexamine-bitmapdetail-platformkill-subarrayupdate-subarrayudev-rulesexamine-badblocksdumprestorehelp-optionsverbosequietroundingparityraid-disksraid-devicesspare-disksspare-devicesassume-cleanmetadatabitmap-chunkwrite-behindwrite-mostlynofailfasthomehostsymlinksdata-offsetnodeshome-clusterwrite-journalconsistency-policyuuidsuper-minorconfigscanforceupdatefreeze-reshapeadd-spareadd-journalfailset-faultyreplacewithrunstopreadwriteno-degradedwait-cleancluster-confirmbriefexportsparc2.2testprefermailprogramalertincrementdaemonisedaemonizeoneshotpid-filesyslogno-sharingbackup-fileinvalid-backuparray-sizerebuild-mapraid5 raid10 raid1e raid1 raid0 64M 32M 16M 8M 1M 512k 256k 128k 64k 32k 16k yesnoMD_FIRMWARE_TYPE=imsmIMSM_VERSION=%d.%d.%d.%d IMSM_2TB_VOLUMES=%s IMSM_2TB_DISKS=%s IMSM_MAX_DISKS=%d Intel Raid ISM Cfg Sig. Bad-blocks on %s: %20llu for %d sectors missing/sys/dev/block%s: cannot open device: %s enterprise raid5 raid10 raid1e raid1 raid0 64M 32M 16M 8M 4M 2M 1M 512k 256k 128k 64k 32k 16k 8k 4k 2k not Platform : Intel(R) Matrix Storage ManagerVirtual RAID on CPURapid Storage Technology%s RAID Levels :%s%s%s%s%s Max Disks : %d UnknownIMSM_NO_PLATFORMahciiscimust be a non-empty stringmust be 16 characters or lessalready exists%s: imsm volume name %s Write PPL header failed journal active spare Disk%02d Serial : %s Disk Serial : %s State :%s%s%s%s Id : %08x Usable Size : %llu%s VMDRAID controllerErr!Read PPL header failed1. found Intel(R) SATA SAS NVMe VMD domain at %s I/O Controller : %s (%s) /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvme/sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvme/%s NVMe under VMD : %s NVMe Device : %s ata%dhost%d%.64s %.64s%s: %s - invalid path name Port%d : %s (%.*s) () MISSING_%d%s: BUG mpb setup error %s/deviceWrite migr_rec failedno-ppl%uNormalContains Data%s: no IMSM anchor on %s super-intel.csuper->disks == NULL/%s/%d UUID=%s UUID : %s MD_METADATA=imsmMD_LEVEL=containerMD_UUID=%s MD_DEVICES=%u ARRAY metadata=imsmARRAY metadata=imsm UUID=%s incorrect_ (out-of-sync)dirty Magic : %s Version : %s Orig Family : %08x Family : %08x Generation : %08x Attributes : All supportednot supported Checksum : %08x %s MPB Sectors : %d Disks : %d RAID Devices : %d Bad Block Management Log: Log Size : %d Signature : %x Entry Count : %d [%.16s]: RAID Level : %d <-- %d Members : %d Slots : [ <-- [ Failed disk : %i This Slot : %d%s Sector Size : %u Array Size : %llu%s Per Dev Size : %llu%s Sector Offset : %llu Num Stripes : %llu Chunk Size : %u KiB <-- %u KiB Reserved : %d Migrate State : rebuildgeneral migrationstate change Map State : %s <-- %s Checkpoint : %u (N/A)(%llu) Dirty State : %s RWH Policy : offPPL distributedPPL journaling driveMultiple distributed PPLs This Slot : ? (IMSM). /dev/%s: Cannot open %s: %s %s: imsm: Cannot open %s: %s %s: cannot open component %s: Error restoring stripes %s: Cannot seek to block: %s %s: Cannot restore block: %s sync_maxdelayed%s: %ssuspend_losuspend_hiSASSATANVMenormaluninitializedIMSM_SUPPORTED_RAID_LEVELS=%s%s%s%s%s IMSM_SUPPORTED_CHUNK_SIZES=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s IMSM_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_ARRAY=%d IMSM_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_CONTROLLER=%d %s: (IMSM): Unsupported attributes : %x %s: %s doesn't appear to be part of a raid array No bad-blocks list configured on %s Version : %d.%d.%d.%d Chunk Sizes :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s 2TB volumes :%s supported 2TB disks :%s supported Max Volumes : %d per array, %d per %s HBAs of devices do not match %s != %s %s: IMSM_DETAIL_PLATFORM_ERROR=NO_INTEL_DEVICES %s: IMSM_DETAIL_PLATFORM_ERROR=NO_IMSM_CAPABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_%s %s: Invalid file descriptor for %s %s: platform supports a maximum of %d disks per array %s: platform does not support raid%d with %d disk%s %s: platform does not support a chunk size of: %d %s: imsm raid 5 only supports the left-asymmetric layout %s: imsm raid 10 only supports the n2 layout %s: imsm unknown layout %#x for this raid level %d %s: platform does not support a volume size over 2TB Failed to seek to PPL header location%s: Failed to allocate PPL header buffer %s: WARNING - Cannot detect HBA for device %s! %s: WARNING - HBAs of devices do not match %s != %s %s: WARNING - IMSM container assembled with disks under different HBAs! This operation is not supported and can lead to data loss. %s: WARNING - IMSM container assembled with disks under HBAs without IMSM platform support! This operation is not supported and can lead to data loss. %s: imsm: %s is a partition, cannot be used in IMSM %s: %s is not attached to Intel(R) RAID controller. %s: %s is attached to Intel(R) %s %s (%s), but the container is assigned to Intel(R) %s %s (). Mixing devices attached to different controllers is not allowed. %s: not enough devices with space to create array. %s: attempting to create a second volume with size less then remaining space. Aborting... %s: Failed to update subarray %s %s: imsm: imsm_disk_slot_to_ord %d out of range 0..