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stateclient_write fd %d buf %p len %dAttempted to write to client %d not in CONNECTED stateclient_write: fd %d not ready for writingERROR: client_write: sending to fd %d failed: %sclient_set_events to client %d not in CONNECTED stateERROR: Could not get socket flags!ERROR: Could not set socket to non-blocking modeCould not set send buffer for client socketCould not set receive buffer for client socketClient died mid-connect, aborting device %d connectionclient_notify_connect fd %d result %dclient_notify_connect when client %d is not in CONNECTING1 stateclient_device_add: id %d, location 0x%x, serial %sclient_process in CONNECTED stateReceive from client fd %d failed: %sClient %d message is too long (%d bytes)Client %d message is too short (%d bytes)Client command in fd %d len %d ver %d msg %d tag %dClient %d command received in the wrong stateClient %d version mismatch: expected 0 or 1, got %dCould not parse plist from payload!Could not read valid MessageType node from plist!Could not extract MessageType from plist!Received connect request without device_id!Received connect request without port number!Client %d connection request to device %d port %dUnexpected command '%s' received!Client %d OUT process but nothing to send?Send to client fd %d failed: %d %sClient %d switching to CONNECTED stateERROR: SavePairRecord: DeviceID %d (%s) is not connected client_process: fd %d not found in client listsend_pktsend_plist_pktInvalid protocol %d for outgoing packet (dev %d hdr %p data %p len %d)send_packet(%d, 0x%x, %p, %p, %d)Tried to send packet larger than USB MTU (hdr %d data %d total %d) to device %dusb_send failed while sending packet (len %d) to device %d: %dupdate_connection: sendable %d, events %d, flags %d[OUT] dev=%d sport=%d dport=%d seq=%d ack=%d flags=0x%x window=%d[%d] len=%dconnection_teardown dev %d sport %d dport %dError sending TCP RST to device %d (%d->%d)%s: flushing buffer to client (%u bytes)%s: aborting buffer flush to client after error.%s: aborting buffer flush to client after unsuccessfully attempting for %dms.Error sending TCP ACK (%d->%d)Unable to allocate port for device %dError sending TCP SYN to device %d (%d->%d)Attempted to connect to nonexistent device %dCould not find connection for device %d client %perror reading from client (%d)Attempted to abort for nonexistent connection for device %dToo much data received from USB (%d), file a bugMux data input for device %p: %p len %dIncoming split packet is too large (%d so far), dropping!Gathered mux data from buffer (total size: %d)Appended mux data to buffer (total size: %d)Copied mux data to buffer (size: %d)Incoming packet size mismatch (dev %d, expected %d, got %d)Incoming version packet is too small (%d)Version packet from already initialized device %dDevice %d has unknown version %d.%dConnected to v%d.%d device %d on location 0x%x with serial number %s%s: Error occurred, but empty error message%s: got a type 1 packet without payloadIncoming TCP packet is too small (%d)[IN] dev=%d sport=%d dport=%d seq=%d ack=%d flags=0x%x window=%d[%d] len=%dReceived TCP packet from device %d but the device isn't active yet, discardingNo connection for device %d incoming packet %d->%d[OUT] dev=%d sport=%d dport=%d flags=0x%xConnection refused by device %d (%d->%d)Error sending TCP ACK to device %d (%d->%d)Connection reset by device %d (%d->%d)Input buffer overflow on device %d connection %d->%d (space=%d, payload=%d)Incoming packet for device %d has unknown protocol 0x%x)Cannot find device entry for RX input from USB device %p on location 0x%xConnecting to new device on location 0x%x as ID %dError sending version request packet to device %dRemoved device %d on location 0x%xCannot find device entry while removing USB device %p on location 0x%xSending ACK due to expired timeout (%lu -> %lu)device_client_process (%d)error writing to client (%d)%s: ERROR: %sRST reason: %sdevice_initdevice_kill_connectionsdevice_shutdowndevice_control_inputconnection_teardown%s: Setting UntrustedHostBUID to %s%s: Starting preflight on device %s...%s: ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd on device %s, lockdown error %d%s: ERROR: Could not get lockdownd type from device %s, lockdown error %d%s: Finished preflight on device %s%s: StartSession success for device %s%s: StartSession failed on device %s, lockdown error %d%s: Device %s is not paired with this host.%s: The stored pair record for device %s is invalid. Removing.