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Informational messages with trace enabled --clear|-C PR Out: Clear --device=DEVICE|-d DEVICE query or change DEVICE --batch-file|-f FILE run commands from FILE --help|-h output this usage message --hex|-H output response in hex --in|-i request PR In command --out|-o request PR Out command --param-alltgpt|-Y PR Out parameter 'ALL_TG_PT --param-aptpl|-Z PR Out parameter 'APTPL' --read-keys|-k PR In: Read Keys --param-rk=RK|-K RK PR Out parameter reservation key --param-sark=SARK|-S SARK PR Out parameter service action reservation key (SARK is in hex) --preempt|-P PR Out: Preempt --preempt-abort|-A PR Out: Preempt and Abort --prout-type=TYPE|-T TYPE PR Out command type --read-full-status|-s PR In: Read Full Status --read-keys|-k PR In: Read Keys --read-reservation|-r PR In: Read Reservation --register|-G PR Out: Register --register-ignore|-I PR Out: Register and Ignore --release|-L PR Out: Release --report-capabilities|-c PR In: Report Capabilities --reserve|-R PR Out: Reserve --transport-id=TIDS|-X TIDS TransportIDs can be mentioned in several forms --alloc-length=LEN|-l LEN PR In: maximum allocation length 0 registered reservation key. 1 registered reservation key follows: %d registered reservation keys follow: PR generation=0x%x, there is NO reservation held PR generation=0x%x, Reservation follows: Unexpected response for PRIN Report Capabilities Compatible Reservation Handling(CRH): %d Specify Initiator Ports Capable(SIP_C): %d All Target Ports Capable(ATP_C): %d Persist Through Power Loss Capable(PTPL_C): %d Persist Through Power Loss Active(PTPL_A): %d Support indicated in Type mask:Write Exclusive, all registrantsExclusive Access, registrants onlyWrite Exclusive, registrants onlyExclusive Access, all registrants [Unexpected format code: %d] world wide unique port id: %.*s [Unexpected format code: %d] All target ports bit set All target ports bit clear Relative port address: 0x%x << Reservation holder >>badly formed symbolic FCP TransportID: %s badly formed symbolic SAS TransportID: %s build_transportid: array length exceeded v:Cd:hHioYZK:S:PAT:skrGILcRX:l:f:ERROR: -f option not allowed in batch file ERROR: -f option can be used at most once bad argument to '--param-sark' bad argument to '--prout-type' bad argument to '--transport-id' bad argument to '--alloc-length' '--alloc-length' argument exceeds maximum limit(%d) unrecognised switch code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s choose either '--in' or '--out' For Persistent Reserve Out only one appropriate service action must be chosen When a service action for Persistent Reserve Out is chosen the '--out' option must be given No service action given for Persistent Reserve IN Too many service actions given; choose one only Warning: --prout-type probably needs to be given %s: error opening file (rw) fd=%d failed to allocate PRIN response buffer Persistent Reserve IN command failed persistent reserve out: scsi status: Unit Attentionpersistent reserve out: scsi status: Reservation Conflictsyntax error on line %d in batch file PR generation=0x%x, 0x%lx Key = 0x%lx scope = LU_SCOPE, type = %s scope = %d, type = %sReport capabilities response: Type Mask Valid(TMV): %d Allow Commands: %d %s: %d Exclusive AccessWrite Exclusive FCP-2 iSCSI name: %.*s SAS PR generation=0x%x scope: LU_SCOPE, scope: %d type: %s not reservation holder0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF ,i,0xiSCSI name too long, alen=%d %dbad argument to '--verbose' %lxbad argument to '--param-rk' %x%uNo device name given PR out: command failedunable to open %s: %s running batch file %s processing line %d: %s ## file %s line %d:mpathpersistNo parameter used need to be root obsolete [0]obsolete [2]obsolete [4]obsolete [9]obsolete [0xa]obsolete [0xb]obsolete [0xc]obsolete [0xd]obsolete [0xe]obsolete [0xf]verbosecleardevicebatch-filehelphexinoutparam-alltgptparam-aptplparam-rkparam-sarkpreemptpreempt-abortprout-typeread-full-statusread-keysread-reservationregisterregister-ignorereleasereport-capabilitiesreservetransport-idalloc-length2D DDDDDDDDw2DDDDDDDDDDDD[D5DDD-DDDD=; p`P8Xl@d0H0zRx /D$4FJ w?:*3$"\tSDM T(H0UP LHDH@FBB B(A0A8D@ 8D0A(B BBBK HHFKD A(D0 (A ABBA R(H ABB xQ F d$DOH`0%FY A M K i O P H X4FAA  ABD dHILLFEE A(D0 (A BBBJ Q (A BBBH TBBB B(A0A8G L@LB 8A0A(B BBBA ,ȼFAD p AEA D$XeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBBlp'0'b`b`bYYY Zbbcc&c5cDcp B{{o   P~8@ oo oo o, |0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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