%d %s: data-offset not supported by imsm %s: This imsm-container already has the maximum of %d volumes %s: unable to add 'missing' disk to container %s: imsm does not support more than 2 disksin a raid1 volume %s: imsm does not support consistency policy %s %s: could not allocate superblock %s: could not allocate migr_rec buffer %s: could not allocate new mpb %s: Failed to retrieve serial for %s %s: no active Intel(R) RAID controller found. %s: imsm capabilities not found for controller: %s (type %s) %s: no active Intel(R) RAID controller found under %s 3rd party NVMe :%s supported /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvme/%s/subsystem%s: failed to get devices attached to VMD domain. %s: port_count %d out of range /sys/dev/block/%d:%d/device/xxxxxxx%s: failed to allocate 'device' /sys/dev/block/%d:%d/device/type%s: failed to read device type for %s /sys/dev/block/%d:%d/device/vendor/sys/dev/block/%d:%d/device/model%s: failed to determine port number for %s Port%d : - non-disk device (%s) - Port%d : - disk info unavailable - Port%d : - no device attached - %s: failed to enumerate ports on SATA controller at %s. %s: error: unsuported process update type:(type: %d) %s: error: imsm_activate_spare passed an unknown disk (index: %d) %s: subarry index %d, out of range %s: shall be used in mdmon context only %s: %s: Cannot add spare devices to IMSM volume %s: Combining drives of different sector size in one volume is not allowed %s: %s has been included in this array twice %s: failed to retrieve scsi serial, aborting %s: failed to get devpath, aborting %s: The action you are about to take may put your data at risk. Please note that x8 devices may consist of two separate x4 devices located on a single PCIe port. RAID 0 is the only supported configuration for this type of x8 device. %s: Platform configuration does not support non-Intel NVMe drives. Please refer to Intel(R) RSTe/VROC user guide. %s: %s is not a member of the same container %s: Unable to update name of active subarray %s: deleting subarray-%d would change the UUID of active subarray-%d, aborting failed for device %d:%d (fd: %d)%s %s: failed for device %d:%d %s Migration Record Information: Empty Examine one of first two disks in array Status : Current Unit : %u Family : %u Ascending : %u Blocks Per Unit : %u Dest. Depth Per Unit : %u Checkpoint Area pba : %u First member lba : %u Total Number of Units : %u Size of volume : %u Expansion space for LBA64 : %u Record was read from : %u %s: Cannot seek to anchor block: %s %s: Cannot read migr record block: %s %s: Cannot write migr record block: %s %s: %s: device to small for imsm %s: Cannot seek to anchor block on %s: %s %s: Failed to allocate imsm anchor buffer on %s %s: Cannot read anchor block on %s: %s %s: unable to allocate %zu byte mpb buffer %s: IMSM checksum %x != %x on %s %s: Cannot seek to extended mpb on %s: %s %s: Cannot read extended mpb on %s: %s ARRAY /dev/md/%.16s container=%s member=%d UUID=%s Multiple PPLs on journaling drive%s: cannot open device %s: %s %s: Conflict, offlining family %#x on '%s' %s: Chose family %#x on '%s', assemble conflicts to new container with '--update=uuid' %s: Unsupported migration detected%s: cannot allocate memory for imsm supertype %s: RAID geometry validation failed. Cannot proceed with the action(s). %s: imsm: Not enough devices with space for this array (%d < %d) %s: %s is not in the same imsm set %s: %s is a spare and a volume is already defined for this container %s: The option-rom requires all member disks to be a member of all volumes %s: unable to determine free space for: %s %s: %s not enough space (%llu < %llu) %s: no free space left on device. Aborting... %s: not enough space to create volume of given size (%llu < %llu). Aborting... %s: platform does not support more than %d raid volumes. %s: %d exceeds maximum number of platform supported disks: %d %s: %s exceeds maximum platform supported size %s: Given size must be greater than 1M and chunk size. %s: Cannot create this array on device %s %s: Cannot use %s: It is busy %s: failed container membership check %s: No