%s: Could not remove pair record for device %s%s: ERROR: Could not get ProductVersion from device %s, lockdown error %d%s: Could not get ProductVersion string from device %s handle %d%s: Found ProductVersion %s device %s%s: Pair success for device %scom.apple.mobile.insecure_notification_proxy%s: ERROR: Could not start insecure_notification_proxy on %s, lockdown error %dcom.apple.mobile.lockdown.request_paircom.apple.mobile.lockdown.request_host_buid%s: Waiting for user to trust this computer on device %s%s: Finished waiting for notification from device %s, is_device_connected %d%s: Device %s is locked with a passcode. Cannot pair.%s: ERROR: Pair failed for device %s, lockdown error %d%s: ERROR StartSession failed on device %s, lockdown error %d%s: ERROR: ValidatePair failed for device %s, lockdown error %d%s: user trusted this computer on device %s, pairing nowERROR: failed to start preflight worker thread for device %s: %s (%d). Invoking client_device_add() directly but things might not work as expected.UntrustedHostBUIDcom.apple.mobile.lockdownProductVersionlockdownd_set_untrusted_host_buidnp_callbackpreflight_worker_handle_device_add[%H:%M:%S.%03d][%d] %s Failed to request lang ID for device %d-%d (%i)Got lang ID %u for device %d-%dCould not request transfer for device %d-%d (%d)TX callback dev %d-%d len %d -> %d status %dDevice %d-%d TX aborted due to error or disconnectTX transfer timed out for device %d-%dDevice %d-%d TX transfer cancelledTX transfer stalled for device %d-%dDevice %d-%d TX aborted due to disconnectTX transfer overflow for device %d-%dRX callback dev %d-%d len %d status %dDevice %d-%d RX aborted due to error or disconnectRX transfer timed out for device %d-%dDevice %d-%d RX transfer cancelledRX transfer stalled for device %d-%dDevice %d-%d RX aborted due to disconnectRX transfer overflow for device %d-%dCould not get device descriptor for device %d-%d: %dFound new device with v/p %04x:%04x at %d-%dCould not open device %d-%d: %dCould not get configuration for device %d-%d: %dCould not get old configuration descriptor for device %d-%d: %dCould not check kernel ownership of interface %d for device %d-%d: %dDetaching kernel driver for device %d-%d, interface %dCould not detach kernel driver (%d), configuration change will probably fail!Setting configuration for device %d-%d, from %d to %dCould not set configuration %d for device %d-%d: %dCould not get configuration descriptor for device %d-%d: %dEndpoint count mismatch for interface %d of device %d-%dFound interface %d with endpoints %02x/%02x for device %d-%dFound interface %d with swapped endpoints %02x/%02x for device %d-%dEndpoint type mismatch for interface %d of device %d-%dCould not find a suitable USB interface for device %d-%dCould not claim interface %d for device %d-%d: %dFailed to allocate transfer for device %d-%d: %dFailed to allocate transfer buffer for device %d-%d: %dCould not determine wMaxPacketSize for device %d-%d, setting to 64Using wMaxPacketSize=%d for device %d-%dUSB Speed is %g MBit/s for device %d-%dusb_disconnect: cancelling RX xfer %pusb_disconnect: cancelling TX xfer %plibusb_handle_events_timeout for usb_disconnect failed: %dFailed to request serial for device %d-%d (%i)Got serial '%s' for device %d-%dFailed to submit RX transfer to device %d-%d: %dFailed to start RX loop number %dFailed to start any RX loop for device %d-%dFailed to start all %d RX loops. Going on with %d loops. This may have negative impact on device read speed.All %d RX loops started successfullyFailed to submit TX transfer %p len %d to device %d-%d: %dFailed to submit TX ZLP transfer to device %d-%d: %dToo many errors getting device listusb_discover: scanning %d deviceslibusb_get_next_timeout failed: %dlibusb_handle_events_timeout failed: %dusb_init for linux / libusb 1.0Registering for libusb hotplug eventsERROR: Could not register for libusb hotplug events (%d)libusb does not support hotplug events֝7TqڞsߟRUnhandled event %dSend ZLPCould not get device list: %dlibusb_get_pollfds failedusb polling enable: %dusb_discover failed: %dlibusb_init failed: %dusb_shutdown?(@@~@collection_remove: element %p not present in collection %p (cap %d)%s: ERROR: couldn't read %d bytes from %srbwbbuffer_read_from_filenamereading key %s from config_file %ssetting key %s to %s in config_file %ssetting key %s in config_file %sERROR: Failed to write to '%s': %sWARNING: Failed to store SystemBUID, this might be a problemcould not open '%s' for writing: %s%s: ERROR couldn't get HostID from pairing record for udid %s/var/lib/initialized config_dir to %sSystemConfiguration.plistSystemBUIDgot %s %sno previous %s foundABCDEF0123456789using %s as %s%s: failed to read '%s': %scould not remove %s: %sHostIDconfig_device_record_get_host_idconfig_get_device_recordUsage: %s [OPTIONS] Could not notify parent!w/dev/nullRedirection of stderr failed.Caught signal %d, exitinghfvVuU:xXsnzl:usbmuxd 1.1.1ERROR: fdreopen: %susbmuxd v%s starting up/var/run/usbmuxd.pidCould not open lockfilepipe() failed.fork() failed.setsid() failed.fork() failed (second).chdir() failedRedirection of stdin failed.Redirection of stdout failed.Could not daemonize!Lockfile locking failed!Could not write pidfile!Creating socket/var/run/usbmuxdunlink(%s) failed: %ssocket() failed: %sbind() failed: %slisten() failed: %schmod(%s, 02775) failed: %schown(%s, %d, %d) failed: %sInitializing USB%d device%s detectedInitialization completemain_loop iterationUSB timeout is %d msDevice timeout is %d msfd count is %dpoll() returned %dEvent processing interruptedDevice discovery triggeredusb_process() failedclient_accept() failedmain_loop failedusbmuxd shutting downShutdown completehelpforegroundverboseuserdisable-hotplugenable-exitudevsystemdforce-exitlogfileversionExpose a socket to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices. -h, --help Print this message. -v, --verbose Be verbose (use twice or more to increase). -f, --foreground Do not daemonize (implies one -v). -U, --user USER Change to this user after startup (needs USB privileges). -n, --disable-hotplug Disables automatic discovery of devices on hotplug. Starting another instance will trigger discovery instead. -z, --enable-exit Enable "--exit" request from other instances and exit automatically if no device is attached. -u, --udev Run in udev operation mode (implies -n and -z). -s, --systemd Run in systemd operation mode (implies -z and -f). -x, --exit Notify a running instance to exit if there are no devices connected (sends SIGUSR1 to running instance) and exit. -X, --force-exit Notify a running instance to exit even if there are still devices connected (always works) and exit. -l, --logfile=LOGFILE Log (append) to LOGFILE instead of stderr or syslog. -V, --version Print version information and exit.Caught SIGUSR1, checking if we can terminate (no more devices attached)...Refusing to terminate, there are still devices attached. Kill me with signal 15 (TERM) to force quit.Caught SIGUSR2, scheduling device discoveryCaught SIGUSR1/2 but this instance was not started with "--enable-exit", ignoring.ERROR: --logfile requires a non-empty filenameERROR: --logfile cannot be used multiple timesSending signal %d to instance with pid %dCould not deliver signal %d to pid %dCould not determine pid of the other running instance!Another instance is already running (pid %d). exiting.Another instance is already running (pid %d). Telling it to check for devices.Sending signal SIGUSR2 to instance with pid %dCould not deliver SIGUSR2 to pid %dNo running instance found, none killed. Exiting.usbmuxd: ERROR: Failed to get init status from child, check syslog for messages. usbmuxd: ERROR: Child process exited with error %d, check syslog for messages. usbmuxd: FATAL: Could not daemonize! ERROR: Could not get flags for socketERROR: Could not set socket to non-blockingFailed to create required directory '%s': %sstat() failed after creating directory '%s': %sNo user to drop privileges to?Dropping privileges failed, check if user '%s' exists!Not dropping privileges to rootFailed to drop privileges (cannot set supplementary groups)Failed to drop privileges (cannot set group ID to %d)Failed to drop privileges (cannot set user ID to %d)Failed to drop privileges properly!Successfully dropped privileges to '%s'Automatic device discovery on hotplug disabled.Enabled exit on SIGUSR1 if no devices are attached. Start a new instance with "--exit" to trigger. *),),,,,,,,,,,,,,,),),,,),|),,,,"),c)Z),D),8)/var/run/usbmuxd;tm`0@(h9:;, ??Tp@x@ABD@E`FF`GH<JY0ZZ(P[T ^^`, aX `b| d 0fP fx p PrT s t pt `u vX w x y y zX 0{| ` 0 P PH`t p@x0p4pЙ PP0Pp,d @pp0dx`00Ht@<PdЭPpP0`\ `<PzRx 5/D$4 FJ w?:*3$"\XtP (x6BBA BBH\79BLK K(I0D8GPZ 8A0A(B BBBD (P8BDJ@p DBA <08BBD G0c  ABBI c ABB0pD9BBD J  ABBF 8:BBD A(D@ (D ABBA :AD y AA (:bFIN d ABA @04;FIN n ABB n ABG ] ABH t;Jg_<<FBA A(G (D ABBB >Eq J ((?lFKA KHB4l?EGN { AAI g AAG (P?FKA HBH|h@PFBB L(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBF HlAPFBB L(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBF \pBFBB B(K0A8F 8A0A(B BBBI mUOAtR9Hl$(RlEOD FHA(pRBKG N DBH `RBKB B(D0A8GP]XK`XXAPD 8D0A(B BBBA JXJ``XAPD`UA I PdVBBD C(GPdX``AhFpDxHQP~ (D ABBA (VAKD  DAF XbAP W AA `XHFBL B(D0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBG _ 8A0A(B BBBG llZtFED A(F0| (D ABBE | (L HDBJ a (D ABBF }(A ABB$[HFX J B F S\ FBE E(K0A8D 8A0A(B BBBF  8D0A(B BBBE bMpBbvKMRCQLLB0heFID K@D  DBBF 4f@FKD R MIK \ DBF glEI J O(8LhfEDM | HAE 0dhFAA M@  DABE HLiJFBB L(A0A8G`  8D0A(B BBBG $PjE D W A FD (kFBB B(A0A8D@8H0A(B BBBT kDH{4l lFPA A(D0(F ABB< lFPB A(A0(H BBB @mAG x AA L m$FIB J(A0A8G 8C0A(B BBBG (X tEAG0x AAI  0v8