OROM/EFI properties for %s %s: Failed to load all information sections on %s %s: Not enough disks can be opened. %s: Cannot open some devices belonging to array. %s: Cannot read copy area block: %s %s: Cannot restore data from backup. Too many failed disks %s: Unsupported attributes in IMSM metadata.Arrays activation is blocked. %s: cannot assemble volume '%.16s': unsupported migration in progress %s: IMSM RAID geometry validation failed. Array %s activation is blocked. %s: Error. Requested Layout not supported (left-asymmetric layout is supported only)! %s: Error. Level Migration from %d to %d not supported! %s: Error. Layout Migration from %d to %d not supported! %s: Error. Chunk size change for RAID 10 is not supported. %s: New chunk size (%dK) does not evenly divide device size (%lluk). Aborting... %s: Error. Size expansion is supported only (current size is %llu, requested size /rounded/ is 0). %s: Error. Size change should be the only one at a time. %s: Error. The last volume in container can be expanded only (%i/%s). %s: Error. Cannot find maximum available space. %s: Error. Size expansion is supported only (current size is %llu, requested size /rounded/ is %llu). %s: Error. Requested size is larger than maximum available size (maximum available size is %llu, requested size /rounded/ is %llu). %s: Error. Cannot perform operation on %s- for this operation it MUST be single array in container %s: imsm: ERROR: Cannot get spare devices for %s. %s: (imsm) Operation is not allowed on this container %s: cannot get spare device for requested migration %s: Cannot find %s (%s) subarray There is no volume during migrationg Number of migrating volumes greater than 1 @`вP@@_E*___gDd4L$Lload_imsm_diskIntel Raid ISM C%s: mbr metadata cannot be used this way %s: Cannot read partition table on %s %s: No partition table found on %s Partition[%d] : %12lu sectors at %12lu (type %02x) mbr MBR Magic : %04x %s: gpt metadata cannot be used this way Partition[%02d] : %12llu sectors at %12llu gpt GPT Magic : %llx GPT Revision : %ld %s: RAID%d layout %x with %d disks is unsupported for DDF %s: DDF RAID %u qualifier %u with %u disks is unsupported %s: Unsupported secondary RAID level %u/%u %s: device %d/%d of subarray %d not found in meta data %s: new subarray %d contains broken device %d/%d (%02x) %s: subarray %d doesn't exist %s: no space for sec level config %u, count is %u %s: BUG: other_bvds is NULL, nsec=%u %s: Could't find disk %d in array %u %s: no match for BVD %d of %s in update %s: could not allocate other bvds %s: could not allocate vcl buf %s: could not allocate spare info buf %s: could not allocate disk info buffer %s: %s: insufficient data (%d) for %u BVDs %s: no DDF anchor found on %s %s: can only support super revision %.8s and earlier, not %.8s on %s %s: Failed to load primary DDF header on %s %s: Failed to load secondary DDF header on %s %s: %s is too small for ddf: size is %llu sectors. %s: %s is an odd size for ddf: size is %llu bytes. %s: DDF cannot create a container within an container %s: ddf: Not enough devices with space for this array (%d < %d) %s: ddf: %s is not in the same DDF set %s: DDF does not support level %d /layout %d arrays with %d disks %s: not enough spare devices to create array. %s: ddf: Cannot create this array on device %s - a container is required. %s: No BVDs for secondary RAID found %s: Secondary RAID level only supported for mirrored BVD %s: Secondary RAID level %d is unsupported %s: Inconsistent secondary RAID level across BVDs %s: Different RAID levels for BVDs are unsupported %s: All BVDs must have the same number of primary elements %s: Different strip sizes for BVDs are unsupported %s: Different BVD sizes are unsupported ARRAY%s%s container=%s member=%d UUID=%s Chunk Size[%d] : %d sectors Secondary Position[%d] : %d of %d Number RefNo Size Device Type/State Physical disks not in metadata!:%s: BUG: can't find disk %d (%d/%d) %s: failed to allocate %d bytes %s: file descriptor for invalid device %s: cannot find raid disk %d (%d/%d) %s: unsupported RAID level/layout %d/%d with %d disks %s: could not allocate vd_config %s: Cannot find spare slot for virtual disk %s: This ddf already has an array called %s %s: device size must be at least 32MB %s: %x:%x: workspace size 0x%llx too big, ignoring %s: could allocate buffer for new disk, aborting %s: No free slot in array, cannot add disk PpMM(0MMMX22˺2222222222n2222222222222ZppVpppppppppppppppppppppp faulty%c%s: Write to state_fd failed %02X ( %D %T Container GUID : Seq : %08x Virtual Disks : %d %s: could not find VD %s %s: could not find conf %s %s: bad header magic %s: bad CRC %s: header mismatch %s: bad CRC on anchor on %s 01.02.00%s: malloc of %zu failed. _reshape_progress%s: ddf: Cannot open %s: %s %s: ddf: Cannot use %s: %s MD_METADATA=ddfARRAY metadata=ddf UUID=%s /dev/md/Not ConsistentMorphing, pass-through, foreignGlobal-Spare, Missing, Unrecovered-Read-Errors, SMART-errors, in-transition, Rebuilding, FailedOnlineOffline Version : %.8s Controller GUID : Redundant hdr : %s state[%d] : %s, %s%s init state[%d] : %s access[%d] : %s Name[%d] : %.16s Raid Devices[%d] : %d (--@%lluK Raid Level[%d] : %s Secondary Level[%d] : %s Device Size[%d] : %llu Array Size[%d] : %llu Physical Disks : %d %3d %08x %8lluK %-15s %s%s%s%s%s/%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %08x %s VD GUID[%d] : unit[%d] : %d %15s%s: BUG: invalid raid disk %s: nothing to kill %s: couldn't find disk %d/%d %s: cannot find raid disk %d What Is My PID??%s: could not allocate vd %s: could not allocate pd %8s%04d%02d%02dInformation: nil%17.17sStripedMirroredConcatSpannedRAID0RAID1RAID3RAID4RAID1EJBODCONCATRAID5ERAID5EERAID6Read/WriteReservedRead OnlyBlocked (no access)Not InitialisedQuickInit in ProgressFully Initialised*UNKNOWN*DegradedDeletedPartially Optimal-reserved- 0w,aQ mjp5cd2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqg<GK k 5lBɻ@l2u\E Y=ѫ0&:QQaп!#ijV(_ $ |o/LhXa=-fAvq Ҙ*q俟3Ըx4  j-=mld\cQkkbal0eNbl{WٰeP긾|bI-|ӌeLXaMQ:t0AJו=mѤjiCn4Fgи`s-D3_L | jm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&cju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-%s/external:%s %s: Failed to unfreeze %s %s: mdmon instance for %s cannot be disabled %s: failed to read /proc/mdstat while disabling mdmon %s: failed to read sysfs for subarray%s %s: failed to freeze subarray%s %s: failed to read /proc/mdstat while unblocking container ZZZZ%s: failed to open bitmap file %s: %s %s: No bitmap possible with %s metadata %s: failed to read superblock of bitmap file: %s %s: WARNING: bitmap file is not large enough for array size %llu! %s: failed to allocate 8192 bytes %s: This is an md array. To view a bitmap you need to examine %s: a member device, not the array. %s: Reporting bitmap that would be used if this array were used %s: as a member of some other array %s: invalid bitmap magic 0x%x, the bitmap file appears %s: to be corrupted or missing. %s: unknown bitmap version %d, either the bitmap file %s: is corrupted or you need to upgrade your tools UUID : %08x:%08x:%08x:%08x Daemon : %ds flush period Bitmap : %llu bits (chunks), %llu dirty (%2.1f%%) Unable to open bitmap file on node: %i Unable to read bitmap on node: %i %s: invalid bitmap magic 0x%x, the bitmap file appears to be corrupted %s: bitmap file %s already exists, use --force to overwrite %s: failed to write superblock to bitmap file %s: %s %s: failed to write bitmap file %s: %s %s: %s doesn't have bitmap Filename : %s Magic : %08x Version : %d Events : %llu Events Cleared : %llu State : %s KBTB%lu %s Chunksize : %s Allow write behind, max %d Write Mode : %s Sync Size : %llu%s Cluster nodes : %d Cluster name : %-64s Node Slot : %d ftrunaceOKOut of date\]]]p]`]P]\Y@: memory allocation failure - aborting /sys/firmware/efi/efivars%s/%s-%s/sys/firmware/efi/vars%s/%s-%s/size%s/%s-%s/data%s/vendorpci/sys/bus/%s/drivers/%s/sys/bus/%s/drivers/%s/%sclassIMSM_TEST_OROM_NORAID5IMSM_TEST_AHCI_EFI_NORAID5IMSM_TEST_SCU_EFI_NORAID5RstScuVRstSataVIMSM_TEST_AHCI_EFIIMSM_TEST_SCU_EFIIMSM_TEST_OROMRstUefiVRstsSatVRstCSatVIMSM_SAFE_OROM_SCAN/sys/dev/block/%d:%d/deviceIMSM_TEST_AHCI_DEVIMSM_TEST_SCU_DEV/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vmd/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vmd/%s%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x/sys/bus/%s/drivers/%s/%s/subsystem/sys/bus/%s/drivers/%s/%s/domain/device%s: Unable to get real path for '%s' /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vmd/%s/domain/device/dev/memVideo ROMAdapter ROM; #|ATJ| K|TCT4HTHTJTLKTHLTLUM UtMUN+U,O8U|P{UQULRU,SU$UUVUWU|WUhXUYVp]-V^7V_DV|p\VR$> S8>lSL>S`>S>T>\WP?W?,Y?lY?Y?Z@lZ4@l[@L]@\^A^(A_s|?sB\tCt\DtlDtEuFPuGu|HuI vI(v\JDvKvlLvLvMwN4w0 FNO Dy  AABD )H`8ĭFBA A(Q^ (D ABBF <h|EM Z AC 0`İFMA D@p  AABA ,0FAA  ABA (LFDC {ABLԱFBB B(A0A8D2 8D0A(B BBBG @EG AA (drEAK@Y AAA nK] A 0HPFAF e ABK DEBdE H D(FAD0F DBI `,xFBB A(A0DABEABEJr 0D(A BBBI  E D DHI@FDG A(D0 (D BBBH  H"( dCEDG pAA,LyKAD aABDL|ػOFBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBE 8dS(FFJ ABA @CFGE D(A0J 0A(A BBBK 4TiFDA F(D0J(D ABBHFDF A(D0 (A ABBJ D(C DBBHlFGG A(A0s (D BBBE [(D BBBL$FDE F(A0H (D BBBH G (A BBBB ,t KAA nABA4pFMP IH  DBBD 8El0FAD J  DABG T, FBB B(A0A8G L@IAd 8D0A(B BBBE @aI0FHA GB  AABD @FRH DbSWAN  AABE 8$@yFLJ I(Gp@ (A BBBA 8`yFLJ I(Gp@ (A BBBA 0FRP Du  AABK 0TE\oNZA_ DA 0EYbSWAX AD 08<FHC Dp  AABH (lHFDD c DBI 8=FBD F(I (D ABBH (HFED f BBG (HFFC i DBB (,8HFED f BBG (X\FNZPa ABA DFBB A(A0J 5 0D(A BBBJ dxFBB B(A0A8G L@I@z 8D0A(B BBBG @hAc@A@H4zFBA A(QE (D ABBG Yv[ALFOM Q(A0A8G1 8D0A(B BBBA 4EP0z AH <FGD A(Iy (D ABBC `4 `BBB B(A0A8D`} 8A0C(B DBED a8F0A(B BBB( VBDD HAB< 7BEJ A(D0b (E BBBE \!BBE G(A0e (A BBBC t (A BFBA A(C BBB$d!@BADG sAAL!hBBB B(A0A8G` 8A0A(B BBBE (!YAAG y AAD " "Fg C DD$@"7ADD dDAPh",&BBB B(A0A8G L" 8D0A(B BBBA "2L"4FBE B(A0A8D  8A0A(B BBBH  #ET8<#FSA A(J (D ABBB x#{Kj A <#SNBB A(D0 (H BBBG D#EFBB A(F0L 0A(A BBBA ($FHA kKBH$|)JWGd$"E\4$^FED D(D0}(D ABB<$KLD A(G0\(A ABBAP$ OEB I(D0A8G@ 8D0A(B BBBD H(L%EFDF qAB@x%FBB A(A0D@ 0D(A BBBA % %)JWGD%SFAA G I  D H A f  AABG \4&"FBB B(A0A8G I w L k A f 8D0A(B BBBH &-<&EAGJ AAG NKWAH&FBB B(A0A8D`8A0A(B BBB44'GFBA G I   ABBC 8l'DFBA D(JG (C ABBJ 'G A ,'FAG I  ABA 'P#(lsKb A $(H i G @(D.E]\\(XFBB B(A0A8G: 8D0A(B BBBA DMcAH(FHE B(A0I8FP 8D0A(B BBBA H)WBPB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBD T) 8h) FOL K([ (A ABBF )` sKb A ) #L) 0FBD A(D0| (M FBBL  (D ABBL $* lEU F D* 1Hh \*8 FGw BJ * 0H* FGA A(G0^ (D ABBC D(D DBB(*DIFDD pDB` +hFFEE E(A0D8G@lHDPiHA@c 8D0A(B BBBE _HDPiHA@Hp+TFGE E(A0A8I 8D0A(B BBBC ,+(EMO AAD +x*Ha, , ,,@,T,/,h,OKAI hABH,EL,,\,h;, -G-U,-,@-$kKDA OABF4p-dFAA  ABH DAE- BBB B(A0K8D`hCpQhV`hFpExITBAFHFDDI`r8C0H(G BBBD0.BBB B(A0A8DPi8D0A(B BBB4x.L2BBA G L#J  ABBI .T?Tj.|a.5Ao.MB} A P/0MBG I(A0D8FP 8A0A(B BBBE pHh/FHB B(A0H8Kpc 8D0A(B BBBJ 8/pFBD A(G (A ABBA /D{@s0H0xlFBB E(A0A8DP 8D0A(B BBBF 0h0BDC D@  AABE H0h BEA A(G0T (D ABBC D(D DBBH0 $BBB B(A0A8DPr 8C0A(B BBBD L41!BEL B(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBA 10#BKB B(A0I8D`hCpQhV`hIpFxEPFAFHFDDI`x 8A0H(G DBBO `2%FBA A(D0 (A ABBD  (A ABBA O (F ABBE zRx 0$ ,2'FAG L! 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Each line is constructed of a number of space separated words, and can be continued on subsequent physical lines by indenting those lines. A device line starts with the word 'device' and then has a number of words which identify devices. These words should be names of devices in the filesystem, and can contain wildcards. There can be multiple words or each device line, and multiple device lines. All devices so listed are checked for relevant super blocks when assembling arrays. An array line start with the word 'array'. This is followed by the name of the array device in the filesystem, e.g. '/dev/md2'. Subsequent words describe the identity of the array, used to recognise devices to include in the array. The identity can be given as a UUID with a word starting 'uuid=', or as a minor-number stored in the superblock using 'super-minor=', or as a list of devices. This is given as a comma separated list of names, possibly containing wildcards, preceded by 'devices='. If multiple critea are given, than a device must match all of them to be considered. Other configuration lines include: mailaddr, mailfrom, program used for --monitor mode create, auto used when creating device names in /dev homehost, policy, part-policy used to guide policy in various situations Usage: mdadm --incremental [-Rqrsf] device This usage allows for incremental assembly of md arrays. Devices can be added one at a time as they are discovered. Once an array has all expected devices, it will be started. Optionally, the process can be reversed by using the fail option. When fail mode is invoked, mdadm will see if the device belongs to an array and then both fail (if needed) and remove the device from that array. Options that are valid with incremental assembly (-I --incremental) are: --run -R : Run arrays as soon as a minimal number of devices are : present rather than waiting for all expected. --quiet -q : Don't print any information messages, just errors. --rebuild-map -r : Rebuild the 'map' file that mdadm uses for tracking : partial arrays. --scan -s : Use with -R to start any arrays that have the minimal : required number of devices, but are not yet started. --fail -f : First fail (if needed) and then remove device from : any array that it is a member of. Usage: mdadm --grow device options This usage causes mdadm to attempt to reconfigure a running array. This is only possibly if the kernel being used supports a particular reconfiguration. Options that are valid with the grow (-G --grow) mode are: --level= -l : Tell mdadm what level to convert the array to. --layout= -p : For a FAULTY array, set/change the error mode. : for other arrays, update the layout --size= -z : Change the active size of devices in an array. : This is useful if all devices have been replaced : with larger devices. Value is in Kilobytes, or : the special word 'max' meaning 'as large as possible'. --assume-clean : When increasing the --size, this flag will avoid : a resync of the new space --chunk= -c : Change the chunksize of the array --raid-devices= -n : Change the number of active devices in an array. --add= -a : Add listed devices as part of reshape. This is : needed for resizing a RAID0 which cannot have : spares already present. --bitmap= -b : Add or remove a write-intent bitmap. --backup-file= file : A file on a different device to store data for a : short time while increasing raid-devices on a : RAID4/5/6 array. Also needed throughout a reshape : when changing parameters other than raid-devices --array-size= -Z : Change visible size of array. This does not change any : data on the device, and is not stable across restarts. --data-offset= : Location on device to move start of data to. --consistency-policy= : Change the consistency policy of an active array. -k : Currently works only for PPL with RAID5. Usage: mdadm --monitor options devices This usage causes mdadm to monitor a number of md arrays by periodically polling their status and acting on any changes. If any devices are listed then those devices are monitored, otherwise all devices listed in the config file are monitored. The address for mailing advisories to, and the program to handle each change can be specified in the config file or on the command line. There must be at least one destination for advisories, whether an email address, a program, or --syslog Options that are valid with the monitor (-F --follow) mode are: --mail= -m : Address to mail alerts of failure to --program= -p : Program to run when an event is detected --alert= : same as --program --syslog -y : Report alerts via syslog --increment= -r : Report RebuildNN events in the given increment. default=20 --delay= -d : seconds of delay between polling state. default=60 --config= -c : specify a different config file --scan -s : find mail-address/program in config file --daemonise -f : Fork and continue in child, parent exits --pid-file= -i : In daemon mode write pid to specified file instead of stdout --oneshot -1 : Check for degraded arrays, then exit --test -t : Generate a TestMessage event against each array at startup Usage: mdadm misc_option devices... This usage is for performing some task on one or more devices, which may be arrays or components, depending on the task. The --misc option is not needed (though it is allowed) and is assumed if the first argument in a misc option. Options that are valid with the miscellaneous mode are: --query -Q : Display general information about how a device relates to the md driver --detail -D : Display details of an array --detail-platform : Display hardware/firmware details --examine -E : Examine superblock on an array component --examine-bitmap -X: Display contents of a bitmap file --examine-badblocks: Display list of known bad blocks on device --zero-superblock : erase the MD superblock from a device. --run -R : start a partially built array --stop -S : deactivate array, releasing all resources --readonly -o : mark array as readonly --readwrite -w : mark array as readwrite --test -t : exit status 0 if ok, 1 if degrade, 2 if dead, 4 if missing --wait -W : wait for resync/rebuild/recovery to finish --action= : initiate or abort ('idle' or 'frozen') a 'check' or 'repair'. Usage: mdadm arraydevice options component devices... This usage is for managing the component devices within an array. The --manage option is not needed and is assumed if the first argument is a device name or a management option. The first device listed will be taken to be an md array device, any subsequent devices are (potential) components of that array. Options that are valid with management mode are: --add -a : hotadd subsequent devices to the array --re-add : subsequent devices are re-added if there were : recent members of the array --remove -r : remove subsequent devices, which must not be active --fail -f : mark subsequent devices a faulty --set-faulty : same as --fail --replace : mark device(s) to be replaced by spares. Once : replacement completes, device will be marked faulty --with : Indicate which spare a previous '--replace' should : prefer to use --run -R : start a partially built array --stop -S : deactivate array, releasing all resources --readonly -o : mark array as readonly --readwrite -w : mark array as readwrite Usage: mdadm --assemble device options... mdadm --assemble --scan options... This usage assembles one or more raid arrays from pre-existing components. For each array, mdadm needs to know the md device, the identity of the array, and a number of sub devices. These can be found in a number of ways. The md device is given on the command line, is found listed in the config file, or can be deduced from the array identity. The array identity is determined either from the --uuid, --name, or --super-minor commandline arguments, from the config file, or from the first component device on the command line. The different combinations of these are as follows: If the --scan option is not given, then only devices and identities listed on the command line are considered. The first device will be the array device, and the remainder will be examined when looking for components. If an explicit identity is given with --uuid or --super-minor, then only devices with a superblock which matches that identity is considered, otherwise every device listed is considered. If the --scan option is given, and no devices are listed, then every array listed in the config file is considered for assembly. The identity of candidate devices are determined from the config file. After these arrays are assembled, mdadm will look for other devices that could form further arrays and tries to assemble them. This can be disabled using the 'AUTO' option in the config file. If the --scan option is given as well as one or more devices, then Those devices are md devices that are to be assembled. Their identity and components are determined from the config file. If mdadm can not find all of the components for an array, it will assemble it but not activate it unless --run or --scan is given. To preserve this behaviour even with --scan, add --no-degraded. Note that "all of the components" means as many as were present the last time the array was running as recorded in the superblock. If the array was already degraded, and the missing device is not a new problem, it will still be assembled. It is only newly missing devices that cause the array not to be started. Options that are valid with --assemble (-A) are: --bitmap= : bitmap file to use with the array --uuid= -u : uuid of array to assemble. Devices which don't have this uuid are excluded --super-minor= -m : minor number to look for in super-block when choosing devices to use. --name= -N : Array name to look for in super-block. --config= -c : config file --scan -s : scan config file for missing information --run -R : Try to start the array even if not enough devices for a full array are present --force -f : Assemble the array even if some superblocks appear : out-of-date. This involves modifying the superblocks. --update= -U : Update superblock: try '-A --update=?' for option list. --no-degraded : Assemble but do not start degraded arrays. --readonly -o : Mark the array as read-only. No resync will start. Usage: mdadm --build device -chunk=X --level=Y --raid-devices=Z devices This usage is similar to --create. The difference is that it creates a legacy array without a superblock. With these arrays there is no different between initially creating the array and subsequently assembling the array, except that hopefully there is useful data there in the second case. The level may only be 0, 1, 10, linear, multipath, or faulty. All devices must be listed and the array will be started once complete. Options that are valid with --build (-B) are: --bitmap= : file to store/find bitmap information in. --chunk= -c : chunk size of kibibytes --rounding= : rounding factor for linear array (==chunk size) --level= -l : 0, 1, 10, linear, multipath, faulty --raid-devices= -n : number of active devices in array --bitmap-chunk= : bitmap chunksize in Kilobytes. --delay= -d : bitmap update delay in seconds. Usage: mdadm --create device --chunk=X --level=Y --raid-devices=Z devices This usage will initialise a new md array, associate some devices with it, and activate the array. In order to create an array with some devices missing, use the special word 'missing' in place of the relevant device name. Before devices are added, they are checked to see if they already contain raid superblocks or filesystems. They are also checked to see if the variance in device size exceeds 1%. If any discrepancy is found, the user will be prompted for confirmation before the array is created. The presence of a '--run' can override this caution. If the --size option is given then only that many kilobytes of each device is used, no matter how big each device is. If no --size is given, the apparent size of the smallest drive given is used for raid level 1 and greater, and the full device is used for other levels. Options that are valid with --create (-C) are: --bitmap= -b : Create a bitmap for the array with the given filename : or an internal bitmap if 'internal' is given --chunk= -c : chunk size in kibibytes --rounding= : rounding factor for linear array (==chunk size) --level= -l : raid level: 0,1,4,5,6,10,linear,multipath and synonyms --parity= -p : raid5/6 parity algorithm: {left,right}-{,a}symmetric --layout= : same as --parity, for RAID10: [fno]NN --raid-devices= -n : number of active devices in array --spare-devices= -x : number of spare (eXtra) devices in initial array --size= -z : Size (in K) of each drive in RAID1/4/5/6/10 - optional --data-offset= : Space to leave between start of device and start : of array data. --force -f : Honour devices as listed on command line. Don't : insert a missing drive for RAID5. --run -R : insist of running the array even if not all : devices are present or some look odd. --readonly -o : start the array readonly - not supported yet. --name= -N : Textual name for array - max 32 characters --bitmap-chunk= : bitmap chunksize in Kilobytes. --delay= -d : bitmap update delay in seconds. --write-journal= : Specify journal device for RAID-4/5/6 array --consistency-policy= : Specify the policy that determines how the array -k : maintains consistency in case of unexpected shutdown. Any parameter that does not start with '-' is treated as a device name or, for --examine-bitmap, a file name. The first such name is often the name of an md device. Subsequent names are often names of component devices. Some common options are: --help -h : General help message or, after above option, mode specific help message --help-options : This help message --version -V : Print version information for mdadm --verbose -v : Be more verbose about what is happening --quiet -q : Don't print un-necessary messages --brief -b : Be less verbose, more brief --export -Y : With --detail, --detail-platform or --examine use key=value format for easy import into environment --force -f : Override normal checks and be more forceful --assemble -A : Assemble an array --build -B : Build an array without metadata --create -C : Create a new array --detail -D : Display details of an array --examine -E : Examine superblock on an array component --examine-bitmap -X: Display the detail of a bitmap file --examine-badblocks: Display list of known bad blocks on device --monitor -F : monitor (follow) some arrays --grow -G : resize/ reshape and array --incremental -I : add/remove a single device to/from an array as appropriate --query -Q : Display general information about how a device relates to the md driver --auto-detect : Start arrays auto-detected by the kernel mdadm is used for building, managing, and monitoring Linux md devices (aka RAID arrays) Usage: mdadm --create device options... Create a new array from unused devices. mdadm --assemble device options... Assemble a previously created array. mdadm --build device options... Create or assemble an array without metadata. mdadm --manage device options... make changes to an existing array. mdadm --misc options... devices report on or modify various md related devices. mdadm --grow options device resize/reshape an active array mdadm --incremental device add/remove a device to/from an array as appropriate mdadm --monitor options... Monitor one or more array for significant changes. mdadm device options... Shorthand for --manage. Any parameter that does not start with '-' is treated as a device name or, for --examine-bitmap, a file name. The first such name is often the name of an md device. Subsequent names are often names of component devices. For detailed help on the above major modes use --help after the mode e.g. mdadm --assemble --help For general help on options use mdadm --help-options Usage: mdadm --help for help -ABCDEFGIQhVXYWZ:vqb:c:i:l:p:m:n:x:u:c:d:z:U:N:sa:rfRSow1tye:k:-ABCDEFGIQhVXYWZ:vqb:c:i:l:p:m:n:x:u:c:d:z:U:N:sarfRSow1tye:k:-ABCDEFGIQhVXYWZ:vqbc:i:l:p:m:n:x:u:c:d:z:U:N:sarfRSow1tye:k:mdadm - v4.1 - 2018-10-01 @` ` ?GA.BCDE&F G%I-^=QCX16R8b9p:YǠ\`abF h=Vvq$JŸJlθN:Nոnnxx޺zȣO,eKV-*.7KFLDM/O3X5a_mdsegkuQNIsPĹU˹Z@ڹABuCDDEF RSow 09H,7c7fG>MYT1]tb]iRnSvS|TwdUU1iy<2ɺXغZ[WV;/dev/disk/by-path/DDBA`nj`A@0 |k`:bPam=wr]mbPkЗ4P`P/pz{```p`PLinux-MD@0p0p$p1P p0``!pPpe !&-4%<BMV`t^ a    d7e550ad273af9dd0909941d23922a58f30427.debugRL.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go8Q YaoBnoHH}88h%B@@(PP P P YYYYp  c c2 n $pppxx`  m   0 4T